Helps you being creative in V
Dec 12, 2024 - C
A simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Inspired from C, C++, Go and Rust.
Helps you being creative in V
A simple script to build the smallest Vlang executable possible
Pval is a utility for generating a PDF (probability density function) and CDF (cumulative distribution function) from a data-input file. It is a two-pass utility, such that the output on the first execution can be bootstrapped into the utility to generate "p-values" (i.e. P10, P50, P90).
V-lang api wrapper for llm-inference chatllm.cpp
🏛️🗳️🖥️💾️ The official source repository for the OpenGovernment Voter software project.
Pivotdude is a utility to pivot data from an input file in a user-desired way.
An integration of the V programming language into Intellij IDEA
The (Milky Way/Solar System) Venus map center for the SNU Universe project (in 3D mode)
Generates code for code generators
The (Milky Way) Venus map center for the SNU Universe project (in 3D mode)
🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️💾️📜️ The sourceCode:V category for AI2001, containing V programming language datasets
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the V programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
The V Programming language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
An extremely simple file reader coded on V lang
Created by Alex Medvednikov
Released 2019
Latest release 4 days ago