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Lance Pollard edited this page Sep 25, 2012 · 3 revisions

Don't extend core objects

Add to underscore, not to the native object prototypes.

Use single quotes ' over double quotes "

Single quotes are the preferred convention for defining strings. Only use double quotes when you're using interpolation:

# do
staticString  = 'a string'
dynamicString = "url: #{window.location.url}"

# don't
staticString  = "a string"

# can't do b/c single quotes don't allow interpolation.
dynamicString = 'url: #{window.location.url}'

Use interpolation #{} instead of addition +

# this
string = "url: #{window.location.url}"

# not this
string = "url: " + window.location.url

Use triple double quotes """ for blocks of text

When you need to write blocks of text, use triple quotes """. You can interpolate values within triple double quotes (as opposed to triple single quotes '''):

color   = 'red'

styles  = """
body, html
  background: #{color}

Be careful though, triple quotes don't preserve indentation at the beginning of the text, so either add it to the end of the line, or escape it with backslashes \ .

Take advantage of console.log overloading

# do this
console.log '', user.get('id'), 'action:', @params.action

# instead of this (only to make your life easier)
console.log " #{user.get('id')} action: #{@params.action}"

Don't pollute the global namespace

Avoid CoffeeScript Keywords

  • Don't use any "JS_KEYWORDS" words that CoffeeScript allows you to use, because even though you can do user.delete() in CoffeeScript, you'd have to write user["delete"]() in JavaScript. These words are:

Use camelCase, not snake_case

Keep consistent line breaks

  • Maximum of 1 blank line between chunks of code.
  • First line of indented code should not have a blank line above it in most cases.

Do this:

class App.User extends Tower.Model
  @field "email"
  @hasMany "posts"
  @hasMany "comments"
  activate: (callback) ->
    @updateAttributes activatedAt: new Date, callback

Not this:

class App.User extends Tower.Model

  @field "email"
  @hasMany "posts"
  @hasMany "comments"
  activate: (callback) ->
    @updateAttributes activatedAt: new Date, callback

Don't abbreviate method names

  • Use the full word for the method name (width instead of w)
  • Only use abbreviations if the abbreviation is the preferred way of expressing the term in the industry. But even then, if the spelled out version is easier to read, use that.
"width" > "w"
"height" > "h"
"JSON" > "JavaScriptObjectNotation"
"src" == "source"
"directory" > "dir"
"createDirectory" > "mkdir"
"background" > "bg"

Remove trailing whitespace

[todo] create a command to strip trailing whitespace.

Use 2 soft spaces , not 1 tab \t

Use coffeescript array assignments

Do this:

[one, two] = [1, 2]

Instead of this:

array = [1, 2]
one   = array[0]
two   = array[1]

Use the => operator instead of _this, _self, etc.

When using the double arrow operator =>, coffeescript generates var _this = this for the wrapping method, so wherever you use this.aMethod() or @aMethod() it will replace it with _this.aMethod(), so you don't have to mess around with setting up the right binding context manually.

methods =
  a: ->
    self = @

    defineSelfExplicitly = -> # single arrow


  b: ->
    defineSelfImplicitly = => # double arrow


  c: ->
    console.log 'called c'

Group public/private methods

Put private methods at the bottom of the file, even if they're named after a public method. Reason: it's easier to read the code, you get the API first, then the implementation.


set: ->

get: ->

_set: ->

_get: ->


set: ->

_set: ->

get: ->

_get: ->

Align = and :

  • align semicolons on the left
  • align equal signs on the right, 2n tabs in (falls on an even number of whitespaces)

Minimize the number of methods

  • less code to manage
  • fewer methods to memorize
  • smaller footprint (less code for the browser to download)
  • differs from Rails
  • opt-in helper method generation
model.buildRelation("user") # can opt into
# vs.

Convert to a store() method on the class ONLY IF the number of times you use the method is such that creating the "wrapper" method would save on the number of characters in the js/coffee file (so when it's minimized, it's maximally minimized). That is, if you only call the long method once, don't wrap it, just deal with it. Or, if the method is sufficiently complex and needs to be tested, and is still only used once, then make it a method and test it. Better to test than to not.

