ASP.NET Core / Angular 7 playground project for expense analysis. Work in progress.
- Multi-User
- Multi-Account per user
- Accounts can be shared across users
- Responsive design for mobile, tablet and desktop use
- Charts
- Offline mode
- Machine-aided Categorization
- ASP.NET Core 2.2
- EF Core with Mysql-Backend
- Some Autofac for MediatR-pipelines
- Docker container for easy deployment
- SEQ for monitoring (thx for the license model!!!)
- Gitlab with NUKE & gitversion for CI/CD
- for Machine Learning
- Angular 7
- FxLayout for responsiveness
- Angular-Material for nice UI-controls
- Canvas.JS (thx for the license model!!!)
- Some RxJS
To get it running, set the following env variables (see dev-env folder for a small docker test environment).
Variable | Description |
MysqlConnectionString | Mysql connection string, example: Server=localhost;Database=ef;User=root;Password=123; |
AuthenticationSettings__JwtTokenSecret | JWT Token secret. |
SeqTarget | Seq-Server target host (optional). |
You might set the secrets on your dev-machine with
dotnet user-secrets set MysqlConnectionString "Server=localhost;Database=geldapp;User=root;Password=xxx"
dotnet user-secrets set "AuthenticationSettings:JwtTokenSecret" "Secret"