Triggers objects build subscriptions from Brokers to event consumers. A Trigger contains 3 elements: broker reference, target and filter.
- The referenced broker will be reconfigured to address for the new subscription.
- The target must be set to either a Kubernetes object that can be resolved to an URL, or a URL. In either case the target must expose an HTTP endpoint to receive events.
- The filter declaratively selects which events should be forwarded to the target. In absence of filter all messages received at the Broker will be sent to the configured Target.
kind: Trigger
name: <trigger name>
apiVersion: <Kubernetes apiVersion for the Broker object. Can inform 'group' instead>
group: <Kubernetes group for the Broker object. Can inform 'apiVersion' instead>
kind: <Kubernetes kind for the Broker object>
name: <name of the Broker object>
target: <Destination where events will be sent. Either reference to an objet or URI>
apiVersion: <Kubernetes apiVersion for the consumer object. Can inform 'group' instead>
group: <Kubernetes group for the consumer object. Can inform 'apiVersion' instead>
kind: <Kubernetes kind for the consumer object>
name: <name of the consumer object>
uri: <URI to the event consumer HTTP endpoint>
delivery: <Event delivery options>
retry: <Number of tries to deliver an event before considering failed>
backoffDelay: <Backoff duration factor between retries>
backoffPolicy: <Backoff policy applied to the delay, can be linear, exponential or constant>
deadLetterSink: <Destination where underlivered events will be sent>
apiVersion: <Kubernetes apiVersion for the DLS object. Can inform 'group' instead>
group: <Kubernetes group for the DLS object. Can inform 'apiVersion' instead>
kind: <Kubernetes kind for the DLS object>
name: <name of the DLS object>
uri: <URI to the event DLS HTTP endpoint>
filters: <Filter specification. See 'Filtering Events' section in this doc>
bounds: <Event offsets that this trigger should be retrieving>
byId: <Offsets defined by the broker's backend event identifiers>
start: <Starting offset>
end: <Ending offset>
byDate: <Offsets defined by timestamps formatted as RFC3339>
start: <Starting offset>
end: <Ending offset>
must be a running broker that will be configured with this Trigger's
must refer to an endpoint that will receive events from the Broker. When the event consumer is a Kubernetes object it is prefered to use
contains the logic to apply when an event cannot be delivered from the Broker to a Target, performing a number of retries, and finally sending to a dead letter sink if none of them succeed. Duration format for `spec.spec.filters
contains a set of filter expresions. See the Filtering Events sectionspec.bounds
contains optional start and end offsets for the event that the Trigger is intereseted in receiving. When using dates, RFC3339 format should be used.
Events flowing through a Broker can be filtered before being sent to targets by using a range of expressions. TriggerMesh filter supports the CloudEvents Subscriptions API filters, but will extend it with custom dialects in the future.
There are 2 categories of filter dialects, those that perform actual filtering and those that group other dialects adding boolean logic to the inner dialects:
These filter dialects are meant to group inner dialects:
contains an array of dialects, all of them must resolve to true for positive matching.any
contains an array of dialects, at least one of them must resolve to true for positive matching.not
contains an array of dialects, all of them must resolve to false for positive matching.
These filter dialects contain matching logic applied to the CloudEvent attributes:
contains a key/value pair. For positive matching an attribute by that key/value must exist at the event.prefix
contains key/value pair. For positive matching an attribute by the exact key that contains a value that is prefixed by the one at the filter must exist at the event.suffix
contains a key/value pair. For positive matching an attribute by the exact key that contains a value that is suffixed by the one at the filter must exist at the event.
Filter for events whose type
attribute is set to io.triggermesh.demo
- exact:
type: my.demo.type
Filter for events whose type
attribute is set to io.triggermesh.demo
and category
is set to test
- all:
- exact:
type: io.triggermesh.demo
- exact:
category: test
Filter for events whose type
attribute starts with io.triggermesh.
or type
is set to
- any:
- prefix:
type: io.triggermesh.
- exact:
Filter for events whose type
attribute does not ends with
- not:
- any:
- suffix:
- suffix: