TonboLite is a WASM compatible SQLite extension that allows users to create tables which supports analytical processing directly in SQLite. Its storage engine is powered by our open-source embedded key-value database, Tonbo.
- Organizing Parquet files using Log-Structured Merge Tree for fast writing
- Supports OPFS, S3 as remote storage or mixed them together as storage back-end.
- Compatibility with WebAssembly
You can use .load
command to load a SQLite extension
sqlite> .load target/release/libsqlite_tonbo
sqlite> CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.tonbo USING tonbo(
create_sql = 'create table tonbo(id bigint primary key, name varchar, like int)',
path = 'db_path/tonbo'
sqlite> insert into tonbo (id, name, like) values (0, 'tonbo', 100);
sqlite> insert into tonbo (id, name, like) values (1, 'sqlite', 200);
sqlite> select * from tonbo;
sqlite> update tonbo set like = 123 where id = 0;
sqlite> select * from tonbo;
sqlite> delete from tonbo where id = 0;
sqlite> select * from tonbo;
Or you can use SQLite extension in Python:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory")
# Load the tonbolite extension
conn.execute("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.tonbo USING tonbo("
"create_sql = 'create table tonbo(id bigint primary key, name varchar, like int)', "
"path = 'db_path/tonbo'"
conn.execute("INSERT INTO tonbo (id, name, like) VALUES (0, 'lol', 1)")
conn.execute("INSERT INTO tonbo (id, name, like) VALUES (1, 'lol', 100)")
rows = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM tonbo;")
for row in rows:
TonboLite can be used just like a regular SQLite program.
Please use our Rusqlite patch
[patch.crates-io.rusqlite] git = "" branch = "feat/integrity"
async fn main() -> rusqlite::Result<()> {
let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
// load TonboLite
// use TonboLite like normal SQLite
create_sql = 'create table tonbo(id bigint primary key, name varchar, like int)'
path = 'db_path/tonbo'
db.execute("INSERT INTO tonbo (id, name, like) VALUES (0, 'lol', 1)", [])?;
// query from table
let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM tonbo;")?;
let mut rows = stmt.query([])?;
while let Some(row) = {
println!("{:#?}", row);
TonboLiet exposed an easy-to-use API
const conn = new tonbo.Connection();
// create table with `CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE` statement
await conn.create(
create_sql = 'create table tonbo(id bigint primary key, name varchar, like int)',
path = 'db_path/tonbo'
// insert/update/delete table
await conn.insert(
`INSERT INTO tonbo (id, name, like) VALUES (0, 'lol', 0)`
await conn.update("UPDATE tonbo SET name = 'bar' WHERE id = 0");
await conn.delete("DELETE from tonbo WHERE id = 0");
// query from table
const rows = await"SELECT * from tonbo");
// fulsh in-memory data to S3
await conn.flush("tonbo");
cargo build --release --features loadable_extension
Once building successfully, you will get a file named libsqlite_tonbo.dylib(.dll
on windows, .so
on most other unixes) in target/release/
cargo build
To use TonboLite in wasm, it takes a few steps to build.
- Add wasm32-unknown-unknown target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Override toolchain with nightly
rustup override set nightly
- Build with wasm-pack
wasm-pack build --target web --no-default-features --features wasm
Once you build successfully, you will get a pkg folder containing compiled js and wasm files. Copy it to your project and then you can start to use it.
const tonbo = await import("./pkg/sqlite_tonbo.js");
await tonbo.default();
// start to use TonboLite ...
TonboLite should be used in a secure context and cross-origin isolated, since it uses SharedArrayBuffer
to share memory. Please refer to this article for a detailed explanation.