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Nanoleaf API client for Python

This is a library and tooling for Nanoleaf products.

The API is documented by Nanoleaf.

The goal is to provide a minimal thin layer to use these devices in Python, with the help of the module requests.

Devices Discovery

The class NanoleafZeroconf helps to print device information when discovered with the Python module zeroconf.

It can be integrated in an application as following:

import zeroconf
with zeroconf.Zeroconf() as zc:
    zc.add_service_listener(NanoleafZeroconf.SERVICE, NanoleafZeroconf())

Or it can be simply used as a tool without any argument:


The output includes the device name, the IP address with TCP port, the hardware model and the firmware version.

Authentication Token

The Nanoleaf REST API is using a token in each HTTP request in order to authenticate a user of the device.

In order to get a new token, the device must be set in pairing state by holding the on/off button during 5-7 seconds. When the controller lights start flashing, a token can be requested within 30 seconds:


A token can be revoked by using the sign "minus" as a prefix:

./ -myc0mpl1c4tetok3n

When specifying the token without "minus" on the command line, some information is queried and the light is flashing:

./ myc0mpl1c4tetok3n

Basic Requests

The main class of the library is Nanoleaf and requires two arguments:

  1. Target location (i.e. IP address and TCP port separated by a colon). If no port is specified, the default port is assumed.
  2. Authentication token (none when requesting one).

Note: the special methods __eq__ and __repr__ are implemented.

Once initialized, the Nanoleaf instance will use a single session for all requests.

An exception is raised if an error occurs.

The API requests are implemented in more or less specialized class methods. Some methods are for exactly one specific request, while other methods are flexible thanks to some parameters:

  • The methods get and put are fully generic and called by other ones.
  • The methods query, set and update are a bit more specialized for color states. They are used to implement some properties.
  • The method identify is only for flashing lights.

Most API endpoints are managed as properties:

  • power is a boolean read/write property to manage on/off state.

    nanoleaf.power = True
  • color_mode is the read-only current mode. Its value is changed when setting other properties.

  • ct, hue, sat and bri (or brightness) can be updated with the operators =, += and -=. These properties have 3 members: min, max and value which is implicitly returned when the property is converted as int.

    nanoleaf.hue += 300
    print("hue: %d (max: %d)" % (nanoleaf.hue, nanoleaf.hue.max))
  • brightness fading can be specified in seconds if assigned with a tuple (value, duration).

    nanoleaf.brightness = (50, 3)
  • effects is the read-only list of available effects.

  • effect is the current effect.

    nanoleaf.effect = nanoleaf.effects[3]
  • The orientation of the controller is in counter clockwise degrees.


Some high-level events may be received slowly by providing a callback function to the method listen_events.

The event messaging uses a Server-Sent Events (SSE) stream, so it requires a dedicated Python module for receiving: either sseclient or sseclient-py.

It is recommended to receive events in a daemon thread:

from threading import Thread
def print_event(event, nanoleaf, user_data):
Thread(daemon=True, target=nanoleaf.listen_events,
       args=(list(nanoleaf.EventType), print_event)).start()

There are 4 types of events managed by this method:

  1. EventType.STATE for EventState.
  2. EventType.LAYOUT for EventLayout.
  3. EventType.EFFECT.
  4. EventType.TOUCH for EventGesture.

A fifth type, EventTouch, is a low-level touch event type which may be received fastly (with low latency) by providing a callback function to the method listen_touch_events.

The touch events stream must be open before calling listen_events. This condition can be checked with touch_events.is_open:

Thread(daemon=True, target=nanoleaf.listen_touch_events,
while not nanoleaf.touch_events.is_open():