Note: I have no connection with EPHControls and this API may be subject to change. Use of this API is at your own risk.
The ember API was updated in January 2021 and users are slowly being moved to the new API. The document describing the old API from 2020 is available from here
The ember API is a dual HTTPs and MQTT endpoint.
HTTP with JSON is used for authentication, admin, and getting zone information.
MQTT with JSON is used for reading and updating some zone information (e.g. target temperature)
The base HTTP URL is This will be referred to as $HTTP_ENDPOINT for the rest of the document.
The MQTT URL used is and uses TLS to encrypt the traffic. This will be referred to as $MQTT_ENDPOINT for the rest of the document.
Initial login uses the email and password you used to register with the system. Subsequent requests are then authenticated using an access token that is returned during the initial login.
You can use any valid user for this but it would be a good idea to not use the super user for your home and have a dedicated API user
To login for the first time send a POST to $HTTP_ENDPOINT/appLogin/login with a JSON request containing your username and password.
POST /ember-back/appLogin/login HTTP/2.0
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json;charset=utf-8
The form data to POST is
"password": "password",
"model": "iPhone XS",
"os": "13.5",
"type": 2,
"appVersion": "2.0.4",
"userName": "[email protected]"
The response is JSON in the format
"data": {
"refresh_token": "long_refresh_token",
"token": "long_token"
"message": null,
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1615150233365
The token
is required for subsequent requests so it is important to keep this, this should be sent in the Authorization header for all other requests.
The refresh_token
can be used to update the authorization token and should be kept if you are planning on having longer sessions.
To refresh your access token, send a GET to $HTTP_ENDPOINT/appLogin/refreshAccessToken
using the refresh_token
from your login request in the Authorization header
It is unclear how long an access token last for however, it looks to last at least 1 hour.
GET /ember-back/appLogin/refreshAccessToken HTTP/2.0
Accept application/json
Authorization long_refresh_token
The response contains the new authorization and refresh tokens.
"data": {
"refresh_token": "new_long_refresh_token",
"token": "new_long_token"
"message": null,
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1572718395062
The report token message is sent after login. It is unknown that this message does but I don't believe it is required for general usage of the API.
The request is a POST to $HTTP_ENDPOING/user/reportToken
GET /ember-back/user/reportToken HTTP/2.0
Authorization long_token
Accept application/json
With the following JSON
"os": "ios",
"phoneToken": "really_long_phone_token",
"type": 1,
"appVersion": "2.0.4"
The response is the following JSON.
"data": null,
"message": null,
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1615150233469
After login the select user call is made to get user information for the app.
To make a call to select user send a GET request to $HTTP_ENDPOING/user/selectUser
with the token in the Authourization header.
GET /ember-back/user/selectUser HTTP/2.0
Authorization long_token
Accept application/json
The response is a JSON message that includes information about the user.
"data": {
"accessfailedcount": 0,
"appVersion": "2.0.4",
"areacode": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"emailconfirmed": true,
"firstname": "Me",
"id": 1111,
"ip": null,
"lastname": "Me",
"lockoutenabled": true,
"lockoutenddateutc": null,
"model": "iPhone XS",
"newsmarketing": false,
"os": "13.5",
"phonenumber": "0871234567",
"phonenumberconfirmed": false,
"primaryexternalloginprovider": null,
"profilepictureuri": null,
"profilepicurelastsynced": null,
"protocolstatus": 1,
"registrationtime": null,
"securitystamp": "f9e3098b-7b99-45a0-bc23-7f4b399edde6",
"synchroniseprofilepicture": false,
"systemmaintenance": false,
"twofactorenabled": false,
"type": 2,
"useprimaryexternalproviderpicture": false,
"username": "[email protected]"
"message": "The query is successful",
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1615150233473
To get the list of available homes
The request is a GET to the URL $ENDPOINT/homes/list
GET /ember-back/homes/list HTTP/2.0
Authorization long_token
Accept application/json
Content-Length 0
The response is a JSON Blob describing the homes available to your account.
