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diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scenes/Samples/PerceptionResultDemo.unity.meta b/Assets/AWSIM/Scenes/Samples/PerceptionResultDemo.unity.meta
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diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor.meta b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor.meta
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diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/ObjectClassification.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/ObjectClassification.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d42019b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/ObjectClassification.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace AWSIM
+public class ObjectClassification : MonoBehaviour
+ // Attach this script to target object to enable perception result sensor
+ public enum ObjectType
+ {
+ CAR,
+ BUS,
+ }
+ public ObjectType objectType;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/ObjectClassification.cs.meta b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/ObjectClassification.cs.meta
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+ externalObjects: {}
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+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c30221269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using System;
+using ROS2;
+namespace AWSIM
+ ///
+ /// Convert the data output from PerceptionResultSensor to ROS2 msg and Publish.
+ ///
+ [RequireComponent(typeof(PerceptionResultSensor))]
+ public class PerceptionResultRos2Publisher : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Topic name in DetectedObject msg.
+ ///
+ public string objectTopic = "/awsim/ground_truth/perception/object_recognition/detection/objects";
+ ///
+ /// Object sensor frame id.
+ ///
+ public string frameId = "base_link";
+ ///
+ /// max distance that lidar can detect
+ ///
+ [Range(0, 200)]
+ public float maxDistance = 200f;
+ ///
+ /// QoS settings.
+ ///
+ public QoSSettings qosSettings = new QoSSettings()
+ {
+ ReliabilityPolicy = ReliabilityPolicy.QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_BEST_EFFORT,
+ DurabilityPolicy = DurabilityPolicy.QOS_POLICY_DURABILITY_VOLATILE,
+ HistoryPolicy = HistoryPolicy.QOS_POLICY_HISTORY_KEEP_LAST,
+ Depth = 1,
+ };
+ IPublisher objectPublisher;
+ autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjects objectsMsg;
+ PerceptionResultSensor objectSensor;
+ void Start()
+ {
+ // Get ObjectSensor component.
+ objectSensor = GetComponent();
+ // Set callback.
+ objectSensor.OnOutputData += Publish;
+ // Create msg.
+ objectsMsg = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjects();
+ // Create publisher.
+ var qos = qosSettings.GetQoSProfile();
+ objectPublisher = SimulatorROS2Node.CreatePublisher(objectTopic, qos);
+ }
+ void Publish(PerceptionResultSensor.OutputData outputData)
+ {
+ if (outputData == null || outputData.objects == null || outputData.origin == null) return;
+ var objectsList = new List();
+ foreach (var detectedObject in outputData.objects)
+ {
+ if(detectedObject ==null || detectedObject.rigidBody == null || detectedObject.dimension == null || detectedObject.bounds == null) continue;
+ var rb = detectedObject.rigidBody;
+ var dim = detectedObject.dimension;
+ var bou = detectedObject.bounds;
+ // Check if detectedObject.dimension and detectedObject.bounds are null
+ float distance = Vector3.Distance(outputData.origin.position, rb.transform.position);
+ if (distance > maxDistance) continue;
+ var obj = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObject();
+ obj.Existence_probability = 1.0f;
+ var classification = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification();
+ {
+ switch (detectedObject.classification)
+ {
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.UNKNOWN:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.UNKNOWN;
+ break;
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.CAR:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.CAR;
+ break;
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.TRUCK:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.TRUCK;
+ break;
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.BUS:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.BUS;
+ break;
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.TRAILER:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.TRAILER;
+ break;
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.MOTORCYCLE:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.MOTORCYCLE;
+ break;
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.BICYCLE:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.BICYCLE;
+ break;
+ case ObjectClassification.ObjectType.PEDESTRIAN:
+ classification.Label = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.ObjectClassification.PEDESTRIAN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Debug.LogWarning("Unknown classification type");
+ break;
+ }
+ classification.Probability = 1.0f;
+ }
+ obj.Classification = new List{classification}.ToArray();
+ var kinematics = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjectKinematics();
+ // Add pose
+ {
+ Vector3 relativePosition = rb.transform.position - outputData.origin.position;
+ Vector3 transformedPosition = Quaternion.Inverse(outputData.origin.rotation) * relativePosition;
+ var p = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosPosition(transformedPosition);
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.X = p.x;
