<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js" async defer></script>
async: load when it can -> for stand-alone scripts defer: as on order on page -> when there are dependencies
<script type="text/javascript">
// code here
CommonJS: export object
UMD: https://github.com/umdjs/umd e.g. https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExportsGlobal.js
* moduleName module
* @description This is...
* @module moduleName
* @author Tom Söderlund
'use strict'
// Private functions
// ES6: export const functionName = function (obj) {
const functionName = function (obj) {
return JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4)
// Public API
// ES6: export default {
// export default MyFunction = () => {}
module.exports = {
module.exports.functionName = functionName
var utilities = require('./utilities')
// Name: MYLIBRARY.js
// Purpose: Crossplatform library for helper functions
// Creator: Tom Söderlund
'use strict'
// Only instantiate MYLIBRARY once
(function (MYLIBRARY) {
MYLIBRARY.myFunction = function () {
(function() {
/* code here */
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
throw new Error('Something went wrong')
try {
throw new Error('Something went wrong')
catch (err) {
console.error(`Error: ${err.message || err}`)
finally {
// Code to be executed regardless of the try/catch result
console.log(event.fromElement.tagName) // works only in Firefox?
process.stdout.write('no line')
console.timeLog('myFunction', 'current state...')
myFunction: 3465.123ms
// Get all properties for an object (console.dir):
const specify = obj => _.isObject(obj) ? _.mapValues(obj, val => typeof(val)) : typeof(obj)
const specify = function (obj) {
return _.isObject(obj) ? _.mapValues(obj, val => typeof(val)) : typeof(obj)
// Specify v3: Get all properties for an object (console.dir):
const specify = function (obj) {
const getValueDescription = function (val) {
const objectType = Object.prototype.toString.call(val).replace('[object ', '').replace(']', '')
switch (objectType) {
case 'Object': return '{' + Object.keys(val).slice(0, 7).join() + '}'
case 'String': return val.slice(0, 50)
case 'Array': return 'Array[' + val.length + ']'
case 'Function':
case 'Null':
return objectType.toLowerCase()
default: return objectType + (':' + val).slice(0, 50)
return typeof(obj) === 'object' ? Object.values(obj).map(val => getValueDescription(val)) : getValueDescription(obj)
// Return name of "class" (actually, JavaScript object prototype of which object is a copy)
function getClassName(obj) {
// get classname abstracted from constructor property
var c = obj.constructor.toString()
var start = c.indexOf('function ') + 9
var stop = c.indexOf('(')
c = c.substring(start, stop)
return c
// Use _ instead of . and $ instead of # to allow for easier JavaScript parsing
const getElementReference = $element => ($element[0].name) + ($element.attr('class') ? '_'+$element.attr('class').replace(/ /g, '_') : '') + ($element.attr('id') ? '$'+$element.attr('id') : '')
Print an object tree:
function printObjectTree(
obj: any,
maxLevels: number = -1,
skipKeys: string[] = [],
currentLevel: number = 0
): void {
const indentStr = currentLevel > 0 ? `${' '.repeat(currentLevel)}∟ ` : '';
if (maxLevels !== -1 && currentLevel >= maxLevels) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (skipKeys.includes(key)) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const textChildStr = typeof obj[key] === 'string' ? `: "${obj[key]}"` : '';
console.log(indentStr + key + textChildStr);
// If the value is another object, recursively print its keys
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && obj[key] !== null) {
printObjectTree(obj[key], maxLevels, skipKeys, currentLevel + 1);
Build a tree:
interface TreeNode {
[key: string]: any;
children?: TreeNode[];
function buildObjectTreeFromArray(
arrayOfObjects: TreeNode[],
idField: string,
parentIdField: string,
parentId: number | string | null = null,
): TreeNode[] {
const tree: TreeNode[] = [];
// Filter the array to get all objects with the current parentId
const children = arrayOfObjects.filter((obj) => obj[parentIdField] === parentId);
// Loop through the filtered children
for (const child of children) {
// Recursively build the tree for each child
const childNode: TreeNode = {
children: buildObjectTreeFromArray(arrayOfObjects, idField, parentIdField, child[idField]),
// If no children are found, remove the empty children property
if (childNode.children?.length === 0) {
delete childNode.children;
// Add the built node to the tree
return tree;
x = a > b ? a : b
A JavaScript function
- The code.
- A name (not same as variable it’s placed in), e.g.
var f = function myFunction() {}
. - The receiver/context (
). - The
array. - All local variables defined in the function’s scope (= parent function).
Tips: functions are the ONLY scopes in JavaScript. Other {}
blocks don't matter.
See “variable hoisting”.
Chaining: return this
var newFunction = theFunction.bind(valueForThis/undefined, arg1, arg2, …)
theFunction.call(valueForThis, arg1, arg2, …)
theFunction.apply(valueForThis, arguments)
- Use
when you want that function to later be called with a certain context, useful in events. - Use
when you want to invoke the function immediately, and modify the context. - The difference is that
lets you invoke the function with arguments as an arraycall
requires the parameters be listed explicitly.
function () {
console.log('cb', arguments)
cb.apply(undefined, arguments)
var clonedArguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
const parseArguments = function (args, nrOfArgumentsIncludingOptions) {
return {
callback: args[args.length-1],
options: args.length >= nrOfArgumentsIncludingOptions ? args[args.length-2] : {},
JavaScript arguments
works both with without arguments in function signature.
// Support variable number of function arguments, where the LAST is the most important
// https://jsfiddle.net/YOUR-USER-NAME/t7eusww0/
var argumentsMapLastImportant = function(args, optionNames) {
var options = {}
for (var a = 0 a < args.length a++) {
options[optionNames[optionNames.length - 1 - a]] = args[args.length - 1 - a]
return optionsƒ
var functionWithMultipleParametersAndOptionsAtEnd = function () {
var options = {}
var nrOfValues = arguments.length
if (typeof(arguments[arguments.length-1]) === 'object') {
options = arguments[arguments.length-1]
nrOfValues = arguments.length - 1
for (var i = 0 i < nrOfValues i++) {
console.log(' value:', arguments[i])
var myObject = { myProperty: 'ok', sayHi: function (){ console.log(this) } }
var myObj2 = Object.create(myObject)
// See also: Object.create(proto [, propertiesObject ])
NOTE: prototype vs. this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4691044/should-i-use-prototype-or-not prototype keyword: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12064104/prototype-keyword-in-javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1595611/how-to-properly-create-a-custom-object-in-javascript
Object.prototype.inherit = function () {
function F() {}
F.prototype = this
return new F()
newObject = oldObject.inherit()
// Simple, faster: 'object', 'string', 'number', 'boolean'
typeof myObj
myDateObj instanceof Date // true
// Advanced: Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean, Function
objectOrArray.constructor === Array
objectOrArray && objectOrArray.constructor.name
// Advanced, slower: '[object X]' where X can be Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean, Function
Object.prototype.toString.call(myObj) === '[object Array]'
isNaN(123) // false
* A custom class: const myMyClass = new MyClass('foo')
* @constructor
* @param {number} myProperty A number for...
* @returns {MyClass} The new MyClass object
function MyClass (myProperty) {
// Private
const privateVariable = myProperty * 2
const privateMethod = function () {}
// Public
this.publicProperty = myProperty * 3
this.publicPrivilegedMethodOnInstance = function () {}
this.getPrivateVariable = function () { return privateVariable }
MyClass.prototype.publicMethod = function () { return this.getPrivateVariable() }
const myMyClass = new MyClass('foo')
WELD.clone = function (obj) {
if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj
var copy = obj.constructor()
for (var attr in obj) {
// or Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, attr)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = obj[attr]
return copy
for (const entry of array) {
for (const i in array) {
console.log(`${i}: ${array[i]}`)
for (const key in object) {
console.log(`${key}: ${object[key]}`)
const keys = ['apple', 'banana', 'citrus']
for (const k in keys) {
console.log(`${keys[k]}: ${object[keys[k]]}`)
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
console.log(`${i}: ${array[i]}`)
const keys = ['apple', 'banana', 'citrus']
for (let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) {
console.log(`${keys[k]}: ${object[keys[k]]}`)
array.forEach((i, index) => console.log(`${i}: ${array[key]}`)
// While
while (condition) {
// code block to be executed
do {
// code block to be executed
while (condition)
// Switch = Select/Case
switch (n) {
case 1:
// execute code block 1
break // or return
case 2:
// execute code block 2
break // or return
// code to be executed if n is different from case 1 and 2
break // or return
try {
myroutine() // may throw three exceptions
catch (e if e instanceof EvalError) {
// statements to handle EvalError exceptions
catch (e) {
// statements to handle any unspecified exceptions
logMyErrors(e) // pass exception object to error handler
finally {
// Code to be executed regardless of the try/catch result
Math.random() // 0.0 to 1.0
const getRandomNumber = (min, max) => Math.round(min + Math.random() * (max - min))
const getRandomNumericString = (length = 5) => Math.round(Math.random() * Math.pow(10, length)).toString()
const getRandomString = (length = 5) => window.btoa(Math.random().toString()).substring(-length).replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '').split('').reverse().join('')
const getRandomFromArray = (array) => array[Math.round(Math.random() * (array.length - 1))]
// getRandomIndexFromWeightedArray([0.1, 0.3, 0.6]) --> returns index 0-2
const getRandomIndexFromWeightedArray = (weightedArray) => {
const randomNr = Math.random()
let total = 0
for (var i = 0; i < weightedArray.length; i++) {
total += weightedArray[i]
if (total > randomNr) return i
const getRandomFromWeightedArray = (array, weightedArray) => array[getRandomIndexFromWeightedArray(weightedArray)]
const getSerialFromArray = (array, index) => array[index % array.length]
const otherNumber = (allNumbers, notNumber) => shuffleArray(allNumbers).filter(nr => notNumber !== nr)[0]
// if (withProbability(0.33)) { ...then }
const withProbability = (p) => Math.random() < p
Seeded random: https://github.com/davidbau/seedrandom
const seedrandom = require('seedrandom')
const random = seedrandom('hello.')
console.log(random()) // Always 0.9282578795792454
// Serial e.g. '1464642047155-207'
(Date.now() + '-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000))
Math.min, Math.max
// 2 decimals
Math.round(num * 100) / 100
const round = (value, decimals = 2) => parseFloat(value.toFixed(decimals))
// Limit value between max and min
const clamp = (value, min, max) => Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max)
parseInt(StringorNum) // to int
parseFloat(StringorNum) // to float
// Pad decimals
function padDigits (number, digits) {
return Array(Math.max(digits - String(number).length + 1, 0)).join(0) + number
const interpolate = function (fraction, min, max) {
const result = min + (fraction * (max - min))
// If min and max are integers, return integer
return (min % 1 === 0 && max % 1 === 0) ? Math.round(result) : result
const wrapPageNumber = (incr = 1) => (incr + pageNumber + numPages - 1) % numPages + 1
From https://www.jstips.co/en/javascript/array-average-and-median/
const sum = values => values.reduce((previous, current) => current + previous, 0)
const average = values => sum(values) / values.length
const median = values => {
values.sort((a, b) => a - b)
const lowMiddle = Math.floor((values.length - 1) / 2)
const highMiddle = Math.ceil((values.length - 1) / 2)
return (values[lowMiddle] + values[highMiddle]) / 2
min = Math.min(...values) max = Math.max(...values)
Math.pow(3, 2)
Math.sin(radians) // 'x': 0=0, 0.5π=1, π=0, 1.5π=-1, 2π=0
Math.cos(radians) // 'y': 0=1, 0.5π=0, π=-1, 1.5π=0, 2π=1
deg/360 = rad/2π -> rad = deg/180 * Math.PI
// ~= 0.866 * a
const triangleHeight = a => Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * a
const hypotenuse = (a, b) => Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2))
X/Y distances:
const getDistance = (point1, point2) => Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point2[0] - point1[0], 2) + Math.pow(point2[1] - point1[1], 2))
const getVector = (point1, point2) => ([point2[0] - point1[0], point2[1] - point1[1]])
const addVector = (vector1, vector2) => vector1.map((v, index) => v + vector2[index])
const multiplyVector = (vector, multiplier) => vector.map(v => v * multiplier)
Math.sign(-3) // -1
const splitLine = (point1, point2, segmentLength) => {
const distance = getDistance(point1, point2)
const vector = getVector(point1, point2)
const segmentCount = Math.floor(distance / segmentLength)
const segmentVector = multiplyVector(vector, segmentLength / distance)
const segments = [
...fillArray(segmentCount, index => multiplyVector(segmentVector, index + 1)),
return segments
Vector to X/Y:
const xySpeed = (speed, rotationDegrees) => ({
x: Math.sin(rotationDegrees/180 * Math.PI) * speed,
y: -Math.cos(rotationDegrees/180 * Math.PI) * speed,
Get angle:
const getAngle = function (x, y) {
const angle = Math.atan2(y, x) // radians
const degrees = 180 * angle / Math.PI // degrees
return (360 + Math.round(degrees)) % 360 // round number, avoid decimal fragments
Graph circle:
const findNewPoint = (x, y, angle, distance) => ({
x: Math.round(Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180) * distance + x),
y: Math.round(Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) * distance + y)
Speed, Bounce and Gravity:
const applyAcceleration = (position, speed, acceleration) => {
for (let dim = 0; dim < position.length; dim++) {
speed[dim] += acceleration[dim]
position[dim] += speed[dim]
const applyBounce = (position, speed, acceleration) => {
if (position[Y] > 200) {
speed[Y] = -speed[Y] * 0.9
speed[ROTATION] = -speed[ROTATION] * 0.9
position[ROTATION] = position[ROTATION] * 0.9
position[Y] = 200
const applyBlackHole = (position, acceleration, holePosition = [150, 150], gravity = 0.01) => {
for (let dim = 0; dim < position.length; dim++) {
acceleration[dim] = (holePosition[dim] - position[dim]) * gravity
function areTwoRectanglesColliding (
obj1x: number,
obj1y: number,
obj1width: number,
obj1height: number,
obj2x: number,
obj2y: number,
obj2width: number,
obj2height: number
): boolean {
return (
obj1x < obj2x + obj2width &&
obj1x + obj1width > obj2x &&
obj1y < obj2y + obj2height &&
obj1y + obj1height > obj2y
function areCircleAndRectangleColliding (
circleCenterX: number,
circleCenterY: number,
circleRadius: number,
rectLeftX: number,
rectTopY: number,
rectWidth: number,
rectHeight: number
): boolean {
const distX = Math.abs(circleCenterX - rectLeftX - rectWidth / 2)
const distY = Math.abs(circleCenterY - rectTopY - rectHeight / 2)
if (distX > (rectWidth / 2 + circleRadius)) return false
if (distY > (rectHeight / 2 + circleRadius)) return false
if (distX <= (rectWidth / 2)) return true
if (distY <= (rectHeight / 2)) return true
const dx = distX - rectWidth / 2
const dy = distY - rectHeight / 2
return (dx * dx + dy * dy <= (circleRadius * circleRadius))
Geographic distance (latitude/longitude to distance):
// Calculate geographic distance in meters – https://stackoverflow.com/a/21623206/449227
export function geoDistance (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {
const p = 0.017453292519943295 // Math.PI / 180
const a = 0.5 - Math.cos((lat2 - lat1) * p) / 2 +
Math.cos(lat1 * p) * Math.cos(lat2 * p) *
(1 - Math.cos((lng2 - lng1) * p)) / 2
return Math.round(1000 * 12742 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a))) // 2 * R; R = 6371 km
String.fromCharCode(189, 43, 190, 61)
console.log('String: “%s”, Integer: %d, Float: %f, Boolean: %s', myString, myInteger, myFloat, myBoolean)
const makeStringOfLength = (char, length) => new Array(length + 1).join(char)
string.indexOf(searchstring, start)
string.lastIndexOf(searchstring, start)
string.search() // for regular expressions
const stringContains = (bigString, searchString) => bigString.toLowerCase().includes(searchString.toLowerCase())
doesStringContainX = (bigString.indexOf(x) !== -1)
doesStringBeginWithX = (bigString.substring(0, x.length) === x)
doesStringEndWithX = bigString.endsWith(x)
const getStringBetweenTags = (source, tag1, tag2) => {
if (source === undefined || tag1 === undefined || tag2 === undefined) return
let newText = source.substring(source.indexOf(tag1) + tag1.length, source.length)
newText = newText.substring(0, newText.indexOf(tag2))
return newText
const applyMethodToStringBetweenTags = (source, tag1, tag2, method) => {
var position1 = 0, position2
var newText = source
do {
position1 = newText.indexOf(tag1, position1)
position2 = newText.indexOf(tag2, position1 + tag1.length)
// If found matching text
if (position1 !== -1 && position2 > position1) {
// Cut it out
var cutOutStr = newText.substring(position1 + tag1.length, position2)
cutOutStr = method(cutOutStr)
// Paste it back in
newText = newText.substring(0, position1 + tag1.length) + cutOutStr + newText.substring(position2, newText.length)
position1 = position2 + 1
while (position1 !== -1)
return newText
// replaceMultipleStrings(['This is $1', 'Sparta']) --> 'This is Sparta'
const replaceMultipleStrings = (array, str) => (str || array[0]).replace(/(\$\d)/gm, strId => array[parseInt(strId.slice(1))])
// "Hello {{value|My Default Value}}"
const replaceTemplatePlaceholders = function (stringTemplate, keyValues) {
return stringTemplate
.replace(/{{([\w|||\s]+)}}/g, function (match, matchedString) {
const keyAndDefault = matchedString.split('|')
return keyValues ? keyValues[keyAndDefault[0]] || keyAndDefault[1] || '' : ''
.replace(/ {2}/g, ' ') // remove double spaces for missing variables
string.substr(start, length)
string.substring(start, end) = string.slice(start, end)
string.substr(nrOfInitialCharsToRemove) = string.substring(nrOfInitialCharsToRemove) = string.slice(nrOfInitialCharsToRemove)
string.substr(-nrOfEndingCharsToKeep) = string.substring(-nrOfEndingCharsToKeep) = string.slice(-nrOfEndingCharsToKeep)
string.slice(nrOfInitialCharsToRemove, -nrOfEndingCharsToRemove)
// substr vs substring vs slice
// One param:
'ABCDE'.substr(1) === 'BCDE' // Remove initial
'ABCDE'.substring(1) === 'BCDE'
'ABCDE'.slice(1) === 'BCDE'
'ABCDE'.substr(-1) === 'E' // Keep ending
'ABCDE'.substring(-1) === 'ABCDE'
'ABCDE'.slice(-1) === 'E'
// Two params:
'ABCDE'.substr(0, 2) === 'AB' // Keep initial
'ABCDE'.substring(0, 2) === 'AB'
'ABCDE'.slice(0, 2) === 'AB'
'ABCDE'.substr(0, -1) === ''
'ABCDE'.substring(0, -1) === ''
'ABCDE'.slice(0, -1) === 'ABCD' // Remove ending
'ABCDE'.substr(1, 2) === 'BC'
'ABCDE'.substring(1, 2) === 'B'