"data": [{
"deviceType": 1,
"gatewayid": "gwid1234",
"invitecode": "ABCD",
"name": "Home",
"productId": null,
"uid": null,
"zoneCount": 2
}, {
"deviceType": 3,
"gatewayid": "gwid1111",
"invitecode": "DDDD",
"name": "Home",
"productId": "1234abcd",
"uid": "011011",
"zoneCount": 1
"message": "succ.",
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1615150233565
The gatewayid
is required for later requests to identify the home that is being controlled.
To get details of your home, you should use the gatewayid
returned from the homes/list
request above.
The request is a POST to the URL $ENDPOINT/homes/detail
passing the gatewayid
in a JSON request
GET /ember-back/homes/detail HTTP/2.0
Authorization long_token
Accept application/json
The JSON to send is:
"gateWayId": "gwid1111"
The response is JSON
"data": {
"settings": {
"holidaymodescheduled": false,
"newuserhasjoinedhome": true,
"userhaslefthome": true,
"userid": 1111,
"zoneboostactivated": false,
"zonescheduleupdated": false
"curAccess": {
"areamanagement": true,
"boost": true,
"eventmanagement": true,
"holidays": true,
"homemanagement": false,
"homeuserid": "homeuserid980",
"roleId": 5,
"scenariomanagement": true,
"schedulesmanagement": true
"wifiVersion": 100116,
"homes": {
"deviceType": 3,
"frostprotectionenabled": null,
"gatewayid": "gwid1111",
"holidaymodeactive": null,
"invitecode": "59A64",
"name": "Home",
"pointDataList": [{
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "id444",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 6,
"pointName": "FrostEnable",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "1"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceid07",
"id": "pdlidc3ce",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 8,
"pointName": "FrostSetTemp",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "5"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlidf4a8",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 10,
"pointName": "HolidayEndTime",
"pointType": 5,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid209b",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 2,
"pointName": "WifiRssi",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "100"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid6782a",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 4,
"pointName": "HolidayFlag",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid2498",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 5,
"pointName": "HolidayCnt",
"pointType": 5,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid5aa6",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 9,
"pointName": "HolidayStartTime",
"pointType": 5,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlidcbf8",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 7,
"pointName": "NoFrostStatus",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "0"
"productId": "productid135",
"quickboosttemperature": 20.00,
"sysTemType": "EMBER-PS",
"uid": "uid011",
"weatherlocation": null,
"zoneCount": 1
"mcuVersion": 0
"message": "succ.",
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1615150236340
This response contains information about the home and of particular for us is looking at the pointDataList
Point Data is used as part of later JSON responses, and also as part of the MQTT requests and responses. The information from this requests can be used to help us find the index, type and initial value for a particular data list.
To get details of your available zones, you should send the gatewayid
to the homesVT/zoneProgram
The request is a POST to the URL $ENDPOINT/homesVT/zoneProgram
passing the gatewayid
in a JSON request
GET /ember-back/homesVT/zoneProgram HTTP/2.0
Authorization long_token
Accept application/json
The JSON to send is:
"gateWayId": "gwid1111"
The response is JSON
"data": [{
"deviceDays": [{
"dayType": 0,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayiddb17",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 70,
"id": "programidb5c1",
"startTime": 70,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid2b84d",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 170,
"id": "programid273ea",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 1,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid57efb",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programida7c41",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid8ea2e",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programid0b9a",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 2,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayidb8b59",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid9e9f0",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programidb169c8",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programided6f",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 3,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayidf99",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid76158",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programidbfb",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programid15319",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 4,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid446b",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid4a789",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid468e2",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programidaa4e2",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 5,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid8341e",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid44f5c",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programidde00",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programid3754",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 6,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid97c5e",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 70,
"id": "programid840a5",
"startTime": 70,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid7c333",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 170,
"id": "programid911ee",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"deviceType": 2,
"isonline": true,
"mac": "acacacac",
"name": "home",
"pointDataList": [{
"pointIndex": 11,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 3,
"value": "12"
}, {
"pointIndex": 4,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 13,
"value": "1"
}, {
"pointIndex": 10,
"value": "1"
}, {
"pointIndex": 14,
"value": "205"
}, {
"pointIndex": 8,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 7,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 5,
"value": "192"
}, {
"pointIndex": 9,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 6,
"value": "200"
"productId": "productid135",
"systemType": "EMBER-PS",
"uid": "uid011",
"zoneid": "zoneid9b"
"message": "succ.",
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1615150236609
This request is one of the brand new requests from the new API. It includes information from all zones including the zone
- Timer schedule.
- Point data information
The point data here contains the index and value type. The value type depends on the index. A full list of the index and value information will be provided later in the document.
To get details of your a single zones, you should send the zoneid
to the homesVT/zoneViewProgram
The request is a POST to the URL $ENDPOINT/homesVT/zoneViewProgram
passing the zoneid
in a JSON request
GET /ember-back/homesVT/zoneViewProgram HTTP/2.0
Authorization long_token
Accept application/json
The JSON to send is:
"zoneid": "zoneid9b"
The response is JSON
"data": {
"deviceDays": [{
"dayType": 0,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayiddb17",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 70,
"id": "programidb5c1",
"startTime": 70,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid2b84d",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 170,
"id": "programid273ea",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 1,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid57efb",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programida7c41",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid8ea2e",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programid0b9a",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 2,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayidb8b59",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid9e9f0",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programidb169c8",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programided6f",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 3,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayidf99",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid76158",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programidbfb",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programid15319",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 4,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid446b",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid4a789",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid468e2",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programidaa4e2",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 5,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid8341e",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 80,
"id": "programid44f5c",
"startTime": 80,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programidde00",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 213,
"id": "programid3754",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
}, {
"dayType": 6,
"deviceId": "productid135",
"id": "devicedayid97c5e",
"p1": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 70,
"id": "programid840a5",
"startTime": 70,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p2": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 120,
"id": "programid7c333",
"startTime": 120,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"p3": {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:54.000",
"delFlag": 0,
"endTime": 170,
"id": "programid911ee",
"startTime": 170,
"updateTime": "2021-03-07 20:45:07.000"
"deviceType": 2,
"isonline": true,
"mac": "acacacac",
"name": "home",
"pointDataList": [{
"pointIndex": 11,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 3,
"value": "12"
}, {
"pointIndex": 4,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 13,
"value": "1"
}, {
"pointIndex": 10,
"value": "1"
}, {
"pointIndex": 14,
"value": "205"
}, {
"pointIndex": 8,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 7,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 5,
"value": "192"
}, {
"pointIndex": 9,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 6,
"value": "200"
"productId": "productid135",
"systemType": "EMBER-PS",
"uid": "uid011",
"zoneid": "zoneid9b"
"message": "succ.",
"status": 0,
"timestamp": 1613335284263
The information here is the same as a single zone information from the previous zoneProgram information.
MQTT is a pub/sub protocol for sending messages between a client and server.
A client can subscribed to a topic that lets them receive messages about a topic.
A client can also publish messages to a topic to inform other entities about a change.
The first thing the client does after connecting is to send a Connect Command
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Connect Command
Header Flags: 0x10, Message Type: Connect Command
Msg Len: 102
Protocol Name Length: 4
Protocol Name: MQTT
Version: MQTT v3.1.1 (4)
Connect Flags: 0xca, User Name Flag, Password Flag, QoS Level: At least once delivery (Acknowledged deliver), Clean Session Flag
1... .... = User Name Flag: Set
.1.. .... = Password Flag: Set
..0. .... = Will Retain: Not set
...0 1... = QoS Level: At least once delivery (Acknowledged deliver) (1)
.... .0.. = Will Flag: Not set
.... ..1. = Clean Session Flag: Set
.... ...0 = (Reserved): Not set
Keep Alive: 60
Client ID Length: 18
Client ID: 1111_1613126074181
User Name Length: 36
User Name: app/really_long_refresh_token
Password Length: 32
Password: really_long_refresh_token
The client ID is the id
returned from selectUser
request followed by token. <id>_<other>
. The other part of the id appears to be a unix timestamp.
