diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/NPC.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/NPC.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60e3c28d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/NPC.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using System;
+using System.Reflection;
+using ROS2;
+namespace AWSIM
+ ///
+ /// NPC Vehicle class.
+ /// Controlled by Position and Rotation.
+ ///
+ ///
+ public class NPC : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public unique_identifier_msgs.msg.UUID rosuuid;
+ public virtual Vector3 Velocity { get; }
+ public virtual Vector3 AngularVelocity { get; }
+ public void SetUUID(){
+ Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
+ rosuuid = new unique_identifier_msgs.msg.UUID();
+ PropertyInfo prop = rosuuid.GetType().GetProperty("Uuid", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
+ prop.SetValue(rosuuid, guid.ToByteArray());
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Pedestrians/NPCPedestrian.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Pedestrians/NPCPedestrian.cs
index 7212197cc..bd53ffe1e 100644
--- a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Pedestrians/NPCPedestrian.cs
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Pedestrians/NPCPedestrian.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace AWSIM
/// NPC pedestrian that is controlled in the scenario.
[RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody), typeof(Animator))]
- public class NPCPedestrian : MonoBehaviour
+ public class NPCPedestrian : NPC
[SerializeField] private new Rigidbody rigidbody;
[SerializeField] private Transform referencePoint;
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@ public class NPCPedestrian : MonoBehaviour
private const string moveSpeedProperty = "moveSpeed";
private const string rotateSpeedProperty = "rotateSpeed";
+ private Vector3 lastPosition;
+ private Vector3 velocity;
+ public override Vector3 Velocity => velocity;
+ private Vector3 angularVelocity;
+ public override Vector3 AngularVelocity => angularVelocity;
+ private Vector3 lastAngular;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ SetUUID();
+ }
private void Update()
@@ -41,6 +52,14 @@ private void Update()
animator.SetFloat(rotateSpeedProperty, rigidbody.angularVelocity.magnitude);
+ public void FixedUpdate()
+ {
+ velocity = (rigidbody.position - lastPosition) / Time.deltaTime;
+ lastPosition = rigidbody.position;
+ angularVelocity = (rigidbody.rotation.eulerAngles - lastAngular) / Time.deltaTime;
+ lastAngular = rigidbody.rotation.eulerAngles;
+ }
private void Reset()
if (animator == null)
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Vehicles/NPCVehicle.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Vehicles/NPCVehicle.cs
index 896fb093a..1478d0b6a 100644
--- a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Vehicles/NPCVehicle.cs
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/NPCs/Vehicles/NPCVehicle.cs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace AWSIM
/// NPC Vehicle class.
/// Controlled by Position and Rotation.
- public class NPCVehicle : MonoBehaviour
+ public class NPCVehicle : NPC
public enum TurnSignalState
@@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ public void Destroy()
float wheelbase; // m
float acceleration; // m/s^2
Vector3 velocity; // m/s
+ public override Vector3 Velocity => velocity;
+ Vector3 angularVelocity; // deg/s
+ Vector3 lastAngular;
+ public override Vector3 AngularVelocity => angularVelocity;
float speed; // m/s (forward only)
float yawAngularSpeed; // deg/s (yaw only)
@@ -198,6 +202,14 @@ public void Destroy()
public Transform RigidBodyTransform => rigidbody.transform;
public Transform TrailerTransform => trailer?.transform;
+ public bool outerControl = false; // if true, the vehicle is controlled by map_based_prediction
+ public Vector3 currentPosition;
+ [NonSerialized]
+ public Vector3 outerTargetPoint = new Vector3();
+ [NonSerialized]
+ public Quaternion outerRotation = new Quaternion();
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake()
@@ -211,6 +223,8 @@ void Awake()
rigidbody.centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(centerOfMass.position);
lastPosition = rigidbody.position;
wheelbase = axleSettings.GetWheelBase();
+ SetUUID();
// Update is called once per frame
@@ -303,10 +317,13 @@ bool IsRightTurniSignalOn()
void FixedUpdate()
- {
+ {
+ currentPosition = rigidbody.position;
// Calculate physical states for visual update.
