The Gazette REST API allows you to access The Gazette notice feeds, notice documents, PDF publications and various other public resources. The API also allows clients to Place notices in The Gazette using a registered user account.
Since the API is based on REST principles, it's very easy to write and test applications. You can use your browser to access URLs, and you can use pretty much any HTTP client in any programming language to interact with the API.
All URLs referenced in the documentation have the following base:
The Gazettes REST API is served over HTTPS. To ensure data privacy, unencrypted HTTP is not supported.
Gazettes have the following resources. Click on a link to read the API documentation for accessing or modifying each resource.
Online Publishing Service
Print Publishing Service
Registration and user authentication
Place notice in The Gazette
Manage 'My Gazette' resources
SPARQL end point
A Technical Services Helpdesk during Business Hours to deal with issues identified in The Gazette API. The helpdesk can be contacted by emailing [email protected].
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(c) Crown copyright
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