The User Name is the refresh token from the HTTP Login request with app/
The Password is the same refresh token.
The response is a Connect Ack
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Connect Ack
Header Flags: 0x20, Message Type: Connect Ack
Msg Len: 2
Acknowledge Flags: 0x00
Return Code: Connection Accepted (0)
When starting the client subscribes to the following topics.
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Subscribe Request
Header Flags: 0x82, Message Type: Subscribe Request
Msg Len: 87
Message Identifier: 2
Topic Length: 82
Topic: productid135/uid011/upload/pointdata
Requested QoS: At most once delivery (Fire and Forget) (0)
The topic is made up of information from your home. This is the productid
and uid
from the homes/detail
request in the HTTP API
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Subscribe Request
Header Flags: 0x82, Message Type: Subscribe Request
Msg Len: 65
Message Identifier: 3
Topic Length: 60
Topic: id7a55/1111/notificationApp/update
Requested QoS: At most once delivery (Fire and Forget) (0)
The notificaiton app topic includes an <id>/<client id>/notificationApp/update
- TODO - figure out what this is<client id>
- client ID from selectUser request.
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Subscribe Request
Header Flags: 0x82, Message Type: Subscribe Request
Msg Len: 56
Message Identifier: 5
Topic Length: 51
Topic: productid135/1111/device/remove
Requested QoS: At most once delivery (Fire and Forget) (0)
The notificaiton app topic includes an <product id>/<client id>/device/remove
<product id>
- Product ID from thehomes/detail
response.<client id>
- client ID from selectUser request.
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Subscribe Request
Header Flags: 0x82, Message Type: Subscribe Request
Msg Len: 56
Message Identifier: 6
Topic Length: 51
Topic: id27b5/1111/device/remove
Requested QoS: At most once delivery (Fire and Forget) (0)
The notificaiton app topic includes an <id>/<client id>/device/remove
- TODO - figure out what this is<client id>
- client ID from selectUser request.
Each subscribe request has a Subscribe Ack
response for the message identifier.
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Subscribe Ack
Header Flags: 0x90, Message Type: Subscribe Ack
Msg Len: 3
Message Identifier: 2
Granted QoS: At most once delivery (Fire and Forget) (0)
The upload point data publish message sends a message with JSON data to the upload/pointdata
topic. The topic name includes the productid
and uid
in the topic as productid135/uid011/upload/pointdata
TODO - figure out when this is sent. Client -> server or server -> client
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Publish Message
Header Flags: 0x30, Message Type: Publish Message, QoS Level: At most once delivery (Fire and Forget)
Msg Len: 269
Topic Length: 82
Topic: productid135/uid011/upload/pointdata
Message: json_data
The JSON data is as follows
- TODO - figure out what this isproductId
- as per the topicuid
- as per the topicmac
indicates the zone that this data is from and can be found in thezoneProgram
is base64 encoded binary data that indicates the point data information
In this example the point data AAYEAL4=
decodes to 00000000 00000110 00000100 00000000 10111110
If you break this up the first 2 bytes are the point index, the next one is the point type and the final bytes are the value.
For this example we have:
- index - 6
- type - 4
- value - 190
If you look at this compared to the zoneProgram
, we can see that the zone program pointDataList
pointIndex": 6,
"value": "190"
This matches up to the target temperature for the zone.
More information on the Point Data list is available later in this document.
The upload point data is a fire and forget message and there is no ack message or response.
The download point data publish message sends a message with JSON data to the download/pointdata
topic. The topic name includes the productid
and uid
in the topic as productid135/uid011/download/pointdata
TODO - figure out when this is sent. Client -> server or server -> client
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Publish Message
Header Flags: 0x32, Message Type: Publish Message, QoS Level: At least once delivery (Acknowledged deliver)
Msg Len: 296
Topic Length: 84
Topic: productid135/uid011/download/pointdata
Message Identifier: 8
Message: json_data
- TODO - figure out what this isproductId
- as per the topicuid
- as per the topicmac
indicates the zone that this data is from and can be found in thezoneProgram
is base64 encoded binary data that indicates the point data informationuserId
- The client id from the selectUser request
The response is a Publish Ack
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Publish Ack
Header Flags: 0x40, Message Type: Publish Ack
Msg Len: 2
Message Identifier: 8
The client seems to regurarly send a ping request to the server as a keep alive.
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Ping Request
Header Flags: 0xc0, Message Type: Ping Request
Msg Len: 0
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Ping Response
Header Flags: 0xd0, Message Type: Ping Response
Msg Len: 0
When closing the client sends a disconnect request
MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol, Disconnect Req
Header Flags: 0xe0, Message Type: Disconnect Req
Msg Len: 0
The point data information is the way to transmit data about parts of the system. Point data is used in a number of messages and seems to relate to two different types of elements:
- Home Details
- Zone Details
"pointDataList": [{
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "id444",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 6,
"pointName": "FrostEnable",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "1"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceid07",
"id": "pdlidc3ce",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 8,
"pointName": "FrostSetTemp",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "5"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlidf4a8",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 10,
"pointName": "HolidayEndTime",
"pointType": 5,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid209b",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 2,
"pointName": "WifiRssi",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "100"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid6782a",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 4,
"pointName": "HolidayFlag",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid2498",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 5,
"pointName": "HolidayCnt",
"pointType": 5,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlid5aa6",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 9,
"pointName": "HolidayStartTime",
"pointType": 5,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:25",
"value": "0"
}, {
"createTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"delFlag": 0,
"deviceId": "deviceidc99999",
"id": "pdlidcbf8",
"pointAttribute": null,
"pointIndex": 7,
"pointName": "NoFrostStatus",
"pointType": 1,
"productId": "productid135",
"uid": "uid011",
"updateTime": "2021-01-29 14:01:55",
"value": "0"
"pointDataList": [{
"pointIndex": 11,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 3,
"value": "12"
}, {
"pointIndex": 4,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 13,
"value": "1"
}, {
"pointIndex": 10,
"value": "1"
}, {
"pointIndex": 14,
"value": "205"
}, {
"pointIndex": 8,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 7,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 5,
"value": "192"
}, {
"pointIndex": 9,
"value": "0"
}, {
"pointIndex": 6,
"value": "200"
From observation there are 3 types of data used in the zone details point data.
- Temperature Data
- Binary Flags (i.e. on / off)
- Time Data (based on epoch)
ID | Length (bytes) | Data Type |
1 | 1 | Binary Toggle (on/off) or integer |
2 | 2 | Temperature |
4 | 2 | Temperature Data |
5 | 4 | Epoch Timestamp |
The point index is an integer that refers to the element is being controlled. The point index options for zone data are:
Index | Element | Type |
3 | TODO | 0 |
4 | Advance On / Off | 1 |
5 | Current Temp | 2 |
6 | Target Temp | 4 |
7 | Mode | 1 |
8 | Boost Hours (0 to 3) | 1 |
9 | Boost Timestamp | 5 |
10 | Boiler State | 1 |
11 | TODO | 0 |
13 | TODO | 0 |
14 | Boost Target Temp | 4 |
Mode: 0=auto, 1=all day, 2=on, 3=off
Boiler state: 1=off, 2=on
As previously mentioned the MQTT messages include a base64 binary encoded point data. The format of this tag, type, value in binary format. The format is:
1 Byte header, 1 Byte Index, 1 Byte Type, Between 1 and 4 Bytes Value.
The data in each type is:
- Header - 00000000
- Index - The point index, e.g. 00001000 for Boost on / off.
- Type - The point type, e.g. 00000001 for binary toggle.
- Value - The point value, e.g. 00000001 for On in binary toggle type.
In some cases the pointData
value can include more that one type of data encoded in the same message.
Note: The header has always been observed as 0
and may be part of a 2 byte index, if it is possible to have a large index value.