List of all the functions used to change the drawing mode of a grease pencil object.
- To set the draw mode of a shot, when in Continuous mode: uas_shot_manager.greasepencil_select_and_draw is the prefered operator
Change the current object to be the specified one. If the previous object was in a sub-object mode it is set back to object mode.
Set the specified object to Draw mode
Change the drawing tool
Change the drawing stroke placement and axis
*** Do not change anything on the layer context. To add ???
Called by uas_shot_manager.toggle_grease_pencil_draw_mode
*** commented bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
Calling switchToDrawMode
Calls place3DCursor
Called in the UI when pressing the GP icon button Calling switchToDrawMode
Called by:
- uas_shot_manager.stb_frame_drawing
- drawStoryboardRow
- setCurrentShotByIndex called by uas_shot_manager.set_current_shot called by _update_selected_shot_index when the selected item is changed in the templateList
*** Removed in V.2.1.31 ***
Called by:
- devDebug_displayAdv in
- drawGpToolbar in
Does: gp.setInkLayerReadyToDraw(gp_child) utils_greasepencil.switchToDrawMode(context, gp_child) props.isEditingStoryboardFrame = True utils.setPropertyPanelContext(context, "DATA")