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Getting Started with Python Sample Code


  1. Check your Python version

    • Windows: python -V
    • Linux: python3 -V
  2. Install Python 3.6 or 3.8 / 3.10 / 3.12, the version MUST mapping with TLKCore_release

  3. Extract zip file.

  4. Install related Python packages from requirements.txt

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    • [Hint-1] Under Ubuntu, please install pip
    • [Hint-2] Under Windows, sometimes you might met the following error: cpp_build_tool
    • [Hint-3] Python 3.12 user please modify parts of requirements.txt
      • psutil==6.1.0
      • ft4222==1.10.0
  5. Create the new directory named files to target directory.


  6. [BBoxOne/Lite] Copy your calibration & antenna tables into files/ under the target directory.

    • BBox calibration tables -> {SN}_{Freq}GHz.csv
    • BBox antenna table -> AAKIT_{AAKitName}.csv

Introduction of


usage: [-h] [--dc SN Address DevType] [--dfu DFU] [--root ROOT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dc SN Address DevType
                        Direct connect device to skip scanning, must provide 3 parameters: SN, IP and dev_type
  --dfu DFU             DFU image path
  --root ROOT           The root path/directory of for log/ & files/


  • Windows
  • Linux

Basic call flow

  • main() -> startService() -> testDevice() -> testXXX()


# You can assign a new root directory into TLKCoreService() to change files and log directory
service = TLKCoreService()

# Scan for devices

# Some handling for scan result -> get: SN, address, dev type
# ...

# Init device, the first action for device before the operations

# Next function to test your device, it depends on SN or dev type to trigger its test function.
testDevice(sn, service)


# ====== MUST SET RFMODE TO BBOX ======
mode = RFMode.TX
service.setRFMode(sn, mode)

target_freq = 28.0
ret = service.setOperatingFreq(sn, target_freq)

# Get dynamic range of gain for BBoxOne/Lite, the data lists are from calibration tables.
rng = service.getDR(sn, mode).RetData
gain_max = rng[1]

# ====== Select AAKit, please call getAAKitList() to fetch all AAKit list in files/ ======
aakit_selected = False
aakitList = service.getAAKitList(sn).RetData
for aakit in aakitList:
    if '4x4' in aakit:
        service.selectAAKit(sn, aakit)
        aakit_selected = True
if not aakit_selected:
    logger.warning("PhiA mode")

# Test example options, you can decide what to test
testChannels = True
testBeam = False
testFBS = False

if testChannels:
    """Individual gain/phase/switch control example"""
    # Set IC channel gain with common gain, and gain means element gain(offset) if assign common gain
    # Each element gain must between 0 and common_gain_rng if using common gain
    common_gain_max = 0 # Please ref getCOMDR()
    ele_dr_limit = 0 # Please ref getELEDR()
    ele_offsets = [ele_dr_limit, ele_dr_limit, ele_dr_limit, ele_dr_limit]"Set Gain for channel 1: %s" %service.setIcChannelGain(sn, 1, ele_offsets, common_gain_max))"Set Gain/Phase for channel 1: %s" %service.setChannelGainPhase(sn, 1, gain_max, 30))

    # Disable specific channel example"Disable channel 1: %s" %service.switchChannel(sn, 1, disable=True))

# Beam control example
if testBeam:
    if aakit_selected:
        service.setBeamAngle(sn, gain_max, 0, 0))
        logger.error("PhiA mode cannot process beam steering")

if testFBS:
    # Test example options
    batch_import = False

    if batch_import:
        # Please reference #FBS topic
        beam_config_file = "CustomBatchBeams.csv"
        batch = TMYBeamConfig(sn, service, beam_config_file)
        # Skip it


# Get UD state
# Off channel1, 0, UDState.CH1))

# Get & set freq"Get current freq: %s" %service.getUDFreq(sn))
# Passing: LO, RF, IF, Bandwidth with kHz
LO = 24e6
RF = 28e6
IF = 4e6
BW = 1e5
service.setUDFreq(sn, LO, RF, IF, BW)


This topic introduces TLKCore how to process FBS (Fast Beam Steering), it loads a readable beam configuration file, then generates a internal data structure, and converts to SPI signals to BBoxOne/Lite.

  • TMYBeamConfig

    • It comes from in the downloaded library package with source code.
  • Beam configuration file, i.g. CustomBatchBeams_D2230E058-28.csv. You can edit/pre-config it via Office-like software or any text editor, please RENAME it for real environment, and passing parameter to TMYBeamConfig()

    • Basic beam type, there are two basic types, usually we define to CHANNEL CONFIG as default.
      • A whole BEAM config (BeamType=0)
        • beam_db: gain with float type, please DO NOT EXCEED the DR (dynamic range).
        • beam_theta with integer degree
        • beam_phi with integer degree
      • CHANNEL/Custom beam config(BeamType=1), suggest use TMXLAB Kit first to makes sure your settings.
        • ch: Assigned channel to config
        • ch_sw: 0 means channel is ON, 1 is OFF.
        • ch_db: gain with float type.
        • ch_deg: phase degree with int type.
    • Edit rule: lost fields always follow the rule of default beam/channel config
      • Must assign TX/RX and BeamID
      • Default takes channel config (not a beam)
      • Default enabled if not mentioned.
      • Default gives a MAX value of gain DR if BEAM config not mentioned.
      • Default gives a MAX value of gain common+element DR if CHANNEL config not mentioned.
      • Default gives degree 0 for theta, phi ... etc
    • Example: TX beam1 will be MAX of DR with degree(0, 0), and TX beam8 just modify ch 9~12 to 1dB CustomBatchBeams
    • [Notice] TLKCore generates the Beam_Configuration_{SN}{Freq}GHz{AAKitName}.json after fetch CSV file, please remove this json file if your json overrided.


Device FW Update, starting from TLKCore v1.2.1, to update Beamform series firmware via TLKCore.

  1. Make sure your Python environment installed tftpy package, if not, please pip install tftpy==0.8.2

  2. Query/download FW image for your BBoxOne/BBoxLite/BBoard/CloverCell device

  3. Please disable firewall first to allow tftp protocol transmission

    • Windows
      • netsh advfirewall set allprofile state off
    • Ubuntu
      • sudo ufw disable
    • CentOS
      • sudo systemctl stop firewalld
    • macOS
      • sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setglobalstate off
  4. Argument assign image path to

     python3 --dfu {IMAGE_PATH}

Extra usage

  1. I have my own project to import TLKCore, so I can not import TLKCore libraries under the current directory, how to import TLKCore libraries?

    • You can set the system environment variables to caller to finding TLKCore libraries, just modify the caller ( in the following example:

      # Please setup path of tlkcore libraries to environment variables,
      # here is a example to search from 'lib/' or '.'
      # REMOVED:
      # prefix = "lib/"
      # lib_path = os.path.join(root_path, prefix)
      # ADDED:
      lib_path = Path("C:\\MyTLKCore\\lib\\").absolute()
  2. How to assign the path of files/ and tlk_core_log/ ?

    • You can assign a new root path as parameter to TLKCoreService

      service = TLKCoreService({Your_Path})
    • Or you can also try:

        python3 --root {Your_Path}
  3. I connected my device directly and I will not change my network environment, Is there any way to skip scanning procedure?

    • Please make sure you have scanned the device before, and record the scanned result from the log, then just passing the result to initDev() in the following example:

      1. Record SN, address, device type from log


      2. Direct connect

        1. Via typing:

            python3 --dc D2230E013-28 9
        2. Or passing to initDev() service.initDev(sn, addr, dev_type)