'ABCDE'.slice(1, 2) === 'B'
'ABCDE'.substr(-1, 2) === 'E'
'ABCDE'.substring(-1, 2) === 'AB'
'ABCDE'.slice(-1, 2) === ''
'ABCDE'.substr(1, -2) === ''
'ABCDE'.substring(1, -2) === 'A'
'ABCDE'.slice(1, -2) === 'BC'
firstChars = bigString.substr(0, bigString.length - n)
lastChars = bigString.substr(bigString.length - n) // or bigString.slice(n)
upUntilString = bigString.substring(0, bigString.indexOf('_')) // up until '_'
const upUntilStrings = (str, arrayOfStoppers, maxLength = 200) => str.substring(0, arrayOfStoppers.reduce((result, stopStr) => {
const stopStrPos = Math.min(result, str.indexOf(stopStr))
return stopStrPos > 0 ? stopStrPos : result
}, maxLength))
upUntilStringOrAll = (bigString.indexOf('_') !== -1) ? bigString.substring(0,bigString.indexOf('_')) : bigString
upUntilLastString = bigString.substring(0, bigString.lastIndexOf('/'))
fromStringToEnd1 = bigString.substring(bigString.indexOf('_')+1, bigString.length) // Note: first index of, can use lastIndexOf too
fromStringToEnd1OrNone = (bigString.indexOf('_') !== -1) ? bigString.substring(bigString.indexOf('_')+1, bigString.length) : ''
fromStringToEnd2 = bigString.split('_').pop() // only works if only one '_'
fileExtension = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('_')+1, filename.length)
const stringMaxLength = (str, maxLength = 20) => (str && str.length > maxLength) ? str.substr(0, maxLength - 1) + '…' : str
const getFirstSentence = str => str.replace(/[!?:;–]/g, '.').split('.')[0]
string.toLowerCase() string.toUpperCase()
// See also _.capitalize and _.upperFirst const titleCase = str => str.replace(/(?:^|\s|[-"'([{])+\S/g, (c) => c.toUpperCase()) const titleCaseForced = str => str.replace(/\w\S*/g, txt => txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase()) const capitalizeFirstLetter = str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
const toDash = str => str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1){return "-"+$1.toLowerCase()})
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/2970667/449227 const toCamelCase = (str) => str.replace( /(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, (match, index) => (+match === 0) ? '' // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces : (index === 0) ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase())
const snakeToCamel = str => str.toLowerCase().replace(/([-][a-z])/g, group => group .toUpperCase() .replace('-', '') .replace('', '') ); const snakeToPascal = (str: string): string => str .split('') .map(segment => segment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + segment.slice(1).toLowerCase()) .join('') const snakeToKebab = (str: string): string => str.replace(//g, '-').toLowerCase() const camelToKebab = str => str.replace(/([a-z0-9]|(?=[A-Z]))([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase() const kebabToCamel = str => str.replace(/(-\w)/g, match => match[1].toUpperCase())
const snakeToCamel = str => str.replace(/(_\w)/g, match => match[1].toUpperCase())
const camelToSnake = str => str.replace(/[\w]([A-Z0-9])/g, match => match[0] + '_' + match[1]).toLowerCase()
const toSlug = str => str.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/ |_/g, '-').replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '')
function toSlug (str, replaceInternationalChars = true) {
// Abort if not a proper string value
if (!str || typeof (str) !== 'string') { return str }
// For both
let newStr = str.trim()
.replace(/ |_|\//g, '-') // space/underscore/slash to dash
// Remove ÅÄÖ etc?
if (replaceInternationalChars) {
newStr = newStr.replace(/[åäæâãáà]/g, 'a').replace(/[ëêéè]/g, 'e').replace(/[öøôõóò]/g, 'o').replace(/[üûúù]/g, 'u') // convert ÅÄÖÜ to Latin characters
newStr = newStr.replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '') // remove all other characters
} else {
newStr = newStr.replace(/[\t.,?;:‘’“”"'`!@#$€%^&§°*<>()[\]{}_+=/|\\]/g, '') // remove invalid characters but keep ÅÄÖ etc
// For both
newStr = newStr.replace(/---/g, '-') // fix for the ' - ' case
.replace(/--/g, '-') // fix for the '- ' case
.replace(/--/g, '-') // fix for the '- ' case
return newStr
newStr = str.replace('Google', 'Weld') // first only
newStr = str.replace(/Google/g, 'Weld') // all - 'g' is the key
// dynamic regex
newStr = str.replace(new RegExp(variableToFind, 'g'), replaceText)
// replace function (also: '$&' inserts the matched substring)
newStr = str.replace(/([^\d]*)(\d*)([^\w]*)/, (match, p1, p2, p3, offset, string) => [p1, p2, p3].join(' - '))
: Inserts a "$". -
: Inserts the matched substring. -
`$``: Inserts the portion of the string that precedes the matched substring.
: Inserts the portion of the string that follows the matched substring. -
: Where n is a positive integer less than 100, inserts the nth parenthesized submatch string, provided the first argument was a RegExp object. Note that this is 1-indexed.// replaceArray(['This is
$1', 'Sparta']) const replaceArray = (array, str) => (str || array[0]).replace(/($ \d)/gm, strId => array[parseInt(strId.slice(1))])const characterReplacements = { ' ': '-' }
const replaceAll = (str, dictionary, reverse = false) => Object.keys(dictionary).reduce((result, phrase, index) => { const fromStr = reverse ? Object.values(dictionary)[index] : phrase const toStr = reverse ? phrase : Object.values(dictionary)[index] return result.replace(new RegExp(fromStr, 'g'), toStr) }, str)
/** '{variable}' => 'value' */ const replaceStrings = (template, stringsObj) => { if (!template) return template let newString = template const keys = Object.keys(stringsObj) for (let k in keys) { newString = newString.replace(new RegExp(
, 'g'), stringsObj[keys[k]]) } return newString }
// Strip HTML
const stripHtmlTags = str => str.replace(/<\/?("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>])*(>|$)/g, '')
string.split(separator, limit) -> array
array.join(', ') -> string
const truncate = (str, maxLength = 25) => (str.length > maxLength) ? str.substr(0, maxLength - 1) + '…' : str
const shuffleString = (str) => shuffleArray(str.split('')).join('')
const sortString = (str) => str.split('').sort().join('')
const uniqueLetters = (str) => unique(str.toLowerCase().split('')).join('')
const uniqueSortedLetters = (str) => sortString(uniqueLetters(str))
const obfuscateString = (str, visible) => {
const showVisible = visible || Math.round(str.length / 3)
const positions = str.split('').map((char, index) => index)
const shuffledPositions = shuffleArray(positions).slice(showVisible)
const newString = str.split('').map((char, index) => shuffledPositions.includes(index) ? '•' : char).join('')
return newString
const vowelCount = (str) => unique(str.toLowerCase().split('')).reduce((result, char) => result + (VOWELS.includes(char) ? 1 : 0), 0)
const anonymizeEmail = email => email.split('@').map((part, isDomain) => isDomain ? part : part[0] + new Array(part.length).join('•')).join('@')
const regExp = /\w+\s?\*(\w+\s?\w+)/g
const regExp = new RegExp('\w+', 'g')
const regExpAsString = '\\w+\\s?\\*(\\w+\\s?\\w+)'
// test: tests for a match in a string, returns true/false
const isValid = regExp.test(str)
// hex
const isHexString = str => /[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}/g.test(str)
// search: returns the position of the match or -1
const index = str.search(regExp)
// replace: replace a string
const result = str.replace(regExp, newStr)
const result = str.replace(new RegExp('\w+', 'g'), newStr)
// match: executes a search for a match in a string, returns an array of information or null on a mismatch
const regexpMatchArray = myString.match(/([a-z]*)/gi)
// exec(str): executes a search for a match in a string, it returns an array of information
const regex = /\w+/gm
const str = `Hello`
let m
while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
// The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`)
// base64: Encode the String
var encodedString = window.btoa(string)
// base64: Decode the String
var decodedString = window.atob(encodedString)
// URL encode
encodeURIComponent('ÅÄÖ&') -> "%C3%85%C3%84%C3%96%26"
// yarn add html-entities import { decode: decodeHtmlEntities } from 'html-entities' // const { decode: decodeHtmlEntities } = require('html-entities') decodeHtmlEntities('"Keywords by Site"')
// yarn add striptags
const striptags = require('striptags')
striptags('Some text <b>and</b> text.')