Use single underscore for Ruby-ish bang! methods: create_().

Organize the code so it can be compiled for the client

  • put module.exports = X at the bottom of each file so it can be stripped with a regular expression.

Create Underscore.js Compatible Helpers

  • write helpers so they are independent of underscore but can be swapped.


Create a namespace for your app.

This makes it so you don't have to use require everywhere on the client, setting the same variable over and over again.

class MyApp.User
  @include Tower.Model


class User
  @include Tower.Model

MyApp.User = User

Instead of

class User
  @include Tower.Model

module.exports = User

# somewhere else
User = require('../app/models/user')

Because of the naming/folder conventions, you can get away with this without any worries. It also decreases the final output code :)

Comment your code (when the time is right)

Here is the structure of a comment (using codo):

# Title goes here, single line if possible,
# otherwise overflow to next line with no blank line
# in between.
# Can put some more description here, 
# multiple lines if desired.
# You can also use **markdown** anywhere in the comment!
# @todo Mark it with todo just after the title and [optional] description,
#   and indent if multiple lines (indent anything following `@[keyword]`).
# @example Optional example with optional title
#   # This will be syntax highlighted
#   add(1, 2) #=> 3
# @param [Integer] a First integer
# @param [Integer] b Second integer
# @return [Integer] Put the return value last
add = (a, b) ->
  a + b

Write consistent comments

  • Keep blank line above new comments
  • except at the start of a file
  • or a new level of indentation
  • keep a single space between the starting # and your text


# This class maps a user to a group
class App.Membership extends Tower.Model
  # I am a new level of indentation...
  @field 'role'

  # ...and I'm not
  @belongsTo 'user'
  @belongsTo 'group'


# This class maps a user to a group
class App.Membership extends Tower.Model

  # I am a new level of indentation...
  @field 'role'
  #    ...and I'm not
  @belongsTo 'user'
  #need indentation
  @belongsTo 'group'

You also should avoid using ### block comments, because while they may prevent having to start every line with a #, it breaks up your code in ways that make it hard to read. Only use block comments to comment out large portions of your code, not for writing documentation within.

Tower.Model style conventions

Order executable class methods in this order: concerns (mixins, unless mixin depends on things defined later in class), field, field helpers (i.e. timestamps), associations (belongsTo first since it adds a field for the association id, then hasOne, and hasMany), association helpers (i.e. acceptsNestedAttributesFor, or custom plugins), mass assignment protection (i.e. @protected and @accessible), scopes, validations, class methods, instance methods. Separate each different section with a blank line, and keep related items with no blank line between. This is all optional, but is helpful for reading and understanding someone else's code. The most important thing is to use consistent spacing.

class App.User extends Tower.Model
  if Tower.isServer
    @include App.UserAuthenticationConcern

  @field 'firstName'
  @field 'lastName'
  @field 'role'


  @belongsTo 'address'

  @hasOne 'profile'

  @hasMany 'memberships'
  @hasMany 'groups', through: 'memberships'

  @acceptsNestedAttributeFor 'memberships'

  @protected 'role'

  @scope 'admin', role: 'admin'

  @validates 'firstName', 'lastName', presence: true

  @welcome: (id, callback) ->
    @find id, (error, user) =>
      if user
      else, error)

  welcome: (callback) ->
    @enqueue 'welcome', @get('id'), callback

Writing Documentation

Write out the full class, even if only demonstrating a single method

For example, if you're writing an example action for a controller, do this:

class App.PostsController extends App.ApplicationController
  index: ->
    App.Post.all (error, posts) =>
      @render json: posts

instead of this:

  index: ->
    App.Post.all (error, posts) =>
      @render json: posts

This way it's always 100% clear to the reader what is going on.

Wrap `inline code` in backticks

Use triple backticks for code blocks, not 4 spaces

Do this:

``` coffeescript
class App.User extends Tower.Model

Instead of this:

    class App.User extends Tower.Model

Start new sentences with a single space, not a double space :)

I guess this is better from a typography standpoint (we were all taught wrong in school).

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