// velocity & speed.
velocity = (rigidbody.position - lastPosition) / Time.deltaTime;
+ angularVelocity = (rigidbody.rotation.eulerAngles - lastAngular) / Time.deltaTime;
speed = Vector3.Dot(velocity, transform.forward);
// accleration.
@@ -320,6 +337,7 @@ void FixedUpdate()
// Cache current frame values.
lastPosition = rigidbody.position;
lastVelocity = velocity;
+ lastAngular = rigidbody.rotation.eulerAngles;
lastEulerAnguleY = rigidbody.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
lastSpeed = speed;
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/ROS/ObjectSubscriber.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/ROS/ObjectSubscriber.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b53c44027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/ROS/ObjectSubscriber.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using ROS2;
+namespace AWSIM {
+ public class ObjectSubscriber : MonoBehaviour {
+ //Get PerceptionResultRos2Publisher
+ public PerceptionResultRos2Publisher perceptionResultRos2Publisher;
+ QoSSettings qoSSettings = new QoSSettings();
+ string subscribedTopic = "/perception/object_recognition/objects";
+ ISubscription Subscriber;
+ void Start() {
+ Subscriber = SimulatorROS2Node.CreateSubscription(subscribedTopic, myCallback, qoSSettings.GetQoSProfile());
+ perceptionResultRos2Publisher = GetComponent();
+ }
+ void myCallback(autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.PredictedObjects receivedMsg){
+ var objects = receivedMsg.Objects;
+ //the first index represents the object path
+ // Get TimeStep
+ int rosSec = receivedMsg.Header.Stamp.Sec;
+ uint rosNanosec = receivedMsg.Header.Stamp.Nanosec;
+ int currentSec;
+ uint currentNanosec;
+ SimulatorROS2Node.TimeSource.GetTime(out currentSec, out currentNanosec);
+ for (var i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++){
+ List path = new List();
+ List rotation = new List();
+ var confidence = -1f;
+ var maxindex = 0;
+ for (var j = 0; j < objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths.Length; j++){
+ if (objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[j].Confidence > confidence){
+ confidence = objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[j].Confidence;
+ maxindex = j;
+ }
+ }
+ uint deltaTime = objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Time_step.Nanosec;
+ int first_step = (int)((currentNanosec - rosNanosec) / deltaTime);
+ int end_step = first_step + 1;
+ float delta = (currentNanosec - rosNanosec) % deltaTime;
+ for (var j = 0; j < objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Path.Length; j++){
+ var rosPosition = objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Path[j].Position;
+ var unityPosition = ROS2Utility.RosMGRSToUnityPosition(rosPosition);
+ var rosRotation = objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Path[j].Orientation;
+ var unityRotation = ROS2Utility.RosToUnityRotation(rosRotation);
+ path.Add(unityPosition);
+ rotation.Add(unityRotation);
+ }
+ var uuid = BitConverter.ToString(objects[i].Object_id.Uuid);
+ if (perceptionResultRos2Publisher.id2npc[uuid].GetType().Name == "NPCVehicle"){
+ var npcvehicle = (NPCVehicle)perceptionResultRos2Publisher.id2npc[uuid];
+ var currentpostion = npcvehicle.currentPosition;
+ var startPosition = ROS2Utility.RosMGRSToUnityPosition(objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Path[first_step].Position);
+ var endPosition = ROS2Utility.RosMGRSToUnityPosition(objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Path[end_step].Position);
+ npcvehicle.outerTargetPoint = Vector3.Slerp(startPosition, endPosition, delta);
+ var startRotation = ROS2Utility.RosToUnityRotation(objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Path[first_step].Orientation);
+ var endRotation = ROS2Utility.RosToUnityRotation(objects[i].Kinematics.Predicted_paths[maxindex].Path[end_step].Orientation);
+ npcvehicle.outerRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(startRotation, endRotation, delta);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void OnDestroy(){
+ SimulatorROS2Node.RemoveSubscription(Subscriber);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/ROS/ROS2Utility.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/ROS/ROS2Utility.cs
index 4c92cdfa3..c139307c0 100644
--- a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/ROS/ROS2Utility.cs
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/ROS/ROS2Utility.cs
@@ -79,6 +79,17 @@ public static Vector3 RosMGRSToUnityPosition(geometry_msgs.msg.Point rosPosition
(float)(rosPosition.X - offset.x));
+ public static geometry_msgs.msg.Point UnityToRosMGRSPosition(Vector3 unityPosition)
+ {
+ var offset = Environment.Instance.MgrsOffsetPosition;
+ return new geometry_msgs.msg.Point
+ {
+ X = unityPosition.z + offset.x, // the Z axis in Unity is the X axis in ROS
+ Y = -unityPosition.x + offset.y, // the X axis in Unity is the Y axis in ROS
+ Z = unityPosition.y + offset.z // the Y axis in Unity is the Z axis in ROS
+ };
+ }
/// Convert position from ROS to Unity.