// yarn add string-strip-html
const { stripHtml } = require('string-strip-html')
stripHtml('Some text <b>and</b> text.').result
require('crypto').randomBytes(48, function(err, buffer) { var token = buffer.toString('hex'); console.log(token); });
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7616461/generate-a-hash-from-string-in-javascript
const cyrb53 = function (str, seed = 0) {
let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed; let h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed
for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) {
ch = str.charCodeAt(i)
h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761)
h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677)
h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 13), 3266489909)
h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 13), 3266489909)
return 4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1 >>> 0)
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/52171480/449227
const hashCode = str => Array.from(str).reduce((result, char) => Math.imul(31, result) + char.charCodeAt(0), 0)
const hashCode = str => {
let h
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
h = Math.imul(31, h) + str.charCodeAt(i) | 0
return h
function generateShortHash(str) {
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const char = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; // bitwise hash
hash = hash & hash; // convert to 32-bit integer
return Math.abs(hash).toString(36); // convert to base36 for a shorter string
let myCars = new Array() // regular array (add an optional integer)
const justFloats = Array.from(new Float32Array(5))
const itemList = Array.from(new Float32Array(5)).map((value, index) => `Item ${index + 1}`)
const zeroPad = (count, str = '0') => Array(count).fill(str).join('')
// TypeScript: const fillArray = (length: number, expression: (index: number) => any): any[] => [...Array(length)].map((_, index) => expression(index))
const fillArray = (length, expression) => [...Array(length)].map((_, index) => expression?.(index))
const fillMatrix = (columns, rows, expression) => [...Array(rows)].map((row, y) => [...Array(columns)].map((col, x) => expression ? (typeof expression === 'function' ? expression(x, y) : expression) : undefined))
// fillMatrix previously called mapGrid
const mapMatrix = (matrix, expression) => matrix.map((row, y) => row.map((value, x) => expression ? (typeof expression === 'function' ? expression(value, x, y) : expression) : undefined))
myCars[0] = "Saab" // argument to control array's size
myCars[1] = "Volvo"
myCars[2] = "BMW"
var lastElement = myCars[myCars.length - 1]
pop() // get/remove last element
shift() // remove first element of an array, and returns that element
// Clone array
newArray = oldArray.slice()
// Get part of array
newArray = oldArray.slice(startIndex, endIndexPlusOne)
fruits.indexOf('Apple') !== -1
url.search(/api\/users\/(.+)/) !== -1
var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"]
array.sort((a, b) => a - b) // return 1, -1, or 0
array.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a.price) - parseFloat(b.price))
newarray = array.slice().reverse()
const nextInArray = ALL_VALUES[(ALL_VALUES.indexOf(currentValue) + 1) % ALL_VALUES.length]
const shuffleArray = (array) => {
const shuffledArray = [...array]
let currentIndex = shuffledArray.length; let temporaryValue; let randomIndex
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (currentIndex !== 0) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex)
currentIndex -= 1
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = shuffledArray[currentIndex]
shuffledArray[currentIndex] = shuffledArray[randomIndex]
shuffledArray[randomIndex] = temporaryValue
return shuffledArray
newArray = [newItem, ...oldArray, newItem2]
push() // add to end
unshift() // add to beginning
array.splice(index, howmany, element1, …, elementX) // adds/removes items to/from an array, and returns the removed item(s), mutates original array
var combined = list1.concat(list2)
pop() // get/remove last element
shift() // remove first element of an array, and returns that element
slice(start, end) // returns the selected elements in an array, as a new array object
array.splice(indexToRemove, 1) // remove 1 element, mutates original array
array.filter((element, index) => index !== indexToRemove) // remove 1 element, non-mutating
newArray = someArray.filter(user => user.name !== 'John')
// Array Remove - By John Resig (MIT Licensed)
Array.prototype.remove = function (from, to) {
var rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length)
this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from
return this.push.apply(this, rest)
// Divide into pages. Note: pageNr = 1, 2, 3...
const paginateArray = (array, pageSize = 100, pageNr = 1) => array.slice((pageNr - 1) * pageSize, pageNr * pageSize)
const paginateObject = (object, pageSize, pageNr) => paginateArray(Object.keys(object), pageSize, pageNr).reduce((result, projectKey) => { result[projectKey] = object[projectKey]; return result }, {})
// Split full name into first/lastname
var allNames = fullname.split(' ')
firstname = allNames[0]
if (allNames.length > 1) {
allNames.splice(0, 1)
lastname = allNames.join(' ')
const firstThreeSummary = (array) => array.length ? array.slice(0, 3).map(item => item.name).join(', ') : ''
Object.keys(myObject).length // ECMAScript 5 required
Object.size = function (obj) {
var size = 0, key
for (key in obj) {
// or Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++
return size
const asObject = (stringOrObject) => ({
...(typeof stringOrObject === 'object' && stringOrObject),
name: typeof stringOrObject === 'object' ? stringOrObject.name : stringOrObject,
value: typeof stringOrObject === 'object' ? stringOrObject.value : stringOrObject
// Deep search in a collection: see https://jsonpath.curiousconcept.com/
const findInCollection = (collection, searchString, previousKeys = []) => {
const jsonPath = '$' + previousKeys.map(key => isNaN(key) ? `.${key}` : `[${key}]`).join('')
const allKeys = Object.keys(collection)
for (const key of allKeys) {
const dataValue = collection[key]
const wasFound = dataValue && JSON.stringify(dataValue).includes(searchString)
const dataPath = [...previousKeys, key]
if (wasFound) {
findInCollection(dataValue, searchString, dataPath)
} else if (previousKeys.length) {
console.log(`End of search: “${searchString}”:`, jsonPath)
str = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) // value, replacerArrayOrFunction, spacer
str = JSON.stringify(obj)
obj = JSON.parse(str)
const parseObject = obj => (typeof obj === 'string' && (obj.includes('{') || obj.includes('['))) ? JSON.parse(obj) : obj
const stringifyObject = obj => typeof obj === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(obj) : obj.toString()
Date.now() // = new Date().getTime()
unixTimeStamp = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000)
var todaysDate = new Date()
var d = new Date(2014, 0, 1) // months are zero-based
// From value
new Date(1469433907836)
new Date('2011-04-11')
new Date('2011-04-11T11:51:00')
getFullYear() // Get the four digit year (yyyy)
getMonth() // Get the month (0-11)
getDate() // Get the day as a number (1-31)
getDay() // Get the weekday as a number (0-6)
getHours() // Get the hour (0-23)
getMinutes() // Get the minutes (0-59)
getSeconds() // Get the seconds (0-59)
getMilliseconds() // Get the milliseconds (0-999)
getTime() // Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
thisYear = new Date().getYear() + 1900
const getDateTimeString = (date = new Date()) => {
const year = date.getFullYear()
const month = (`0${date.getMonth() + 1}`).slice(-2)
const day = (`0${date.getDate()}`).slice(-2)
const hours = (`0${date.getHours()}`).slice(-2)
const minutes = (`0${date.getMinutes()}`).slice(-2)
return `${year}${month}${day}-${hours}${minutes}`
const formatDate = (dateObj = new Date()) => `${dateObj.getFullYear()}-${`0${dateObj.getMonth() + 1}`.slice(-2)}-${`0${dateObj.getDate()}`.slice(-2)}`
const formatTime = (dateObj = new Date()) => `${`0${dateObj.getHours()}`.slice(-2)}:${`0${dateObj.getMinutes()}`.slice(-2)}`
const formatDateTime = (dateObj = new Date()) => `${dateObj.getFullYear()}-${`0${dateObj.getMonth() + 1}`.slice(-2)}-${`0${dateObj.getDate()}`.slice(-2)} ${`0${dateObj.getHours()}`.slice(-2)}:${`0${dateObj.getMinutes()}`.slice(-2)}`
/** Timestamp e.g. '20241012-1308-4d5j' */
const formatTimestamp = (dateObj = new Date()) => `${dateObj.getFullYear()}${`0${dateObj.getMonth() + 1}`.slice(-2)}${`0${dateObj.getDate()}`.slice(-2)}-${`0${dateObj.getHours()}`.slice(-2)}${`0${dateObj.getMinutes()}`.slice(-2)}-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 6)}`
const formatDate = function (dateObj) {
return (dateObj.getFullYear()
+ "-" + ('0' + (dateObj.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2)
+ "-" + ('0' + dateObj.getDate()).slice(-2)
const formatDateAndTime = function (dateObj) {
return (dateObj.getFullYear()
+ "-" + ('0' + (dateObj.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2)
+ "-" + ('0' + dateObj.getDate()).slice(-2)
+ " " + dateObj.getHours()
+ ":" + dateObj.getMinutes()
+ ":" + dateObj.getSeconds()
const formatSqlDate = (new Date(date)).toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ')
// Compare dates
const diffInMillisecs = (oldDate, newDate = new Date()) => newDate - oldDate
