Below, briefly describe the specific contribution(s) each team member (including yourself) made to your project. Both partners should contribute to this file from their own perspectives. Point form is fine, but you should use the following format:
- How did the team work together as a whole overall? Great! We did the EDA together, split the hypothesis 1:1 and compiled them together
Plots: First 3 plots - Conrad, Last 2 plots - Aamir
Future Question 1: Aamir
Future Question 2: Conrad
- One or two sentences about the main contributions of {Aamir}
Ontop of helping with the EDA, Aamir completed the analysis of genre releases, sales, developpers over time (last 2 plots). He also proposed the first question for the future studies.
- A few sentences about the main contributions of {Conrad} Ontop of helping with the EDA, Conrad completed the analysis general sales analysis and futher analysis of genres across regions (first 3 plots). He also proposed the second question for the future studies.
- What went well throughout the team mini-project experience?
Worked well, divided the work evenly and were able to combine it in an effective way as well as on time.
- What went poorly throughout the team mini-project experience?
Nothing really, perhaps just ironing out what was expected from some of the steps in the EDA. As you can tell, the video was also very long...