git clone <this repo>
This will avoid warnings about Boost being newer than some packages.
When installing CMake, take the option to add CMake to the PATH variable.
If you haven't already, install vcpkg anywhere you like:
git clone
Note the path to vcpkg, which will be needed later.
We are using vcpkg in "manifest" mode. There is no need for the "integrate" step. Dependencies are listed in vcpkg.json.
If you will be using ORB-SLAM3 in a project that is already using vcpkg, use that instance (you might need to update it).
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path to your vcpkg dir>\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build build --config Release
Both steps will take a while.
cd Vocabulary
tar -xf ORBvoc.txt.tar.gz
cd ..
bin\mono_euroc.exe .\Vocabulary\ORBvoc.txt .\Examples\Monocular\EuRoC.yaml <download path>\MH_01_easy .\Examples\Monocular\EuRoC_TimeStamps\MH01.txt
See the original ORB_SLAM3 README on obtaining the EuRoC images. (get ASL format dataset "Machine Hall 1" from
Add include directories to your project:
<ORB_SLAM3 dir>
<ORB_SLAM3 dir>\include
<ORB_SLAM3 dir>\include\CameraModels
<ORB_SLAM3 dir>\Thirdparty\Sophus
Add library directories to your project:
<ORB_SLAM3 dir>\lib
Add input libraries:
In your code, add the following includes:
#define _WIN_
#define HAVE_EIGEN
#define HAVE_GLEW
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4996 4267 4244 4305)
#include <System.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
Include both vcpkg and ORB_SLAM3 as submodules in your project. This will keep version skew to a minimum.