[x] Remove / deprecate outdated APIs: [x] grafar.Style removed [x] grafar.refresh() deprecated [x] grafar.constant() deprecated [ ] Optimization & fixes [x] Independent & reactive Pin updates [x] Reuse topology between constraint updates [ ] Propagate resize [x] Auto-wrap number literals into generators
- High-order reactivity (accept reactive values in Generator)
- Dump ID-based selection
- Decouple rendering and computations so that computations can be run in node
- Statistical generators
- Import generators: from js objects / arrays.
- Test suite
- Set operators (union, intersection)
- Math.* wrapper for grafar dimensions
- Push, pop, shift containers
- Reactive pipeline encapsulation
- Computed topology
- Reduce-like transforms with no forward-declaration of size and possible topology mutation, e.g. mean, order statistics
- GPGPU transforms and generators with custom shaders.