StyleForm ( form, initialization, linkToDemoMethod )
form : The <form>
element containing all <input>
initialization : setup JSON
"property name" : {
"type" : "color-selector"||"range-number"||"checkbox-input"||"select-list"||"radio-list",
// The default value for <input>
"value" : "#FF00FF" || 10 || false || "none" || "up"
// The default unit for <input>
"unit" : null || "px" || null || null || null
// The number of range specific unit
"range" : {
"%" : [0,50],
"px": [-100,100],
"none" : [0,1]
linkToDemoMethod :
function( form, name, value ) {
var value = form.styleValueLog[name],
unit = form.styleUnitLog[name];
Force Property Name To be updated to value.
If Value is undefined, refresh the Property[name]
// Processing Data
// Do anything with related Demo
StyleFormUtility : {
hexToRGBA : function("#00FF00","0.6"){ return "rgba(0,255,0,0.6)" },
rgbaToHexOpacity : function("rgba(0,255,0,0.6)"){ return {hex:#00FF00,opacity:0.6} },
parseColor : function("#00ff00") { return "#00FF00" },
// #abc => #AABBCC
// others => undefined
Log Formmat : {
"value" : {
"aaa" : "111",
"bbb" : "#FF00FF"
"unit" : {
"aaa" : "px"
"bbb" : ""
StyleFormDataBase(StyleForm) // One database for one StyleForm instance
deleteStyleLog(index) || deleteStyleLog() // clean all
<div class="input-item range-number clear-fix">
<div class="label-field-container clear-fix">
<div class="field-unit-container"><input type="number" class="input-field" name="heightValue" /></div>
<input type="range" class="input-ui" name="height" />
"width" : {
"type" : "range-number",
"value": 50,
"unit" : "px",
"range": {
"px" : [0,300,1]
<div class="input-item color-selector clear-fix">
<label>Background Color</label>
<input type="text" class="input-field hex-color" name="backgroundColorValue"/>
<div class="input-ui color-popup" name="backgroundColor"></div>
Normally, color-selector is followed by a opacity selector:
<div class="input-item range-number clear-fix">
<div class="label-field-container clear-fix">
<label>Background Color Opacity</label>
<div class="field-unit-container">
<input type="number" class="input-field" name="backgroundColorOpacityValue" />
<input type="range" class="input-ui" name="backgroundColorOpacity"/>
"triColor" : {
"type" : "color-selector",
"value" : "#000000",
"unit" : null,
"range" : null
"triColorOpacity" : {
"type" : "range-number",
"value": 1,
"unit" : null,
"range": {
"none" : [0,1,0.01]
Sample Demo Updater
name = name.replace(/Opacity$/,"");
value = StyleFormUtility.hexToRGBA( form.styleValueLog[name], form.styleValueLog[name+"Opacity"] );
name = name.replace(/^(.*)Color/,"$1-color");
<div class="input-item select-list clear-fix">
<label>Border Style</label>
<select class="input-ui" name="borderStyle">
<option value="none">none</option>
<option value="dotted">dotted</option>
<option value="dashed">dashed</option>
<option value="solid">solid</option>
<option value="double">double</option>
<option value="groove">groove</option>
<input type="text" class="input-field hidden-input" name="borderStyleValue"/>
"borderStyle" : {
"type" : "select-list",
"value" : "solid",
"unit" : null,
"range" : null
<div class="input-item radio-list clear-fix">
<input type="radio" class="input-ui" id="triDirection-up" name="triDirection" value="up" />
<label for="triDirection-up">Up</label>
<input type="radio" class="input-ui" id="triDirection-down" name="triDirection" value="down" />
<label for="triDirection-down">Down</label>
<input type="radio" class="input-ui" id="triDirection-left" name="triDirection" value="left" />
<label for="triDirection-left">Left</label>
"triDirection" : {
"type" : "radio-list",
"value" : "up",
"unit" : null,
"range" : null
<div class="input-item checkbox-input clear-fix">
<label class="checkbox-layout">Free</label><!--
--><div class="checkbox-layout">
<div class="checkbox-container">
<input type="checkbox" class="input-ui" name="isSymmetry">
--><label class="checkbox-layout">Symmetry</label>
<input type="text" class="input-field hidden-input" name="isSymmetryValue">
"isSymmetry" : {
"type" : "checkbox-input",
"value": true,
"unit" : null,
"range" : null