title | description | icon |
Quickstart |
This guide helps you set up and get started using Tilebox. It covers how to install a Tilebox client for your preferred language and how to use it to query data from a dataset and run a workflow. |
rocket |
Select your preferred language and follow the steps below to get started.
## Start in a NotebookExplore the provided Sample Notebooks to begin your journey with Tilebox. These notebooks offer a step-by-step guide to using the API and showcase many features supported by Tilebox Python clients. You can also use these notebooks as a foundation for your own projects.
If you prefer to work locally, follow these steps to get started.
Install the Tilebox Python packages. The easiest way to do this is using `pip`: ```
pip install tilebox-datasets tilebox-workflows tilebox-storage
<Step title="Create an API Key">
Create an API key by logging into the [Tilebox Console](https://console.tilebox.com), navigating to [Account -> API Keys](https://console.tilebox.com/account/api-keys), and clicking the "Create API Key" button.
<img src="/assets/console/api-keys-light.png" alt="Tilebox Console" className="dark:hidden" />
<img src="/assets/console/api-keys-dark.png" alt="Tilebox Console" className="hidden dark:block" />
<Tip>Copy the API key and keep it somewhere safe. You will need it to authenticate your requests.</Tip>
<Step title="Create a Cluster">
Create a cluster by logging into the [Tilebox Console](https://console.tilebox.com), navigating to [Workflows -> Clusters](https://console.tilebox.com/workflows/clusters), and clicking the "Create cluster" button.
<img src="/assets/console/cluster-light.png" alt="Tilebox Console" className="dark:hidden" />
<img src="/assets/console/cluster-dark.png" alt="Tilebox Console" className="hidden dark:block" />
<Tip>Copy the cluster slug, you will need it to run your workflows.</Tip>
<Step title="Query Data">
Use the datasets client to query data from a dataset.
```python Python
from tilebox.datasets import Client
client = Client(token="YOUR_TILEBOX_API_KEY")
# select a dataset
datasets = client.datasets()
dataset = datasets.open_data.copernicus.sentinel2_msi
# and load data from a collection in a given time range
collection = dataset.collection("S2A_S2MSI1C")
data_january_2022 = collection.load(("2022-01-01", "2022-02-01"))
<Step title="Run a Workflow">
Use the workflows client to create a task and submit it as a job.
```python Python
from tilebox.workflows import Client, Task
# Replace with your actual cluster and token
client = Client(token="YOUR_TILEBOX_API_KEY")
class HelloWorldTask(Task):
greeting: str = "Hello"
name: str = "World"
def execute(self, context):
print(f"{self.greeting} {self.name}, from the main task!")
class HelloSubtask(Task):
name: str
def execute(self, context):
print(f"Hello from the subtask, {self.name}!")
# Initiate the job
jobs = client.jobs()
jobs.submit("parameterized-hello-world", HelloWorldTask(greeting="Greetings", name="Universe"), cluster)
# Run the tasks
runner = client.runner(cluster, tasks=[HelloWorldTask, HelloSubtask])
<Step title="Explore Further">
Review the following guides to learn more about the modules that make up Tilebox:
<CardGroup cols={2}>
title="Datasets Quickstart"
title="Workflows Quickstart"