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TLS 1.3 Tamarin Model

Welcome to the TLS 1.3 Tamarin model. This README contains some basic information on navigating the source code.

In-depth modelling details can be found at

TLS Model

The rules defining the TLS model are found in the model folder. client_basic and server_basic contain the basic initial TLS handshake - from client hello up to the final client finished.

pki contains the rules dictating the public-key infrastructure.

client_psk and server_psk contain the rules for pre-shared key TLS handshakes.

post_hs contains rules for the post-handshake messages: new session tickets, client authentication and key updates.

record contains rules for sending/receiving data. These are written to be role-agnostic, i.e., the same rules work for both client/server.

zero_rtt contains the rules for sending/receving 0RTT data, including the authentication message, which can take place after a client hello message in PSK mode.

These files should be included in a theory by using the model file which subsequently includes the above. The model can be temporarily simplified for testing by removing lines from this file.

In addition to these files which contain the rules for the model, there are extra auxiliary files which are used to keep the model files relatively clean.

crypto contains the definitions for the cryptographic parts of the model. For example, key deriviation definitions.

msgs contains the definitions of the TLS messages which are sent by the rules, e.g., ClientHello. It is important to consult these definitions when using them in rules in order to determine what unbound variables need to be defined in the scope of the rule.

state contains the definition of the client/server state - a large tuple representing all the information which a client or server would be expected to store. By re-using this definition in facts, this helps to reduce the likelihood of introducing errors.

Finally, header includes some standard re-usable components.

m4 Defines

The m4 defines aim to keep rule syntax consistent across files, and to try to keep the mapping between TLS syntax and Tamarin modelling as clear as possible.

There are large two types of macros which should be used in the rules:

  • Functions (written in snake_case(... [var_n]))
  • Definitions (written in UpperCamelCase)

Though a function without any arguments is equivalent to a a definition, the distinction is that the function will generally involve some processing, or variable assignmemt.

For example, the set_state() macro will carry forwards state variables, nc = prev_nc, ....

On the other hand, definitions simply expand out a tuple, for example ClientHello.

Upper snake case variables such as SIMPLE_MODEL are reserved for preprocessor flags.

Using set_state()

The set_state() macro is used to set all variables of the {Server/Client}State by simply carrying forwards the variables in Prev{Server/Client}State.

In some situations, we wish to pattern match one of the state variables. For example, making sure the server is running in psk_auth mode when supplying a Finished message.

This can be done by setting the prev_* variable before the set_state() macro is invoked.

Similary, any state variable which will be changed on the output state can simply be assigned after the set_state() macro.

Important: if a variable is to be assigned based on an incoming messages ( for example a server key share gy). This needs to be overriden after set_state(), i.e., use gy = new_gy. Otherwise, the set_state() macro will have assigned gy = prev_gy which is invalid.

Session hash convention

The TLS session hash is defined by accumulating all messages processed up to that point. These hashes are used at various points to generate cryptographic material.

For example, the server's CertificateVerify message contains a signature of the session hash up to this point. Therefore, we must use the partial session hash which is computed at this point.

Since each distinct message is defined as per the specs, we can easily compute the rolling hash by simply appending to the messages variable:

    messages = <messages, ServerCertificate>
    // compute signature
    messages = <messages, CertificateVerify>
    // compute finished messages
    messages = <messages, Finished>

This is important since h(<a, b, c>) is not equal to h(<<a, b>, c>), and we need to ensure that the server and client use the same convention for computing the hash.

The messages variable is used implicitly in a lot of computations and should be updated as soon as possible in every let block.

Builtins and functions

The builtins we are using are:

  • hashing: provides the symbol h(), representing hash functions
  • signing: the functions sign(data, sk) = sign{data}sk and verify(sig, data, pk) where verify(sign{data}sk, data, pk) = true
  • symmetric-encryption: senc, sdec where sdec(senc(data, key), key) = data
  • diffie-hellman: a finite equations variant of DH to find solutions to the equation g^xy

Each function declaration will automatically generate an adversary rule to allow the adversary to compute the same function, i.e., all functions essentially act as random oracles.

Public key infrastructure

The public key infrastructure is modelled by an infallible entity which generates public, private key pairs and binds them to an identity.

This is the Register_pk rule.

Long term keys are captured by the persistant fact !Ltk($A, ~ltkA), $A denoting the public identity of the actor, and ~ltkA the fresh value which is the key itself.

The public key is pk(~ltkA), where pk is from the asymmetric builtins (via signing) and is the public key for the key ~ltkA. The public key is bound to $A in the persistant fact !Pk($A, pk(~ltkA)).

The adversary is also provided the public key in the Out fact. The adversary can also compromise the long-term key using the Reveal_Ltk rule.

Adversarial capabilities

As per the Dolev-Yao model, the communication channel is assumed to be under the control of the adversary and cryptography is modelled as a perfect system of functions with different properties.

In practice, this means the adversary will always need to know/learn the keys used in the cryptographic computation to be able to decrypt messages and forge signatures.

It is important to note that here 'adversary' does not refer to a specific actor, but rather to the information that could be deduced by an active attacker interacting with the protocol. The adversary does not directly partake in the protocol using rules, but has the necessary powers to be able to masquerade as a legitimate party.

