This release requires a database wipe due to new migrations.
- Add "Why digital technologies?" pīkau.
- Store and load readiness level for pīkau.
- Ensure pīkau title fits within pathway diagram nodes. (fixes #56)
- Fix bug where file licence warning displayed wrong licence. (fixes #60)
- Load file data from loader.
- Check files used in pīkau are listed within files application.
- Display links between files and pīkau. (fixes #61)
- Display image preview for files. (fixes #35)
- Add test cases.
- Dependency updates:
- Update django from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6.
- Update django-anymail 2.2 to 3.0.
- Fix bug where slug max length was too short for titles.
- Show pīkau titles on pathway diagram when required. (fixes #49)
- Add 'What is computational thinking?' and 'Computational thinking - The international perspective' pīkau. (fixes #50)
- Update pikau content pages to be closer to iQualify style.
- Fix release script calling invalid command. (fixes #48)
- Update licence. (fixes #52)
- Pīkau documentation updates:
- Update documentation regarding usage of images and videos. (fixes #53)
- State box formatting cannot be used within overview. (fixes #43)
- Update glossary definitions from CS Field Guide material.
- Remove 'Example Pikau' from being loaded (but keep source files as example).
- Dependency updates:
- Update django-tables2 from 2.0.0a2 to 2.0.0a3.
- Update pīkau course content rendering to match iQualify.
- Ensure all pīkau models can be modified via admin interface.
- Display pīkau cover photos with center positioning.
- Alter pīkau content unit header to display course name instead of module name.
- Update "Getting the most out of your time" pīkau:
- Name changed to "Getting the most out of pīkau".
- Minor grammar changes.
- Display pīkau content with iQualify style navigation.
- Add "Getting the most out of your time" pīkau.
- Add files application for tracking files and their licences. (fixes #34)
- Display warning if any files have unknown licence. (fixes #36)
- Allow filtering of files by licence type.
- Allow users to add and update files.
- Allow users to add and update pīkau glossary entries.
- Begin process of replacing manual HTML tables with tables from django-tables2.
- Dependency updates:
- Add django-tables2 2.0.0a2.
- Add django-filter 1.1.0.
- Update django from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5.
- Update django-allauth from 0.35.0 to 0.36.0.
- Update django-anymail from 2.0 to 2.2.
- Update django-debug-toolbar from 1.8 to 1.9.1.
- Update psycopg2 from to 2.7.4.
- Update gunicorn from 19.7.1 to 19.8.1.
- Update python-markdown-math from 0.3 to 0.5.
- Add milestone list and detail pages, with table showing milestone statuses. (fixes #9)
- Add basic searching for FAQ page. (fixes #26)
- Improve formatting of pīkau documentation.
- Fix typo in pīkau docs. (fixes #29)
- Change 'Pīkau' to 'pīkau'. (fixes #30)
- Readiness level is now optional. (fixes #24)
- Add tags to connect pīkau to Self Review Tool (SRT). (fixes #21)
- Explain website and pipeline with documentation. (fixes #14)
- Add link to Google Doc template. (fixes #13)
- Add contact page (further plans to add email form to page).
- Update levels to reflect available options within iQualify.
- Tags now have an optional description.
- Fix bug where readiness level name was duplicated on pathways diagram legend.
- Fix some table sizing issues.
- Initial release of the KTAM content pipeline assistant.