This folder contains docker setups that can be used to run local InfluxDB and Telegraf containers. These are used to test various InfluxDB/Telegraf setups.
The command docker-compose up
can be used within each of the following folders to run the containers. Running docker-compose down
will remove the containers.
A description of the various test environments are provided below:
- provides a setup with one instance of Telegraf running and reading/streaming example EWS xml data into InfluxDB
- used to test the xml parser that will be used to read streaming data to InfluxDB
- provides a setup with two instances of Telegraf running with the first instance reading/streaming cpu and memory data into InfluxDB and the second instance listening for tasks sent from Influxdb (currently not successfully)
- used as a test setup to see if Telegraf can listen to tasks from InfluxDB
- same setup as
but runs the streaming data through the execd processor with a python script - includes a new docker container
which installs python allowing python scripts to be run from the Telegraf execd plug-in
- same setup as
is not required to run the above setups but provides the file used to create the derivative natewray/telegraf-python:1.18.2
container which is a copy of the telegraf:1.18.2
container but with python installed. This container is hosted directly on docker hub here but can also be built using the command docker build -t natewray/telegraf-python:1.18.2 - < telegraf-python.docker