diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c0850a515..2c423ae6d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,6 +19,14 @@ API Docs: https://docs.turnkey.com/
| Example | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [`demo-consumer-wallet`](https://github.com/tkhq/demo-consumer-wallet) | A minimal consumer wallet app powered by Turnkey and WalletConnect |
+| [`demo-passkey-wallet`](https://github.com/tkhq/demo-passkey-wallet) | A minimal consumer wallet app powered by Turnkey and passkeys |
+| [`demo-ethers-passkeys`](https://github.com/tkhq/demo-ethers-passkeys) | A NextJS app that demonstrates how to use `@turnkey/ethers` to build a passkey-powered application |
+| [`demo-viem-passkeys`](https://github.com/tkhq/demo-viem-passkeys) | A NextJS app that demonstrates how to use `@turnkey/viem` to build a passkey-powered application |
+| [`deployer`](/examples/deployer/) | Compile and deploy a smart contract |
+| [`rebalancer`](/examples/rebalancer/) | A demo application which showcases an example of how to use Turnkey for managing multiple types of keys & users |
+| [`sweeper`](/examples/sweeper/) | Sweep funds from one address to a different address |
+| [`trading-runner`](/examples/trading-runner/) | A sample application demonstrating a trading operation, using various private keys, users, and policies, powered by Uniswap |
| [`with-ethers`](/examples/with-ethers/) | Create a new Ethereum address, then sign and broadcast a transaction using the Ethers signer with Infura |
| [`with-viem`](/examples/with-viem/) | Sign and broadcast a transaction using the Turnkey Custom Account and Infura |
| [`with-cosmjs`](/examples/with-cosmjs/) | Create a new Cosmos address, then sign and broadcast a transaction on Celestia testnet using the CosmJS signer |
@@ -28,13 +36,6 @@ API Docs: https://docs.turnkey.com/
| [`with-nonce-manager`](/examples/with-nonce-manager/) | Create a new Ethereum address, then sign and broadcast multiple transactions in a sequential or optimistic manner |
| [`with-offline`](/examples/with-offline/) | Sign a Turnkey request in offline context |
| [`with-federated-passkeys`](/examples/with-federated-passkeys/) | A NextJS app that demonstrates how to use Turnkey to build a federated, webauthn powered authentication flow |
-| [`with-ethers-and-passkeys`](/examples/with-ethers-and-passkeys/) | A NextJS app that demonstrates how to use `@turnkey/ethers` to build a passkey-powered application |
-| [`with-viem-and-passkeys`](/examples/with-viem-and-passkeys/) | A NextJS app that demonstrates how to use `@turnkey/viem` to build a passkey-powered application |
-| [`demo-consumer-wallet`](https://github.com/tkhq/demo-consumer-wallet) | A minimal consumer wallet app powered by Turnkey and WalletConnect |
-| [`deployer`](/examples/deployer/) | Compile and deploy a smart contract |
-| [`rebalancer`](/examples/rebalancer/) | A demo application which showcases an example of how to use Turnkey for managing multiple types of keys & users |
-| [`sweeper`](/examples/sweeper/) | Sweep funds from one address to a different address |
-| [`trading-runner`](/examples/trading-runner/) | A sample application demonstrating a trading operation, using various private keys, users, and policies, powered by Uniswap |
## Demos built with Turnkey
@@ -53,4 +54,20 @@ This demo uses the Turnkey API to create a new [Turnkey Sub-Organization](https:
-See https://wallet.tx.xyz (and https://github.com/tkhq/demo-passkey-wallet for the code)
+See https://wallet.tx.xyz (and https://github.com/tkhq/demo-passkey-wallet for the code).
+### Demo Ethers Passkeys ([code](https://github.com/tkhq/demo-ethers-passkeys))
+A simple application demonstrating how to create sub-organizations, create private keys, and sign with the [`@turnkey/ethers`](https://github.com/tkhq/sdk/tree/main/packages/ethers) signer, using passkeys.
+See https://github.com/tkhq/demo-ethers-passkeys for the code.
+### Demo Viem Passkeys ([code](https://github.com/tkhq/demo-viem-passkeys))
+A similar, simple application demonstrating how to create sub-organizations, create private keys, and sign with the [`@turnkey/viem`](https://github.com/tkhq/sdk/tree/main/packages/viem) signer, using passkeys.
+See https://github.com/tkhq/demo-viem-passkeys for the code.
diff --git a/img/ethers-ui-screenshot.png b/img/ethers-ui-screenshot.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eca09be85
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/ethers-ui-screenshot.png differ
diff --git a/img/viem-ui-screenshot.png b/img/viem-ui-screenshot.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c54d5ee5
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/viem-ui-screenshot.png differ