- as it name applies - will "add" a person's name with it's birthday to our storage.
This is the command that you will use to remember birthdays
$ hbd add John 1984-12-20
$ hbd add --help
Usage: hbd add <NAME> <BIRTHDAY>
<NAME> The name of the person that you want to add
<BIRTHDAY> The birthday (YYYY-MM-DD, if there is a year, else MM-DD)
-h, --help Print help
- as it name applies - will "get" the name of the people that have their birthdays being today.
$ date
Tue Dec 20 00:00:00 AM UTC 2024
$ hbd add John 1984-12-20
$ hbd get
Today is the birthday of John (40 years old) !!!
$ hbd get --help
Usage: hbd get [OPTIONS]
-s, --separator <SEPARATOR> Use a separator between names
-h, --help Print help
- as it name applies - will "list" the birthdays of all people
$ date
Tue Dec 19 00:00:00 AM UTC 2024
$ hbd add John 1984-12-20
$ hbd add Bob 1984-12-21
$ hbd list
In 1 day:
Birthday of John !!
In 2 day:
Birthday of Bob !!