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleCognitionStep.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleCognitionStep.cs
index f1b4d043d..a13fbbd70 100644
--- a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleCognitionStep.cs
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleCognitionStep.cs
@@ -905,7 +905,6 @@ public void Execute()
if (GroundHitInfoArray[i].collider == null)
States[i].ShouldDespawn = true;
States[i].DistanceToFrontVehicle = ObstacleDistances[i];
States[i].IsTurning = IsTurnings[i];
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleDecisionStep.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleDecisionStep.cs
index 46e989bab..6c9f5e3a0 100644
--- a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleDecisionStep.cs
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/RandomTraffic/NPCVehicle/Steps/NPCVehicleDecisionStep.cs
@@ -38,8 +38,25 @@ private static void UpdateTargetPoint(NPCVehicleInternalState state)
if (state.ShouldDespawn || state.CurrentFollowingLane == null)
- state.TargetPoint = state.CurrentFollowingLane.Waypoints[state.WaypointIndex];
+ var vehicle = state.Vehicle;
+ if (vehicle.outerControl)
+ {
+ // TODO: whether the target position should equal to the vehicle.outerTargetPoint or not?
+ var targetPosition = vehicle.outerTargetPoint + Quaternion.AngleAxis(state.Yaw, Vector3.up) * state.FrontCenterLocalPosition;
+ //var targetPosition = vehicle.outerTargetPoint;
+ if (Mathf.Abs((state.FrontCenterPosition - targetPosition).magnitude) > 0.01f)
+ {
+ state.TargetPoint = targetPosition;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state.TargetPoint = state.CurrentFollowingLane.Waypoints[state.WaypointIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ state.TargetPoint = state.CurrentFollowingLane.Waypoints[state.WaypointIndex];
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs
index c30221269..fa9cf5406 100644
--- a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
+using System.Reflection;
using ROS2;
namespace AWSIM
@@ -15,7 +16,9 @@ public class PerceptionResultRos2Publisher : MonoBehaviour
/// Topic name in DetectedObject msg.
- public string objectTopic = "/awsim/ground_truth/perception/object_recognition/detection/objects";
+ // public string objectTopic = "/awsim/ground_truth/perception/object_recognition/detection/objects";
+ private string objectTopic = "/perception/object_recognition/tracking/objects";
+ private string lightTopic = "/perception/traffic_light_recognition/traffic_signals";
/// Object sensor frame id.
@@ -31,17 +34,25 @@ public class PerceptionResultRos2Publisher : MonoBehaviour
/// QoS settings.