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.Y = p.y;
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Position.Z = p.z;
+ // add initial rotation of object
+ var r = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosRotation(Quaternion.Inverse(outputData.origin.rotation) *rb.transform.rotation);
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Orientation.X = r.x;
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Orientation.Y = r.y;
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Orientation.Z = r.z;
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Pose.Orientation.W = r.w;
+ }
+ // Add twist
+ {
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Linear.X = rb.velocity.magnitude;
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Linear.Y = 0.0;
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Linear.Z = 0.0;
+ var a = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosPosition(rb.angularVelocity);
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Angular.X = 0.0;
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Angular.Y = 0.0;
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Twist.Angular.Z = a.z;
+ }
+ // Add covariance
+ {
+ kinematics.Has_position_covariance = true;
+ kinematics.Orientation_availability = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.DetectedObjectKinematics.AVAILABLE;
+ kinematics.Has_twist = true;
+ kinematics.Has_twist_covariance = true;
+ // Add covariance 6x6
+ const int size = 6;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ kinematics.Pose_with_covariance.Covariance[i * size + i] = 1;
+ kinematics.Twist_with_covariance.Covariance[i * size + i] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ obj.Kinematics = kinematics;
+ // add shape and footprint
+ {
+ var shape = new autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.Shape();
+ shape.Type = autoware_auto_perception_msgs.msg.Shape.BOUNDING_BOX;
+ shape.Dimensions.X = dim.x;
+ shape.Dimensions.Y = dim.y;
+ shape.Dimensions.Z = dim.z;
+ var footprints = new geometry_msgs.msg.Polygon();
+ // Assuming Point32 has X, Y, Z properties
+ if(bou.Length > 0){
+ var point1 = new geometry_msgs.msg.Point32() { X = bou[0].x, Y = bou[0].y, Z = 0 };
+ var point2 = new geometry_msgs.msg.Point32() { X = bou[1].x, Y = bou[1].y, Z = 0 };
+ var point3 = new geometry_msgs.msg.Point32() { X = bou[2].x, Y = bou[2].y, Z = 0 };
+ var point4 = new geometry_msgs.msg.Point32() { X = bou[3].x, Y = bou[3].y, Z = 0 };
+ footprints.Points = new[] { point1, point2, point3, point4 };
+ }
+ shape.Footprint = footprints;
+ obj.Shape = shape;
+ }
+ objectsList.Add(obj);
+ }
+ // Converts data output from ObjectSensor to ROS2 msg
+ objectsMsg.Objects = objectsList.ToArray();
+ // Update msg header.
+ var header = objectsMsg as MessageWithHeader;
+ SimulatorROS2Node.UpdateROSTimestamp(ref header);
+ objectsMsg.Header.Frame_id = frameId;
+ // Publish to ROS2.
+ objectPublisher.Publish(objectsMsg);
+ }
+ void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ SimulatorROS2Node.RemovePublisher(objectPublisher);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs.meta b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a1a71e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultRos2Publisher.cs.meta
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+fileFormatVersion: 2
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+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
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diff --git a/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultSensor.cs b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultSensor.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..989ef50ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/PerceptionResultSensor/PerceptionResultSensor.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Events;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace AWSIM
+ ///
+ /// ObjectSensor sensor.
+ /// Need to attach classification script to the objects.
+ ///
+ /// TODO: To improve the performance of ObjectSensor sensors, cached objects should be attached first.
+ public class PerceptionResultSensor : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ ///
+ /// This data is output from ObjectSensor at the OutputHz cycle.
+ ///
+ ///
+ public class DetectedObject
+ {
+ public Rigidbody rigidBody;
+ public Vector3 dimension;
+ public Vector2[] bounds;
+ public ObjectClassification.ObjectType classification;
+ }
+ public class OutputData
+ {
+ public DetectedObject[] objects;
+ public Transform origin;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Data output hz.
+ /// Sensor processing and callbacks are called in this hz.
+ ///
+ [Range(0, 10)]
+ public int OutputHz = 10; // Autoware's DetectedObject basically output at 10hz.
+ ///
+ /// Delegate used in callbacks.
+ ///
+ /// Data output for each hz
+ public delegate void OnOutputDataDelegate(OutputData outputData);
+ ///
+ /// Called each time data is output.
+ ///
+ public OnOutputDataDelegate OnOutputData;
+ float timer = 0;
+ public OutputData outputData = new OutputData();
+ private List filteredObjects = new List();
+ [Header("Hint: Manually attaching classification objects is quicker.")]
+ [Header("Warning: Objects without a rigidbody are not supported for classification.")]
+ public ObjectClassification[] cachedObjectsWithClassification;
+ private bool manuallyCached = true;
+ // This method generates a footprint for the vehicle based on its dimensions, position, and rotation.
