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File metadata and controls

143 lines (115 loc) · 7.43 KB


This is an example backend for an RPG turn-based game. It utilizes:

  • languages:
  • frameworks
    • Nest.js because it has all the functionality we need, is fast, and well documented
  • architecture:
  • libraries:
    • @nestjs/mongoose and mongoose as an ODM for storing and retrieving data
    • @nestjs/swagger to generate API documentation from the code
    • class-validator to validate requests/user inputs before the data goes to the controllers
    • date-fns to make work with dates easier
    • purify-ts to provide a funcional (and more readable) way of handling and avoiding null values and nested conditions
    • uuid to generate IDs and primary keys for entities, commands, events and queries
    • Lodash to provide utility functions for easier coding
  • command line utilities:
    • Docker for stable environment
    • Task for easier command line usage

Swagger screenshot Mongo Express screenshot


  • install Docker
  • install Task (optional)
    • if you don't want to use Task, you will need to type docker commands and their arguments manually

Start the project

  • run task up
    • this will spin up all docker containers, imports database seed, runs npm i, so it might take a minute or two
    • if you wish to see the progress, run taks logs or tail logs of specific containers until everything is ready


  • run task --list-all to list all available commands
  • run task down up logs to restart the project and start tailing logs from all containers
  • run task down && sudo rm -rf mongo/data && task up to re-seed database and start the project
  • run task test to run tests
    • you can also run only a single suite clear && task npm -- run test test/unit
    • or a specific test clear && task npm -- run test test/e2e/modules/rpg/infrastructure/delivery/http/BattleControllerSpec.ts
  • run task npm <your-arguments> to execute npm command inside the nest container; examples:
    • clear && task npm -- run test
    • task npm -- install -g thanks

This is how the test output should look like (if you run the tests on the seeded database):

task: [test] task npm -- run test
task: [npm] docker compose exec nest npm run test

> [email protected] test
> jest --config=test/jest.config.json

 PASS  test/unit/modules/rpg/domain/model/character/CharacterSpec.ts
    ✓ create (6 ms)
    ✓ prepareForAttack (1 ms)
    ✓ attack (1 ms)

 PASS  test/e2e/modules/rpg/infrastructure/delivery/http/JobsControllerSpec.ts
    ✓ /job (GET) 200 (154 ms)

 PASS  test/e2e/modules/rpg/infrastructure/delivery/http/CharacterControllerSpec.ts
    ✓ /character (POST) 200 (176 ms)
    ✓ /character (POST) 400 (29 ms)
    ✓ /character (GET) 200 (22 ms)
    ✓ /character/:id (GET) 200 (20 ms)
    ✓ /character/:id (GET) 400 (17 ms)
    ✓ /character/:id (GET) 404 (24 ms)

 PASS  test/e2e/modules/rpg/infrastructure/delivery/http/BattleControllerSpec.ts
    ✓ /battle (POST) 200 (214 ms)
    ✓ /battle (POST) 400 (32 ms)
    ✓ /battle (POST) 404 (34 ms)
    ✓ /battle/:id (GET) 200 (23 ms)
    ✓ /battle/:id (GET) 400 (18 ms)
    ✓ /battle/:id (GET) 404 (20 ms)

Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total
Tests:       16 passed, 16 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        4.695 s
Ran all test suites.

Endpoints & URLs


Must-haves in a real-world project

  • (de)serialization of commands, events, queries and views
    • this is needed to get rid of incorrect serialization of value objects and also a prerequisite for asynchronous command and event processing
  • asynchronous command and event processing (we are already using command bus and event bus)
  • correlation and causation ids for requests, commands, queries, events and arbitrary log message contexts
  • error handling (e.g. mongoose connection failures, more validations)
  • separate seeded MongoDB schema / in-memory MongoDB server for tests
    • we don't want to modify the development data and create clutter by running the tests multiple times
  • character list pagination
  • character creation name uniqueness checking
  • validate whether the characters are alive when creating new battle


  • rewrite BattleProcess to use Sagas from Nest.js
  • add video/gif of using the Swagger and Mongo Express
  • fix cyclic serialization issue of BattleHasEnded
    • it would be good to have this event present in the battle log, although the data in that event are not required by frontend (everything FE needs is in the previous events)
  • A character should be designed with some future features in mind, which don't need to be implemented at this point in the project:
    • A character will be able to level up, at which point their core attributes will change (health, strength, dexterity, and intelligence)
    • A character will be able to change their job, resulting in calculations involving their modifiers to reflect their new job (attack modifier and speed modifier)
  • event sourcing (aggregates are already prepared for it)
  • graphql (as an alterantive to REST API)
  • websockets (for auto-updates after creating/updating/deleting a battle)


Lessons learned

  • I went into an issue with class inheritance and types with Character class and it's children, resulting into using a union type for its child classes
    • Next time, I would try to use object literals, types and function constructors instead of classes
    • Object literals would also allow to use destructuring and spread operator for object manipulation
    • Lastly, code would probably become much more readable and usable by frontend devs that are used to work with React.js