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Tooling: Create Kickoff App

Zander Martineau edited this page May 15, 2017 · 4 revisions

Create Kickoff App

Create Kickoff App is a custom fork of Facebook's Create React App project that adds both our Kickoff front-end framework and the ability to pre-process .SCSS files out of the box.

This is functionality that could easily be added to the original project, but doing so requires ejecting which comes with certain ramifications (e.g. losing the ability to easily upgrade tooling)

Create Kickoff App solves this as it abstracts the underlying complexity away.

Developers don't have to worry about manually adding in the SASS pre-processor and the Kickoff source every time they start a new build, and tooling updates are as simple as updating the kickoff-scripts dependency.

Quick Overview

npm install -g create-kickoff-app

create-kickoff-app my-app
cd my-app/
npm start

Then open http://localhost:3000/ to see your app.
When you’re ready to deploy to production, create a minified bundle with npm run build.

npm start

Get Started Immediately

You don’t need to install or configure tools like Webpack or Babel.
They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.

Just create a project, and you’re good to go.

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