+ [NonSerialized]
public QoSSettings qosSettings = new QoSSettings()
- ReliabilityPolicy = ReliabilityPolicy.QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_BEST_EFFORT,
+ ReliabilityPolicy = ReliabilityPolicy.QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_RELIABLE,
DurabilityPolicy = DurabilityPolicy.QOS_POLICY_DURABILITY_VOLATILE,
HistoryPolicy = HistoryPolicy.QOS_POLICY_HISTORY_KEEP_LAST,
Depth = 1,
- IPublisher objectPublisher;
- autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjects objectsMsg;
+ private Dictionary obj2npc = new Dictionary();
+ [NonSerialized]
+ public Dictionary id2npc = new Dictionary();
+ IPublisher objectPublisher;
+ IPublisher lightPublisher;
+ autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrackedObjects objectsMsg;
PerceptionResultSensor objectSensor;
+ private Dictionary trafficLights = new Dictionary();
void Start()
@@ -52,29 +63,62 @@ void Start()
objectSensor.OnOutputData += Publish;
// Create msg.
- objectsMsg = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjects();
+ objectsMsg = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrackedObjects();
// Create publisher.
var qos = qosSettings.GetQoSProfile();
- objectPublisher = SimulatorROS2Node.CreatePublisher(objectTopic, qos);
+ objectPublisher = SimulatorROS2Node.CreatePublisher(objectTopic, qos);
+ lightPublisher = SimulatorROS2Node.CreatePublisher(lightTopic, qos);
+ // Get ALl TrafficLights
+ GetLights();
+ }
+ void GetLights() {
+ var allTrafficLights = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType();
+ var trafficLightObjects = FindObjectsOfType();
+ for (int i = 0; i < trafficLightObjects.Length; i++) {
+ TrafficLightLaneletID laneletId = trafficLightObjects[i];
+ GameObject obj = laneletId.gameObject;
+ TrafficLight tl = obj.GetComponent();
+ if (tl != null && laneletId != null && trafficLights.ContainsKey(laneletId.wayID) == false){
+ trafficLights.Add(laneletId.wayID, tl);
+ }
+ }
void Publish(PerceptionResultSensor.OutputData outputData)
if (outputData == null || outputData.objects == null || outputData.origin == null) return;
- var objectsList = new List();
+ var objectsList = new List();
foreach (var detectedObject in outputData.objects)
if(detectedObject ==null || detectedObject.rigidBody == null || detectedObject.dimension == null || detectedObject.bounds == null) continue;
+ if (detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject.GetComponent() != null)
+ {
+ if (obj2npc.ContainsKey(detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject) == false ){
+ obj2npc.Add(detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject, detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject.GetComponent());
+ }
+ if (id2npc.ContainsKey(BitConverter.ToString(obj2npc[detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject].rosuuid.Uuid)) == false){
+ id2npc.Add(BitConverter.ToString(obj2npc[detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject].rosuuid.Uuid), detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject.GetComponent());
+ }
+ }
var rb = detectedObject.rigidBody;
var dim = detectedObject.dimension;
var bou = detectedObject.bounds;
- // Check if detectedObject.dimension and detectedObject.bounds are null
+ // Check if detectedObject.dimension and detectedObject.bounds are null
float distance = Vector3.Distance(outputData.origin.position, rb.transform.position);
- if (distance > maxDistance) continue;
+ // if (distance > maxDistance) continue;
- var obj = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObject();
+ //var obj = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrackedObject();
+ var obj = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrackedObject();
obj.Existence_probability = 1.0f;
+ // add UUID
+ PropertyInfo property = obj.GetType().GetProperty("Object_id", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
+ property.SetValue(obj, obj2npc[detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject].rosuuid);
+ //Debug.Log("UUID:" + BitConverter.ToString(obj.Object_id.Uuid));
+ //add classification
var classification = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification();
switch (detectedObject.classification)
@@ -107,19 +151,21 @@ void Publish(PerceptionResultSensor.OutputData outputData)
Debug.LogWarning("Unknown classification type");
classification.Probability = 1.0f;
obj.Classification = new List{classification}.ToArray();
- var kinematics = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjectKinematics();
+ var kinematics = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrackedObjectKinematics();