We define additional rules to give the adversary the ability to compromise different components of the protocol.

The Reveal_Ltk rule allows the attacker to reveal the private key of the an actor, used for signing, whereas the Reveal_DHExp rule allows the attacker to reveal the Diffie-Hellman exponent of a particular actor. Note that this could either correspond to a compromise of an actor, or a cryptographic break.

Future work includes adding the following capabilities:

  • Compromise of pre-shared keys
  • Weakening of cryptographic primitives, including modelling bad randomness and weak hash functions

Implicit vs Explicit checking

There are two possibilities when modelling cryptographic checks, for example, checking that a signature is valid.

Implicit checking refers to using Tamarin's pattern matching to reduce the set of traces to only those in which a valid signature is supplied.

To be specific, suppose sign{m}sk and sk are premises of a rule (in this model, sign{m}~ltkA and !Ltk($A, ~ltkA)). Then the only way a trace can exist with that particular rule is if a valid signature is supplied as a premise. An adversary will need ~ltkA to be able to produce such a signature. Note that the rule does not actually use ~ltkA for any computation, and thus this does not imply that the actor has access to the private key.

In explicit checking, we replace the sign{m}~ltkA term with a generic term signature. To model the recipient checking the signature, we write an explicit action which says Eq(verify(signature, m, pk(~ltkA)),True). Now we only require the public key fact !Pk($A, pk(~ltkA)) as a premise. Note that this has the same outcome: all traces which do not have valid signatures are excluded.

We currently use explicit checking for signatures and finished messages. However, for encryption we use the implicit pattern matching.

Threads vs Actors

There are two distinct ways to refer to a party: using the thread identifier (tid) or the identity ($A).

The tid models a single instance of the protocol. A tid is generated precisely once, and helps the Tamarin tool to unravel state facts. Currently, tid is set to be equal to the nonce of the party, since this is a fresh value generated uniquely for each handshake.

The identity refers to some globally agreed upon value for the identity of the party.

When a new thread starts, the party is assigned an identity. This binding is strict in that a new thread with identity $A precisely represents that party $A has started a new thread.


Actions serve as means to log the possible operations that an actor might perform given the premises. These are necessary for the constuction of lemmas (explained in the TLS Lemmas section below).

Running and Commit

We conform to the the syntax of authentication from Lowe 1997.

A statement of the form Running(A, B, role, data) means that party A: believes they are speaking to B; is currently running the protocol as role role; and has derived the information data.

The statement Commit(A, B, role, data) has the same meaning, but it additionally says that A has finished (some part of) the protocol and is committing to using the information data.

A Running action merely logs data as something which is known, whereas a Commit action signals the intention to use the value of data in some future process.

For example, data might be cryptographic material such as a shared secret, or randomness. Ideally, we would expect that for each Running(A, B, role, data) there wound be a corresponding Commit(B, A, role2, data) to pair with it.

Macro usage

We are currently using m4 as a preprocessor, for easy aliasing, and other features.


We use '<!' and '!>' as the macro opening and closing markers, as opposed to the default use of primes. This ensures that we do not conflict with other Tamarin syntax. However, the m4 comment is defined to be the same as a C block: /* ... */ This means we can use m4 macro names in Tamarin block comments without issue.

If a macro name is directly followed by an opening bracket (no space inbetween), the bracketed parts are considered to be parameters to the macro. They can be addressed as $1,$2,... or as $@ for all of them.




File extensions

The top-level files have extension '.m4' to indicate that they should be processed by m4 and then Tamarin.

Included files have the extension '.m4i' to indicate they might use m4 macros but are not meant to be processed by m4 directly.

TLS Lemmas

The security properties that we aim to prove are captured in the form of lemmas. The lemma syntax and an example of a lemma are given below.


The syntax for specifying security properties uses (as described in the Tamarin install's Tutorial.spthy file):

    All      for universal quantification, temporal variables are prefixed with #

  Ex       for existential quantification, temporal variables are prefixed with #

  ==>      for implication

  &        for conjunction
  |        for disjunction
  not      for  negation

  f @ i    for action constraints, the sort prefix for the temporal variable 'i'
           is optional

  i < j    for temporal ordering, the sort prefix for the temporal variables 'i'
           and 'j' is optional

  #i = #j  for an equality between temporal variables 'i' and 'j'
  x = y    for an equality between message variables 'x' and 'y'
  KU(x)    for indicating adversarial knowledge of 'x'
lemma secret_session_keys:
"/* For all session keys `k` set up between actors and peers */
  All actor peer k #i. SessionKey(actor, peer, 'client', k)@i ==>
    /* the adversary does not know `k` */
    not Ex #j. KU(k)@j &
      /* as long as the adversary has not revealed the long-term key of the peer */
      not ((Ex #r. RevLtk(peer)@r & #r < #i) |
           /* or not revealed the Diffie-Hellman exponent of the actor */
           (Ex #r x. RevDHExp(actor, x)@r) |
           /* or not revealed the Diffie-Hellman exponent of the peer. */
           (Ex #r x. RevDHExp(peer, x)@r))"


Axioms restrict the set of considered traces. The intended goal of each axiom is expressed in a comment associated with each axiom.