const diffInDays = (oldDate, newDate = new Date()) => (newDate - oldDate) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
// Add to date
const futureDate = (days = 7, startDate = new Date()) => new Date(startDate.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
const oneYearFromNow = new Date(Date.now() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
// Calculate difference between dates
const daysBetweenDates = (date1, date2 = new Date()) => (date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()) / (24*60*60*1000)
// Timestamp in milliseconds
new Date().getTime() => 1390569315900
var dateFromMillisecs = new Date(milliseconds)
// UTC Timestamp
Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)
// Date where hours/minutes/seconds are removed
const todaysDateNoTime = new Date(Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))
- 1 year in milliseconds: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 = 31536000000
- 1 year in seconds: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 31536000
- 1 month in seconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 2592000
- 1 week in seconds: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 604800
- 1 day in seconds: 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400
- 1 hour in seconds: 60 * 60 = 3600
Use dayjs instead (smaller):
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
dayjs(myDate).format('ddd, YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
dayjs().subtract(2, 'day').getDate()
dayjs().diff('2018-06-05', 'day')
dayjs('2019-01-25').unix() // Unix seconds 1548381600
dayjs('2019-01-25').valueOf() // Unix milliseconds 1548381600000
Relative date:
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
Helper functions:
const formatReadableDate = (dateObj) => dayjs(dateObj).format('MMM D')
import moment from 'moment'
moment().toDate() // JS date obj
moment().valueOf() // millisecs
moment().unix() // seconds
moment(value).fromNow() // “3 hours ago”
const duration = momDate.diff(momDateNow)
moment().subtract(7, 'days')
moment().startOf('isoweek').add(2, 'weeks')
moment().isoWeekday() // returns 1-7 where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday
moment(dateObj).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')
moment(dateObj).format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY HH:mm')
moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmm') // e.g. slug
Wait, Sleep etc
// do once
setTimeout(doInOneSecond, 1000)
setTimeout(doInOneSecond, 1000, param1, param2)
setTimeout(() => console.log('setTimeout'), 1000)
// async
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)) // sleep 3 seconds
const sleep = (milliseconds) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds))
// Repeat
setInterval(doEverySecond, 1000)
setInterval(doEverySecond, 1000, param1, param2)
const timerId = setInterval(function () { console.log('setInterval') }, 1000)
// Stop timer
var doWithTimeoutIfNeeded = function (func, expression) {
expression ? setTimeout(func) : func()
animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(doInNextFrame)
async function checkIfImageLoads (imageSrc: string): Promise<boolean> {
return await new Promise((resolve) => {
const img = new Image()
img.onload = () => resolve(true)
img.onerror = () => resolve(false)
img.src = imageSrc
- Canvas
https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_canvas.asp https://codepen.io/YOUR-USER-NAME/pen/Gdjrdx
<canvas id="canvasElement" width="1080" height="1080" style="border:1px solid #ccc background-color: white"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvasElement')
var context = canvas.getContext('2d')
context.fillStyle = 'deeppink'
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)' // alpha
context.strokeStyle = 'slateblue'
context.lineWidth = 5
context.setLineDash([5, 3]) // dashes 5px, spaces 3px
context.globalAlpha = 0.5 // alpha, works with images
// Line
context.strokeStyle = 'slateblue'
ctx.lineCap = "butt" || "round" || "square"
// Rectangle
context.fillStyle = 'deeppink'
context.fillRect(20,200, 150,100) // also: strokeRect
// Circle
context.arc(250, 50, 40, 0, 2*Math.PI) // x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise
// Curve
ctx.arcTo(150,20, 150,70, 50)
// Text
context.font = '30px Arial'
context.fillText('Hello World', 10, 100) // also: strokeText
// Create gradient
var myGradient = context.createLinearGradient(200,0, 400,0) // x0,y0,x1,y1
// context.createRadialGradient(75,50,5, 90,60,100) // x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1
myGradient.addColorStop(0, 'red')
myGradient.addColorStop(1, 'blue')
context.fillStyle = myGradient
context.fillRect(200,200, 150,80)
const fillCanvas = function (canvas, context, color = 'white') {
context.fillStyle = color
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
const fillCanvasGradient = function (canvas, context, colorInner = 'red', colorOuter = 'blue') {
var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(canvas.width/2,canvas.height/2,10, canvas.width/2,canvas.height/2,canvas.width/2 * 1.414) // x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1
gradient.addColorStop(0, colorInner)
gradient.addColorStop(1, colorOuter)
context.fillStyle = gradient
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
// Image
var img = document.getElementById('imageElement')
context.drawImage(img, 10,10)
context.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'
// Polygon - from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18838202/fill-polygon-on-canvas/18838472#18838472
const drawPolygon = function (context, body) {
context.strokeStyle = body.color || 'gray'
context.fillStyle = body.color || 'gray'
context.lineWidth = 10
context.lineCap = 'round'
for (var i = 0 i < body.vertices.length i++) {
context.lineTo(body.vertices[i].x, body.vertices[i].y)
context.lineTo(body.vertices[0].x, body.vertices[0].y)
// Shadows
<audio id="sound_pop" src="/assets/pop.mp3" preload="auto"></audio>
sessionStorage vs localStorage: sessionStorage is cleared when the page session ends
// Save data to localStorage
window.localStorage.setItem('key', 'string')
// Get saved data from localStorage
let data = window.localStorage.getItem('key')
// Remove saved data from localStorage
// Remove all saved data from localStorage
“Stormpath recommends that you store your JWT in cookies for web applications, because of the additional security they provide, and the simplicity of protecting against CSRF with modern web frameworks. HTML5 Web Storage is vulnerable to XSS, has a larger attack surface area, and can impact all application users on a successful attack.” – https://stormpath.com/blog/where-to-store-your-jwts-cookies-vs-html5-web-storage
window.document.cookie // get all
window.document.cookie = `key=value` // set one
window.document.cookie = `key=value;max-age=` + (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) // one year
const getAllCookies = () => window.document.cookie.split('; ').reduce((result, str) => {
const keyValue = str.split('=')
result[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1]
return result
}, {})
const getCookie = (name, defaultValue) => getAllCookies()[name] || defaultValue
const setCookie = (name, value, options = { maxAge: 365*24*60*60 }) => {
window.document.cookie = `${name}=${JSON.stringify(value)}${options.maxAge ? `;max-age=${options.maxAge}` : ''}`
const deleteCookie = (name) => setCookie(name, '', { maxAge: 0 })
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
const inOneWeek = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
Cookies.set(COOKIE_NAME, user, { expires: inOneWeek })
document.querySelectorAll('#mylink img') // all
document.querySelector('#mylink img') // only FIRST
document.getElementsByTagName('div') // returns array
document.getElementsByClassName('myClass') // returns array
document.getElementById('myButton') // returns ONE. Note: can't be chained
// Chained:
element.id = 'elem1'
element.value = '100'
element.innerText = ''
element.innerHTML = ''
element.className = 'newClass'
element.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(169, 169, 169)'
element.setAttribute('disabled', true)
element.offsetLeft // also offsetTop - both relative to parent
element.offsetWidth // offsetHeight
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
item.replaceChild(newNode, container.childNodes[0])
// Simple scraper:
document.querySelectorAll('.my-class > a').forEach(e => console.log(e.innerText, e.getAttribute('href')))
// Format multiple
document.querySelectorAll('.my-class img').forEach(e => e.style.border = '1px solid red')
function toggleClass (event, className) { const { target } = event const classStr = ' ' + className target.className = target.className.includes(classStr) ? target.className.replace(classStr, '') : target.className + classStr }
var setElementDisabled = function (elementId, setDisabled) {
? document.getElementById(elementId).setAttribute('disabled', true)
: document.getElementById(elementId).removeAttribute('disabled')
var appendHtml = function (element, htmlString) {
var div = document.createElement('div')
div.innerHTML = htmlString
while (div.children.length > 0) {
var html = '<h1 id="title">Some Title</h1><span style="display:inline-block width=100px">Some arbitrary text</span>'
appendHtml(document.body, html) // "body" has two more children - h1 and span.
