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Lab 5: Using the Workload API with go-spiffe


  • An AMD, Intel, or ARM 64-bit Linux environment.
  • Familiarity with the kubectl command-line interface (CLI) is helpful.


Coastal Containers Ltd., a leading container shipping company, is looking to evolve their security practices by implementing mutual authentication (via mTLS) between their Port Authority server and incoming vessel clients. In order to do so, they have decided to leverage go-spiffe, a popular and convenient Golang library built to work with SPIFFE. By leveraging the go-spiffe library, Coastal Containers hopes to create SPIFFE-aware workloads and establish mTLS connections with assigned SPIFFE IDs. Ultimately, the Port Authority server and vessel client workloads should communicate securely by validating each other's SPIFFE ID's.

This hands-on exercise is based on the go-spiffe tls example.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how to implement SPIFFE-aware workloads using the go-spiffe library.
  • Understand the go-spiffe listening and dialoging logic for SPIFFE-aware mTLS communication.
  • Learn how go-spiffe interacts with the Workload API to manage SVIDs.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Provision Infrastructure

To set sail, spin up the Kubernetes demo cluster using Kind by issuing the following make command while in the root lab directory:

make cluster-up

Step 2: Deploy SPIRE to the Cluster

Initialize the SPIRE setup to your Kubernetes cluster:

make deploy-spire spire-wait-for-agent

The SPIRE configuration is identical to the previous lab. We will also create SPIRE registration entries for the SPIRE agent, the server workload, and the client workload. These are the same as in previous labs so for convenience run the following command:

make create-registration-entries

Once finished, you should see the output:

Entry ID         : 01de1c15-ef71-4834-b702-455d70586212
SPIFFE ID        : spiffe://coastal-containers.example/agent/spire-agent
Parent ID        : spiffe://coastal-containers.example/spire/server
Revision         : 0
X509-SVID TTL    : default
JWT-SVID TTL     : default
Selector         : k8s_psat:agent_ns:spire
Selector         : k8s_psat:agent_sa:spire-agent
Selector         : k8s_psat:cluster:kind-kind

Entry ID         : 05b21cc2-4e90-4aad-8b48-419fd9938678
SPIFFE ID        : spiffe://coastal-containers.example/workload/server
Parent ID        : spiffe://coastal-containers.example/agent/spire-agent
Revision         : 0
X509-SVID TTL    : default
JWT-SVID TTL     : default
Selector         : k8s:ns:default
Selector         : k8s:sa:server

Entry ID         : f7f36f9c-c73e-42ef-bb15-3d0f12a43f1d
SPIFFE ID        : spiffe://coastal-containers.example/workload/client
Parent ID        : spiffe://coastal-containers.example/agent/spire-agent
Revision         : 0
X509-SVID TTL    : default
JWT-SVID TTL     : default
Selector         : k8s:ns:default
Selector         : k8s:sa:client

Step 3: Explore the Server Workload

You can see the go-spiffe logic within the main.go file that the server uses to interact with the Workload API and listen for incoming client connections, only accepting client(s) that present a valid X509-SVID with a matching SPIFFE ID.

Configuration items of note include:

Function Invocation:

  • The server uses the spiffetls.Listen function to start listening for incoming connections as shown below.
listener, err := spiffetls.Listen(ctx, "tcp", serverAddress, tlsconfig.AuthorizeID(clientID))

Server Address:

  • serverAddress constant specifies where the server will listen for client connections (

Authentication & Authorization:

  • clientID is the SPIFFE ID which is used to authenticate incoming client connections (spiffe://coastal-containers.example/workload/client).

  • tlsconfig.AuthorizeID(clientID) ensures the server accepts connections only from clients that present an X509-SVID with a matching SPIFFE ID (clientID).


  • The spiffetls.Listen function uses the SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET environment variable to locate the Workload API address, obtaining the SVIDs needed for establishing secure communication. This environment variable is set within the deploy-server.yaml manifest.

📝Note: Detailed explanations about the underlying logic are provided in the go-spiffe tls example and can be found within the associated API documentation.

Step 4: Explore the Client Workload

You can see the go-spiffe logic within the main.go file that the client uses to dial and establish a connection with the server, only accepting server(s) that present a valid X509-SVID with a matching SPIFFE ID.

Configuration items of note include:

Function Invocation:

  • The client uses the spiffetls.Dial function to establish a connection with the server.
listener, err := spiffetls.Dial(ctx, "tcp", serverAddress, tlsconfig.AuthorizeID(serverID))

Server Address:

  • serverAddress constant is the address of the server (server:443) to which the client is connecting.
  • This is set to the server service name to work in a containerized Kubernetes environment.

Authentication & Authorization:

  • serverID is the SPIFFE ID which is used to authenticate the server (spiffe://coastal-containers.example/workload/server).

  • tlsconfig.AuthorizeID(serverID) ensures the client establishes a connection only with a server that presents a X509-SVID with the expected SPIFFE ID (serverID).


  • The spiffetls.Dial function uses the SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET environment variable to locate the Workload API address, obtaining the SVIDs needed for establishing secure communication to the server. This environment variable is set within the client manifest.

📝Note: Detailed explanations about the underlying logic are provided in the go-spiffe tls example and can be found within the associated API documentation.

That's all! By leveraging the SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET environment variable, which can be set within your Kubernetes deployment manifests, your application can utilize the Workload API without the need of hard coding the socket path. The go-spiffe library will then take care of the rest as it manages the automatic fetching and renewing of your X509-SVIDs, thus simplifying the setup of mutual authentication and secure communication between your workloads.

Step 5: Build and Load Workload Images

Build and load the server and client workload image by running the make command:

make workload-images

Step 6: Deploy the Workloads

While still within the root lab-05-go-spiffe directory, deploy the server workload to your kind cluster:

make deploy-workloads

Check the workloads by running the following command:

kubectl get pods

If everything was successful, you should see the running server workload and see the running (or completed) client workload.

⚠️ Note: The client pod will likely show the status of Completed as due to the nature of containers, they are meant to run a process or task and quit thereafter. In this case, the client will restart a number of times as it successfully sends the intended message to the server workload, receives a reply, and exits. This is expected behavior.

Step 7: Observe Client-Server Handshake

Now, observe the logs for the server and client, ensuring the client sends the intended message, and the server responds back.

kubectl logs deployments/server

If everything ran successfully, you should see for the server logs:

SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET: unix:///spire-agent-socket/agent.sock
Starting server on
Server listening on
Incoming vessel says: "This is SS Coastal Carrier hailing the port authority for Coastal Containers Ltd.\n"

And for the client logs:

kubectl logs deployments/client
SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET: unix:///spire-agent-socket/agent.sock
Connecting to server:443
Client connected to server:443
Port Authority says: "Request received SS Coastal Carrier. You are cleared to dock.\n"

Step 8: Cleanup

To tear down the Kind cluster, run:

make cluster-down


Congratulations! You've successfully implemented SPIFFE-aware workloads using the go-spiffe library, enabling them to communicate securely using SPIFFE IDs and mutual authentication. Feel free to explore further by setting up different workloads or SPIFFE ID setups, observing how SPIFFE secures communication in dynamic and containerized environments.

You are highly encouraged to explore the go-spiffe API documentation and the rich set of standalone examples provided within the go-spiffe examples repository which showcases different use-cases for go-spiffe. Happy coding!