Date: March 26th of each year.
On March 26th, 2019, a Chinese programmer @996icu created a GitHub project 996.ICU. This project is about the 996-working mode in China. The project received more than 100,000 stars in just three days, and many Chinese programmers translated the project into multiple languages. We recommend the name "ANTI-996 DAY" on March 26th each year.
公元2019年3月26日,一名中国程序员 @996icu 创建了一个叫 996.ICU 的github项目, 以此吐槽国内互联网公司毫无人性的的996工作制,没想到此项目得到广大中国劳动者的 热烈欢迎,大家对此表示感同身受,此项目仅3天就收获了10万+的赞,大家纷纷为此项目 建言献策,并将此项目翻译为多国语言,鉴于此,诚建议将每年的3月26日定为“反996工作制日”。