+ Vector2[] GenerateFootprint(Vector3 dimensions, Rigidbody vehicleRb)
+ {
+ Vector2[] footprint = new Vector2[4];
+ // Retrieve the vehicle's position and rotation
+ Quaternion rotation = vehicleRb.rotation;
+ // Calculate half of the dimensions for easier calculation
+ float halfLength = dimensions.x * 0.5f;
+ float halfWidth = dimensions.y * 0.5f;
+ // Define the vehicle's corner points relative to its center
+ Vector3[] localCorners = {
+ new Vector3(-halfLength, 0, halfWidth), // Front left
+ new Vector3(-halfLength, 0, -halfWidth), // Rear left
+ new Vector3(halfLength, 0, -halfWidth), // Rear right
+ new Vector3(halfLength, 0, halfWidth) // Front right
+ };
+ // Rotate and translate each corner point to get the footprint
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ Vector3 globalCorner = rotation * localCorners[i];
+ footprint[i] = new Vector2(globalCorner.x, globalCorner.z); // Using X and Z axes as Unity is left-handed and Y is up.
+ }
+ return footprint;
+ }
+ void CreateDetectedObjectData(){
+ outputData.objects = new DetectedObject[cachedObjectsWithClassification.Length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < cachedObjectsWithClassification.Length; i++) {
+ ObjectClassification obj = cachedObjectsWithClassification[i];
+ outputData.objects[i] = new DetectedObject();
+ // add classification
+ outputData.objects[i].classification = obj.objectType;
+ var gameObject = obj.gameObject;
+ // Note: object without rigidbody is considered above
+ var rb = gameObject.GetComponent();
+ if(rb == null){
+ Debug.Log("Please Attach RigidBody to NPC");
+ }
+ outputData.objects[i].rigidBody = rb;
+ MeshFilter[] meshFilters = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren();
+ if(meshFilters.Length > 0){
+ Vector3 localMinBounds = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
+ Vector3 localMaxBounds = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
+ // mesh filter bounds is in local coordinate
+ foreach (MeshFilter meshFilter in meshFilters)
+ {
+ Bounds localBounds = meshFilter.sharedMesh.bounds;
+ localMinBounds = Vector3.Min(localMinBounds, localBounds.min);
+ localMaxBounds = Vector3.Max(localMaxBounds, localBounds.max);
+ }
+ outputData.objects[i].dimension = ROS2Utility.UnityToRosScale(localMaxBounds - localMinBounds);
+ outputData.objects[i].bounds = GenerateFootprint(outputData.objects[i].dimension, outputData.objects[i].rigidBody);
+ } else {
+ outputData.objects[i].dimension = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.5f);
+ outputData.objects[i].bounds = new Vector2[]{};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Start()
+ {
+ outputData.origin = this.transform;
+ // Check if cachedObjectsWithClassification is empty
+ if(cachedObjectsWithClassification == null || cachedObjectsWithClassification.Length == 0)
+ {
+ cachedObjectsWithClassification = FindObjectsOfType();
+ manuallyCached = false;
+ }
+ CreateDetectedObjectData();
+ }
+ void FixedUpdate()
+ {
+ // Matching output to hz.
+ timer += Time.deltaTime;
+ var interval = 1.0f / OutputHz;
+ interval -= 0.00001f; // Allow for accuracy errors.
+ if (timer < interval)
+ return;
+ timer = 0;
+ outputData.origin = this.transform;
+ if(!manuallyCached){
+ var currentObjectsWithClassification = FindObjectsOfType();
+ if (!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(cachedObjectsWithClassification, currentObjectsWithClassification)) {
+ cachedObjectsWithClassification = currentObjectsWithClassification;
+ CreateDetectedObjectData();
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < cachedObjectsWithClassification.Length; i++)
+ {
+ var o = outputData.objects[i];
+ if(o == null) continue;
+ outputData.objects[i].bounds = GenerateFootprint(o.dimension,o.rigidBody);
+ }
+ // Calls registered callbacks
+ OnOutputData.Invoke(outputData);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/autoware_auto_perception_msgs_assembly.dll b/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/autoware_auto_perception_msgs_assembly.dll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af2219f6f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/autoware_auto_perception_msgs_assembly.dll differ
diff --git a/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/autoware_auto_perception_msgs_assembly.dll.meta b/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/autoware_auto_perception_msgs_assembly.dll.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7931fcaf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/autoware_auto_perception_msgs_assembly.dll.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 5a07bdc473bd85358ae2a21a6210ebc0
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ iconMap: {}
+ executionOrder: {}
+ defineConstraints: []
+ isPreloaded: 0
+ isOverridable: 0
+ isExplicitlyReferenced: 0
+ validateReferences: 1
+ platformData:
+ - first:
+ Any:
+ second:
+ enabled: 1
+ settings: {}
+ - first:
+ Editor: Editor
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ DefaultValueInitialized: true
+ - first:
+ Windows Store Apps: WindowsStoreApps
+ second:
+ enabled: 0
+ settings:
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant: