mmdetection is very convenient for us to train all kind of detector, but in the work, after training , we are more willing to use the trained detector in our special project to test results. So only forward of a detector is developed in libtorch, written in C++ . do not worry, the c++ code is consistent with python code.
- Python 3.7
- Libtorch 1.3.1
- CUDA: 10.0
- mmdetection: v2.7.0
- mmcv-full: 01.2.1
- CMake
- RetinaNet
- Faster R-CNN
- Mask R-CNN
reference to mmdetection
- the function forward_trace_xxx( ) is for data stream
- using or to get traced weights
- using your own traced weights or download my traced weights (9rv5, trained in voc data)
- modifiy the file config/xxx.json
- check that the config file path is correct in example/test_detector.cpp
- just running the code