// Add pose
Vector3 relativePosition = rb.transform.position - outputData.origin.position;
Vector3 transformedPosition = Quaternion.Inverse(outputData.origin.rotation) * relativePosition;
- var p = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosPosition(transformedPosition);
- kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.X = p.x;
- kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.Y = p.y;
- kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.Z = p.z;
+ var p = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosMGRSPosition(transformedPosition);
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.X = p.X;
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.Y = p.Y;
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.Z = p.Z;
// add initial rotation of object
var r = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosRotation(Quaternion.Inverse(outputData.origin.rotation) *rb.transform.rotation);
kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Orientation.X = r.x;
@@ -128,21 +174,23 @@ void Publish(PerceptionResultSensor.OutputData outputData)
kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Orientation.W = r.w;
// Add twist
- {
- kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Linear.X = rb.velocity.magnitude;
+ {
+ var velocity = obj2npc[detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject].Velocity;
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Linear.X = Mathf.Sqrt(velocity.x * velocity.x + velocity.z * velocity.z);
kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Linear.Y = 0.0;
kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Linear.Z = 0.0;
- var a = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosPosition(rb.angularVelocity);
+ var a = obj2npc[detectedObject.rigidBody.gameObject].AngularVelocity;
+ var ros_a = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosPosition(a);
kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Angular.X = 0.0;
kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Angular.Y = 0.0;
- kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Angular.Z = a.z;
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Angular.Z = ros_a.z;
// Add covariance
- kinematics.Has_position_covariance = true;
- kinematics.Orientation_availability = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjectKinematics.AVAILABLE;
- kinematics.Has_twist = true;
- kinematics.Has_twist_covariance = true;
+ //kinematics.Has_position_covariance = true;
+ kinematics.Orientation_availability = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrackedObjectKinematics.AVAILABLE;
+ //kinematics.Has_twist = true;
+ //kinematics.Has_twist_covariance = true;
// Add covariance 6x6
const int size = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
@@ -179,15 +227,58 @@ void Publish(PerceptionResultSensor.OutputData outputData)
// Update msg header.
var header = objectsMsg as MessageWithHeader;
SimulatorROS2Node.UpdateROSTimestamp(ref header);
- objectsMsg.Header.Frame_id = frameId;
+ objectsMsg.Header.Frame_id = "map";
// Publish to ROS2.
+ //PubishLights();
+ }
+ void PubishLights() {
+ var lights = new List();
+ //TrafficSignal: lights.Signals -> (Map_primitive_id, Lights)
+ var trafficsignals = new List();
+ foreach (var x in trafficLights) {
+ var light = x.Value;
+ var bulbDatas = light.GetBulbData();
+ var id = x.Key;
+ var tles = new List();
+ var ts = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrafficSignal();
+ ts.Map_primitive_id = (int)id;
+ foreach (var bulb in bulbDatas) {
+ var tl = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrafficLight();
+ tl.Color = (Byte)(bulb.Color + 1);
+ //Debug.Log("type: " + tl.Color.GetType().Name);
+ if (bulb.Type <= TrafficLight.BulbType.GREEN_BULB) {
+ tl.Shape = (Byte)5;
+ } else if (bulb.Type == TrafficLight.BulbType.CROSS_BULB) {
+ tl.Shape = 0;
+ } else {
+ tl.Shape = (Byte)(bulb.Type + 2);
+ }
+ tl.Status = (Byte)(bulb.Status + 13);
+ tl.Confidence = 1.0f;
+ tles.Add(tl);
+ }
+ ts.Lights = tles.ToArray();
+ trafficsignals.Add(ts);
+ }
+ var lightsMsg = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.TrafficSignalArray();
+ lightsMsg.Signals = trafficsignals.ToArray();
+ var header = lightsMsg as MessageWithHeader;
+ SimulatorROS2Node.UpdateROSTimestamp(ref header);
+ lightsMsg.Header.Frame_id = "map";
+ //lightPublisher.Publish(lightsMsg);
void OnDestroy()
- SimulatorROS2Node.RemovePublisher(objectPublisher);
+ SimulatorROS2Node.RemovePublisher(objectPublisher);
+ SimulatorROS2Node.RemovePublisher(lightPublisher);