function createElement (elementType, props, children) {
const element = document.createElement(elementType)
for (const prop in props) {
if (prop === 'style') {
Object.keys(props.style).forEach(function (styleName) { element.style[styleName] = props.style[styleName] })
} else if (prop.includes('data-')) {
element.setAttribute(prop, props[prop])
} else if (props[prop] !== null) {
element[prop] = props[prop]
if (children) {
children.forEach(function (node) { element.appendChild(node) })
return element
<button onClick="myFunction()">Click me</button>
window.myFunction = function () {
alert('Hello World')
document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
console.log('Click!', event, this)
document.querySelectorAll('.tag').forEach(element => element.addEventListener('click', function (event) { console.log('Click!', event, this) }))
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
element.addEventListener('change', myFunction)
element.removeEventListener('change', myFunction) // no myFunction = remove all
Loading a page, in order:
- readystatechange
- load
- pageshow
Back button:
- popstate
MutationObserver (for SPA’s):
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
console.log('mutation:', mutation.type, mutation.target)
observer.observe(document.querySelector('body'), { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true })
// When done:
event.preventDefault() // prevents the default action the browser makes on that event.
event.stopPropagation() // stops the event from bubbling up the event chain.
event.stopImmediatePropagation() // plus other event handlers
Use mouseenter
instead of mouseover
= trigger on childs)
// Get X/Y position from mouse or touch
const { clientX, clientY } = event.targetTouches ? event.targetTouches[0] : event
Tip: event handlers on document
for move/end:
window.document.addEventListener('mousemove', listeners.move)
window.document.addEventListener('mouseup', listeners.end)
const mediaQueryTablet = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 600px)')
mediaQueryTablet.addListener(event => {
event.matches && console.log('tablet')
// Short:
window.matchMedia('(max-width: 969px) and (min-width: 524px)') .addListener(e => e.matches && console.log('tablet'))
var event = new Event('click')
var event = new CustomEvent('build', { detail: { … } })
element.addEventListener('build', function (evt) {})
element.dispatchEvent(event) // send event
try {
window.attachEvent('onload', whenDocumentHasLoaded)
catch (err) {
console.error('Error:', err)
// Run only in browser
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// Do in-browser stuff
// Short version
(typeof window !== 'undefined') && ...
function httpGetAsync(url, callback) {
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest()
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
xmlHttp.open('GET', url, true)
const domain = await window.fetch(url).then(res => res.json()) // or text(), blob(), arrayBuffer(), formData()
const userResponse = await window.fetch(userUrl)
const userJson = await userResponse.json() // or text(), blob(), arrayBuffer(), formData()
await window.fetch(`${config.appUrl}api/domains`, {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'no-cors', // or Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(data)
.then(async (res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
const json = await res.json()
throw new Error(json.message || res.statusText)
return res.json()
Axios: similar but URL is part of object
const makeRestRequest = async (method = 'GET', url, data) => window.fetch(url, {
mode: 'cors',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: data && JSON.stringify(data)
.then(async (res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
const json = await res.json()
throw new Error(json.message || res.statusText)
return res.json()
export default makeRestRequest
var newIframe = document.createElement('iframe')
newIframe.src = 'about:blank'
Open window:
window.open(url) // new tab; will ask browser for permission
window.open(URL, name, specs, replaceUrlInHistory)
window.open(pageURL, 'ts_window', 'width=300,height=600,scrollbars=no,titlebar=no,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=no', false)
pathname: "/accounts/create"
search: "?wow=1"
hash: "#isahash"
hostname: "localhost"
host: "localhost:3301"
protocol: "http:"
origin: "http://localhost:3301"
port: "3301"
window.history.pushState('object or string', 'Title', '/new-url') window.history.pushState(null, null, 'https://twitter.com/hello')
document.getElementById("xx").disabled = true
var email = document.getElementById('email').value
if (email.length < 6 || email.split('@').length !== 2 || email.split('@')[1].indexOf('.') === -1) {
alert('Please fill in a valid email address')
return false
Get all field values from form, 1 line:
let form = document.forms[0]; let formValues = {}; for (let i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { let element = form.elements[i]; if (element.name) formValues[element.name] = element.value; }; console.log(formValues);
Full version:
let form = document.forms[0];
let formValues = {};
for (let i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
let element = form.elements[i];
if (element.name) formValues[element.name] = element.value;
Web Workers | Service Workers | |
Instances | Many per tab | One for all tabs |
Lifespan | Same as tab | Independent |
Intended use | Parallelism | Offline support |
// Main code
if (typeof(Worker) !== 'undefined') {
// Yes! Web worker supported
var myworker = new Worker('demo_workers.js')
myworker.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
console.log('Worker said: ', event.data)
}, false)
// Send data to our worker
myworker.postMessage('Hello World')
else {
// Sorry! No Web Worker support..
// demo_workers.js
var i = 0
var timedCount = function () {
i = i + 1
setTimeout(timedCount, 500)
self.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
console.log('Main app said: ', event.data)
}, false)
// From service-worker.js:
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('sw-messages')
broadcastChannel.postMessage({ title: 'Hello from Service Worker' })
// From your client pages:
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('sw-messages')
broadcastChannel.addEventListener('message', event => console.log('Received', event.data))
// let and const instead of var (block scoped within {})
let x = 1
const Y = 1
// let with multi-assign - destructured assignment (not deconstructing)
let [one, two] = [1, 2]
let {three, four} = {three: 3, four: 4}
const { education: { degree: asNamedDegree } } = user
// With both renaming AND default values
const { account: accountId = null, team: teamId = null } = teamData
console.log(asNamedDegree) // prints: Masters
// Remove a property:
const { children, ...propsWithoutChildren } = props
// Default values
function ParallelPool ({ idleTimeoutMillis = 30000 } = {}) {...}
// Arrow functions => (NOTE: doesn't have `this` or `arguments`, but bind() works for parameters)
const doubleIt = a => a * 2 // similar to: var doubleIt = function (a) { return a * 2 }
const addTwo = (a, b) => { return a + b } // similar to: var addTwo = function (a, b) { return a + b }
p => ({ foo: 'bar' })
// Chained arrow functions
const middleware = store => next => action => {
// Classes: class, constructor, extends, super, get
class Prefixer extends otherClass {
constructor(prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix
prefixArray(arr) {
return arr.map(x => this.prefix + x)
// Function shorthand
myObject: {
url: '/api/kittens/:id',
reducer (state, action) {}, // Instead of: reducer: function () {}
// Short function definitions (only inside classes)
then() {
this.setState({ loading: false })
// Default arguments
function sayMsg(msg='Default message') {}
// Rest arguments & Spread operator
function myFunc(str, ...restArguments) {}
let nums = [5, 4]
myFunc(str, ...nums)
{ ...state, visibilityFilter: action.filter } // merge <-- right-to-left
// Destructuring parameters
([a,b]) => a + b
({crudify}, res, next) => {
for (var [key, value] of phoneBookMap) {}
// for… of (value instead of index)
for (let arrayValue of arr) {}
// String templating with ``
let person = {name: 'John Smith'}
let tpl = `My name is ${person.name}.` // note the `` characters
// Generators
// Maps & Sets
// Promises
let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
!err ? resolve(value) : reject(err)
const promiseFunction = () => new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve('a value')
// Pattern 1: catch
// Pattern 2: two arguments
p.then(onFulfilled[, onRejected])
p.then(result => result.json())
.then(onFulfilled) // will get JSON
const users = await Promise.all(userIds.map(userId => getUser(userId)))
const usersPromises = userIds.map(userId => getUser(userId)) const users = await Promise.all(usersPromises)
The await keyword can only be used inside functions defined with 'async'.
(_Can_ use .then() but shouldn’t)
let [items, contactlist, itemgroup] = await Promise.all([
Promise with timeout:
// https://italonascimento.github.io/applying-a-timeout-to-your-promises/
const promiseTimeout = function (milliseconds, promise) {
// Create a promise that rejects in specified milliseconds
const timeoutPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(`Timed out after ${milliseconds} milliseconds.`))
}, milliseconds)
// Returns a race between our timeout and the passed in promise
return Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise])
[1, 2, 3].forEach((n, index) => console.log(n))
[1, 2, 3].map((n, index) => n * 3)
[1, 2, 3].reduce((result, n) => result + n, 0)
[1, 2, 3].filter((n, index, array) => n < 2) // return all matches
[1, 2, 3].find((n, index, array) => n < 2) // return one (first) match
[1, 2, 3].every((n, index, array) => n < 2) // true if all matches
[1, 2, 3].some((n, index, array) => n < 2) // true if some matches
array.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a.property) - parseFloat(b.property))
const sortByNumberAscending = (array, property) => array.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a[property]) - parseFloat(b[property]))
const sortByNumberDescending = (array, property) => array.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(b[property]) - parseFloat(a[property]))
const sortByString = (array, property, descending = false) => descending
? array.sort((a, b) => (a[property].toLowerCase() < b[property].toLowerCase()) ? 1 : ((a[property].toLowerCase() > b[property].toLowerCase()) ? -1 : 0))
: array.sort((a, b) => (a[property].toLowerCase() < b[property].toLowerCase()) ? -1 : ((a[property].toLowerCase() > b[property].toLowerCase()) ? 1 : 0))
const sortByStringAscending = (array, property) => array.sort((a, b) => (a[property].toLowerCase() < b[property].toLowerCase()) ? -1 : ((a[property].toLowerCase() > b[property].toLowerCase()) ? 1 : 0))
const sortByStringDescending = (array, property) => array.sort((a, b) => (a[property].toLowerCase() < b[property].toLowerCase()) ? 1 : ((a[property].toLowerCase() > b[property].toLowerCase()) ? -1 : 0))
// Object forEach
Object.keys(objects).forEach(objectId => {})
// empty
const empty = (obj) => obj && Object.keys(obj).length === 0 && obj.constructor === Object
// Conditional/optional destructure/unpack object/array elements
const obj = {
a: 1,
...(true && { b: 2 }),
...(true ? [1,2,3] : [])
// Optional chaining
const value = a?.[b]?.['myKey']?.c
(event) => handleInputChange?.(event)
// unique
const unique = (values) => values.filter((value, index, array) => array.indexOf(value) === index)
const uniqueBy = (values, propertyName) => values.reduce((res, item) => {
const exists = res.some((t) => (t[propertyName] === item[propertyName]))
if (!exists) res.push(item)
return res
}, [])
const uniqueByFunction = (values, selector = (item) => item) => {
const map = new Map()
values.forEach((item) => {
const prop = selector(item)
if (!map.has(prop)) map.set(prop, item)
return [...map.values()]
// compact
export const removeUndefined = (values) => values.filter(value => value !== undefined)
// Get keys and values
Object.keys(collection).map(key => [key, collection[key]])
// mapObject(collection, (object, key) => console.log(key, object))
const mapObject = (object, mapFunction) => Object.keys(object).reduce((result, key) => ({ ...result, [key]: mapFunction(object[key], key) }), {})
const removeUndefinedKeys = (collection) => Object.keys(collection).reduce((result, key) => (
![undefined, null].includes(collection[key])
? { ...result, [key]: collection[key] }
: result
), {})
function removeUndefinedProps<T> (obj: T): Partial<T> {
const result: Partial<T> = {} // Create a new object to hold the result
for (const key in obj) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
// Check if the property exists in the original object
const value = obj[key]
if (value !== undefined) {
result[key] = value
return result
function removeUndefinedOrNullProps<T> (obj: T): Partial<T> {
const result: Partial<T> = {} // Create a new object to hold the result
for (const key in obj) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
// Check if the property exists in the original object
const value = obj[key]
if (value !== undefined && value !== null) {
result[key] = value
return result
// flatten
const isEmpty = (value: any): boolean => (
value === null
|| value === undefined
|| (typeof value === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length === 0)
|| (typeof value === 'string' && value.trim().length === 0)
// head/tail
const [head, ...tail] = [1, 2, 3]
const [last, ...initial] = [1, 2, 3].reverse()
const [firstLetter, ...restOfLetters] = 'ABCDE'
// assign/merge
Object.assign(target, ...sources) // returns target
copy = Object.assign({}, o1) // shallow clone of o1
Object.assign({}, o1, o2) // safe inheritance
const merged = {...obj1, ...obj2}
// mergeEmpty
type ValueOrNullOrUndefined = string | number | boolean | object | null | undefined
type CollectionOfValueOrNullOrUndefined = Record<string, ValueOrNullOrUndefined>
type OptionalCollectionOfValueOrNullOrUndefined = CollectionOfValueOrNullOrUndefined | undefined
export default function mergeEmpty (...objects: OptionalCollectionOfValueOrNullOrUndefined[]): CollectionOfValueOrNullOrUndefined {
const allKeys = unique(
objects.reduce((keysResult: string[], object: OptionalCollectionOfValueOrNullOrUndefined) => {
return [...keysResult, ...Object.keys(object ?? {})]
}, [])
return allKeys.reduce((objectResult, key) => {
const lastRealValue = objects.reduce((valueResult: ValueOrNullOrUndefined, object: OptionalCollectionOfValueOrNullOrUndefined) => {
return (object?.[key] !== undefined && object?.[key] !== null && object?.[key] !== '') ? object?.[key] : valueResult
}, undefined)
return { ...objectResult, [key]: lastRealValue }
}, {})
// pick
const { a, c } = abcObject
abcArray.map(({ a, c }) => ({ a, c }))
const keyToRemove = 'mykey'
const { [keyToRemove]: 0, ...newState } = state
get/set: no matching ES6
const get = (obj, key, defaultValue) => (obj && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) ? obj[key] : defaultValue
/* Implementation of lodash.get function: https://gist.github.com/harish2704/d0ee530e6ee75bad6fd30c98e5ad9dab */
function get (object, keys, defaultVal) {
keys = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : keys.split('.')
object = object[keys[0]]
if (object && keys.length > 1) {
const newObject = get(object, keys.slice(1))
return newObject === undefined ? defaultVal : newObject
return object === undefined ? defaultVal : object
/* Implementation of lodash.set function */
function set (object, keys, val) {
keys = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : keys.split('.')
if (keys.length > 1) {
object[keys[0]] = object[keys[0]] || {}
return set(object[keys[0]], keys.slice(1), val)
object[keys[0]] = val
// Function composition
const add = a => b => a + b
const add235 = add(235)
add235(1) // =236
// Pipeline
const pipeline = [
array => { array.pop() return array },
array => array.reverse(),
pipeline.reduce((xs, f) => f(xs), [1, 2, 3])
// pickMatch({ default: 1, week: 7, year: 365 }, periodName)
const pickMatch = (options, key) => options[key] !== undefined ? options[key] : options.default
// queryObjectFromString / queryObjectToString
// Node.js: use URLSearchParams, not querystring
(new URLSearchParams(searchParams)).toString() // param1=A¶m2=B
new URLSearchParams(window.search.substr(1))
const queryObjectFromString = url => (url.split('?')[1] || url || '')
.reduce((result, propValue) => {
if (propValue !== '') result[propValue.split('=')[0]] = decodeURIComponent(propValue.split('=')[1])
return result
}, {})
const queryObjectToString = queryObject => Object.keys(queryObject).reduce((result, key) => (queryObject[key] === undefined) ? result : result + (result.length ? '&' : '?') + key + '=' + queryObject[key], '')
const queryObjectToStringIncludingUndefined = queryObject => Object.keys(queryObject).reduce((result, key) => result + (result.length ? '&' : '?') + key + '=' + queryObject[key], '')
// Lodash:
const queryObjectToString = queryObject => _.reduce(queryObject, (result, value, key) => result + (result.length ? '&' : '?') + key + '=' + value, '')
const addUrlParameters = (url, newParameters) => url.includes('http')
? url.includes('?')
? `${url}&${newParameters}`
: `${url}?${newParameters}`
: url
const objectToCSS = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => result + `${key}: ${obj[key]}; `, '')
countObj = _.reduce(domains, function (previous, domain) {
const keyName = domain.hostname
previous[keyName] = previous[keyName] || 0
previous[keyName] += 1
return previous
}, {})
var youngest = _
.map(function(o) {
return o.user + ' is ' + o.age
var result = _(myObject).omit(_.isUndefined).omit(_.isNull).value()
_.compact // remove all falsy values
_.omit(collection, _.isUndefined) // remove undefined values
_.uniq([2, 1, 2]) // → [2, 1]
_.map(users, 'name.firstName') // → ['barney', 'fred'], formerly 'pluck'
_.map(users, function (user) { return user.name })
(value, key) => !_.includes(invalidArray, key)
// _.mapValues = _.map for collections
_.mapValues({ one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }, function (v) {
return v * 3
// pickBy/pick is like filter, but for collections
_.pickBy(users, function (user, key) {
return user.name !== undefined
_.pick(collection, ['email', 'name']) // → { email: , name: }
_.omit/omitBy = opposite of pick
_.sortBy(users, ['user', 'age'])
_.orderBy(json, 'key', 'desc') // sortBy
_.orderBy(users, ['user', 'age'], ['asc', 'desc'])
_.reject() // inverted filter
// filter: for collections, use pick
_.filter(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true })
_.filter(users, 'active', false)
_.filter([4, 5, 6], function (n) {
return n % 2 == 0
}) // → [4, 6]
_.find // first element only
_.findKey, _.findIndex
_.slice(array, [start=0], [end=array.length])
_.map(subscriptions, function (sub) {
if (sub.checked) {
return sub.id
_.reduce([1, 2], function (result, item) {
return result + item
}, startValue)
_.has($rootScope, 'currentUser.role')
_.get($rootScope, 'currentUser.role', defaultValue)
_.set(user, 'accessTokens.instagram', accessToken)
_.set(user, ['accessTokens.instagram'], accessToken)
_.includes([1, 2, 3], 1) // true, same as _.contains(videoURL, '?')
_.includes('1,2,3', '1') // true
_.every(['1', '2'], _.partial(_.has, myCollection)) // 'has' for multiple keys
_.isEmpty(changedUserProperties) // not _.empty
_.assign(object, [sources]) (_.extend) = // shallow
_.merge(object, [sources]) // deep - NOTE: for objects only, for arrays use concat()
_.clone(object) // shallow
_.cloneDeep(object) // deep
// Extending Lodash:
_.mixin({ 'myOwnFunction': myOwnFunction })
// Then use myOwnFunction:
// wrapAsArray: always return Array
module.exports.wrapAsArray = objectOrArray => objectOrArray.constructor === Array ? objectOrArray : [objectOrArray]
// objectLength: return length on Array or Object
module.exports.objectLength = objectOrArray => objectOrArray.constructor === Array ? objectOrArray.length : 1
// applyToAll(obj1, func) or applyToAll([obj1, obj2, ...], func)
export function applyToAll<T1, T2>(objectOrArray: T1 | T1[], func: (item: T1) => T2): T2 | T2[] {
return Array.isArray(objectOrArray) ? objectOrArray.map(func) : func(objectOrArray);
// asArray(obj1) or asArray([obj1, obj2, ...])
export function asArray<T>(objectOrArray: T | T[]) {
return Array.isArray(objectOrArray) ? objectOrArray : [objectOrArray];
// applyToAllAsync(promiseFunction, obj1) or applyToAllAsync(promiseFunction, [obj1, obj2, ...])
module.exports.applyToAllAsync = async (promiseFunction, objectOrArray) => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const objects = objectOrArray.constructor === Array ? objectOrArray : [objectOrArray]
let errors, values
for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
try {
values = values || []
values.push(await promiseFunction(objects[i]))
} catch (err) {
errors = errors || []
resolve({ errors, values })
// applyToAllOldAsync(functionWithCb(obj, cb), callback(err, results), obj1) or applyToAllOldAsync(functionWithCb(obj, cb), callback(err, results), [obj1, obj2, ...])
module.exports.applyToAllOldAsync = (functionWithCb, callback, objectOrArray) => async.mapSeries((objectOrArray.constructor === Array ? objectOrArray : [objectOrArray]), functionWithCb, callback)
// includesSome (NOT pickAny/includesAny/hasAny/hasSome)
// includesSome(url, ['localhost', 'staging'])
// incl = includesSome(array1, array2).length > 0
const includesSome = (array1, array2) => array2.filter(childObj => array1.includes(childObj)) const includesSomeString = (longString, stringArray) => stringArray.reduce((result, smallString) => result || longString.includes(smallString), false) const startsWithSome = (collection1, collection2) => collection2load(childObj => collection1.startsWith(childObj)) module.exports.includesSome = (collection1, collection2) => _.filter(collection2, childObj => _.includes(collection1, childObj)) _.mixin({ 'includesSome': module.exports.includesSome })
// allHaveValues(array): opposite of isEmpty
function allHaveValues (array: any[]): boolean {
return array.reduce((result: boolean, value: any) => result && (value !== undefined && value !== null && value !== ''), true)
var doWhen = function (func, expressionFunc, failFunc, iterations) {
iterations = iterations || 0
failFunc = failFunc || function () { console.error('doWhen timed out') }
iterations >= 100
? failFunc()
: expressionFunc()
? func()
: window.setTimeout(doWhen.bind(undefined, func, expressionFunc, failFunc, iterations + 1), 10)
// [{ reference: foo, .. }, { reference: bar, .. }] -> { foo: .., bar: .. }
const arrayToCollection = (array, keyField='reference') => _.reduce(array, (collection, obj) => { collection[obj[keyField]] = obj return collection }, {})
_.mixin({ 'arrayToCollection': arrayToCollection })
// [{ _id: foo, .. }, { _id: bar, .. }] -> { foo: .., bar: .. }
module.exports.arrayToCollection = function (array, keyField) {
keyField = keyField || '_id'
return _.reduce(array, function (collection, obj) {
collection[obj[keyField]] = obj
return collection
}, {})
_.mixin({ 'arrayToCollection': arrayToCollection })
// { foo: .., bar: .. } -> [{ _id: foo, .. }, { _id: bar, .. }]
module.exports.collectionToArray = function (collection, keyField) {
keyField = keyField || '_id'
return _.map(collection, function (obj, key) {
obj[keyField] = key
return obj
_.mixin({ 'collectionToArray': collectionToArray })
// debounce: waits timeInMs for repeated calls, then executes (“train waiting timeInMs for more passengers”)
const myFunctionDebounced = _.debounce(myFunction, timeInMs, { leading: false, trailing: true, maxWait: X })
// throttle: ignores repeated calls that happens within timeInMs limit (“train leaves each timeInMs no matter what”)
const myFunctionThrottled = _.throttle(myFunction, timeInMs, { leading: true, trailing: true })
<template repeat="{{s in stories}}"></template>
<button on-click="{{onClick}}">Send hurt</button>
onClick: function () {
this.fire('ouch', {msg: 'That hurt!'}) // fire(type, detail, targetNode, bubbles?, cancelable?)
yarn add tinycolor2
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2'
tinycolor.mix(colorStr, '#fff', percent).toHexString()
lighten(0-100), darken(0-100), (brighten(0-100))
const isDark = (color) => tinycolor(color).isDark()
const contrastColor = (color) => (tinycolor(color).getBrightness() > 128) ? 'black' : 'white'
- isLight
- isDark
- getBrightness (0-255)
- getLuminance
- getAlpha
- setAlpha
- toHsl: { h, s, l, a }
- toHslString
- toHsv: { h, s, v, a }
- toHsvString
- toRgb
- toRgbString
- toPercentageRgb
- toPercentageRgbString
- toHex
- toHexString
- toHex8
- toHex8String
- toName
Color Modification
- darken(0-100)
- lighten(0-100)
- brighten(0-100)
- desaturate(0-100)
- saturate(0-100)
- greyscale()
- spin(0-360)
Color Combinations
- spin(0-360)
- analogous(, results = 6, slices = 30)
- complement
- splitcomplement
- monochromatic(, results = 6)
- triad
- tetrad
- random
- readability(c1, c2)
- isReadable
var function1 = function (callback) {
callback(null, 'one', 'two')
var function2 = function (arg1, arg2, callback) {
// arg1 now equals 'one' and arg2 now equals 'two'
callback(null, 'three')
var function3 = function (arg1, callback) {
// arg1 now equals 'three'
callback(null, 'done')
var whenWaterfallDone = function (err, result) {
// err truthy if err in any function
// result now equals 'done'
console.log('whenWaterfallDone', err, result)
obj1: function (cb) { cb(err, results) },
obj2: function (cb) { cb(err, results) },
// When all done
function (err, results) {}
obj1: function (cb) { cb(err, results) },
obj2: function (cb) { cb(err, results) },
// When all done
function (err, results) {}
function1.bind(this, inputData),
// See also map/mapSeries - similar but with results (below)
// xSeries = 1 at a time!
// For each
function (item, cb) { // eachOf: function (item, itemKey, cb)
// When all done
function (err) {
// For each
function (item, cb) {
cb(err, results)
// When all done
function (err, results) {
function (result, item, cb) {
cb(null, result + item)
function (err, result) {
// See also doWhilst/doDuring AND until/whilst/during
- Observable
- Subject: Observable that you can inject a new value in
- BehaviorSubject: Subject that remember the old value
- ReplaySubject: Subject with history of previous values
- pipe:
- from: create Observable from a Promise
- of: create Observable from value
- Observable.value: get current value
- Observable.next: set the new value
- exhaustMap: like map but returns an Observable
set(keyOrIndex, value)
setIn(arrayPath, value)
updateIn(arrayPath, value => { return value })
immutableCollection .map(screen => ({ label: screen.get('name'), value: screen.get('id') })) .toSet() .toArray()
/** This is a description of the foo function. */
function foo() {
* A class representing a book.
* @constructor
* @param {string} title The title of the book.
* @param {Array<string>|Array<number>} authors A list of authors or author ID’s.
* @returns {Object<string, any>} The new Book object
* @throws {DivideByZero} Argument authors can’t be an empty list.
function Book(title, authors) {
* @typedef {Object} User
* @property {string} name - The user's name.
* @property {string} email - The user's email.
* Shirt module.
* @module my/shirt