This public key will be sent along with your email inside of a new INIT_USER_EMAIL_RECOVERY or EMAIL_AUTH activity
Inject Credential Bundle
The credential bundle will come from your email. This bundle can then be used for email recovery or auth. We can simulate this locally: see instructions here. A credential bundle is composed of a public key and an encrypted payload. The payload is encrypted to this document's embedded key (stored in local storage and displayed above). The scheme relies on HPKE (RFC 9180).
Once you've injected the credential bundle, the credential is ready to sign. A new RECOVER activity for example. This iframe doesn't know anything about Turnkey activity however, it's a simple stamper!
Message log
Below we display a log of the messages sent / received. The forms above send messages, and the code communicates results by sending events via the postMessage API.
+ /**
+ * This is the P256 base point (aka generator)
+ * See and
+ */
+ var P256Generator = new P256Point(
+ new P256FieldElement(
+ BigInt(
+ "0x6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296"
+ )
+ ),
+ new P256FieldElement(
+ BigInt(
+ "0x4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5"
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ /**********************************************************************************************
+ * End of private crypto implementation for P256 public key derivation from a private key.
+ *********************************************************************************************/
+ return {
+ initEmbeddedKey,
+ generateTargetKey,
+ setItemWithExpiry,
+ getItemWithExpiry,
+ getEmbeddedKey,
+ setEmbeddedKey,
+ onResetEmbeddedKey,
+ importCredential,
+ compressRawPublicKey,
+ uncompressRawPublicKey,
+ p256JWKPrivateToPublic,
+ convertEcdsaIeee1363ToDer,
+ sendMessageUp,
+ logMessage,
+ base64urlEncode,
+ base64urlDecode,
+ base58checkDecode,
+ bigIntToHex,
+ stringToBase64urlString,
+ uint8arrayToHexString,
+ uint8arrayFromHexString,
+ additionalAssociatedData,
+ };
+ })();
+ /**
+ * Decrypt the ciphertext (ArrayBuffer) given an encapsulation key (ArrayBuffer)
+ * and the receivers private key (JSON Web Key).
+ */
+ var HpkeDecrypt = async function ({
+ ciphertextBuf,
+ encappedKeyBuf,
+ receiverPrivJwk,
+ }) {
+ var kemContext = new hpke.DhkemP256HkdfSha256();
+ var receiverPriv = await kemContext.importKey(
+ "jwk",
+ { ...receiverPrivJwk },
+ false
+ );
+ var suite = new hpke.CipherSuite({
+ kem: kemContext,
+ kdf: new hpke.HkdfSha256(),
+ aead: new hpke.Aes256Gcm(),
+ });
+ var recipientCtx = await suite.createRecipientContext({
+ recipientKey: receiverPriv,
+ enc: encappedKeyBuf,
+ info: new TextEncoder().encode("turnkey_hpke"),
+ });
+ var receiverPubBuf = await TKHQ.p256JWKPrivateToPublic(receiverPrivJwk);
+ var aad = TKHQ.additionalAssociatedData(encappedKeyBuf, receiverPubBuf);
+ var res;
+ try {
+ res = await, aad);
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw new Error("decryption failed: " + e);
+ }
+ return res;
+ };