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Scale Test


The Scale Test suite is bundled into integration_tests module, it can be built by maven directly.

mvn package

You can choose profiles to build against specific Spark and JDK version. e.g.

mvn package -Dbuildver=332 -Pjdk17

Query Sets

The queries are define in the source code. You can check the table below to see query content and the description:

name description content
q1 Inner join with lots of ride along columns SELECT a_facts.*, b_data_{1-10} FROM b_data JOIN a_facts WHERE primary_a = b_foreign_a
q2 Full outer join with lots of ride along columns SELECT a_facts.*, b_data_{1-10} FROM b_data FULL OUTER JOIN a_facts WHERE primary_a = b_foreign_a
q3 Left outer join with lots of ride along columns SELECT a_facts.*, b_data_{1-10} FROM b_data LEFT OUTER JOIN a_facts WHERE primary_a = b_foreign_a
q4 Left anti-join lots of ride along columns. SELECT c_data.* FROM c_data LEFT ANTI JOIN a_facts WHERE primary_a = c_foreign_a
q5 Left semi-join lots of ride along columns. SELECT c_data.* FROM c_data LEFT SEMI JOIN a_facts WHERE primary_a = c_foreign_a
q6 Exploding inner large key count equi-join followed by min/max agg. SELECT c_key2_, COUNT(1), MIN(c_data_), MAX(d_data_) FROM c_data JOIN d_data WHERE c_key2_ = d_key2_* GROUP BY c_key2_*
q7 Exploding full outer large key count equi-join followed by min/max agg. SELECT c_key2_, COUNT(1), MIN(c_data_), MAX(d_data_) FROM c_data FULL OUTER JOIN d_data WHERE c_key2_ = d_key2_* GROUP BY c_key2_*
q8 Exploding left outer large key count equi-join followed by min/max agg. SELECT c_key2_, COUNT(1), MIN(c_data_), MAX(d_data_) FROM c_data LEFT OUTER JOIN d_data WHERE c_key2_ = d_key2_* GROUP BY c_key2_*
q9 Left semi large key count equi-join followed by min/max agg. SELECT c_key2_, COUNT(1), MIN(c_data_) FROM c_data LEFT SEMI JOIN d_data WHERE c_key2_* = d_key2_* GROUP BY c_key2_*
q10 Left anti large key count equi-join followed by min/max agg. SELECT c_key2_, COUNT(1), MIN(c_data_) FROM c_data LEFT ANTI JOIN d_data WHERE c_key2_* = d_key2_* GROUP BY c_key2_*
q11 No obvious build side inner equi-join. (Shuffle partitions should be set to 10) SELECT b_key3_, e_data_, b_data_* FROM b_data JOIN e_data WHERE b_key3_* = e_key3_*
q12 No obvious build side full outer equi-join. (Shuffle partitions should be set to 10) SELECT b_key3_, e_data_, b_data_* FROM b_data FULL OUTER JOIN e_data WHERE b_key3_* = e_key3_*
q13 No obvious build side left outer equi-join. (Shuffle partitions should be set to 10) SELECT b_key3_, e_data_, b_data_* FROM b_data LEFT OUTER JOIN e_data WHERE b_key3_* = e_key3_*
q14 Both sides large left semi equi-join. (Shuffle partitions should be set to 10) SELECT b_key3_, b_data_ FROM b_data LEFT SEMI JOIN e_data WHERE b_key3_* = e_key3_*
q15 Both sides large left anti equi-join. (Shuffle partitions should be set to 10) SELECT b_key3_, b_data_ FROM b_data LEFT ANTI JOIN e_data WHERE b_key3_* = e_key3_*
q16 Extreme skew conditional AST inner join. SELECT a_key4_1, a_data_(1-complexit/2), f_data_(1-complexity/2) FROM a_facts JOIN f_facts WHERE a_key4_1 = f_key4_1 && (a_data_low_unique_1 + f_data_low_unique_1) = 2
q17 Extreme skew conditional AST full outer join. SELECT a_key4_1, a_data_(1-complexit/2), f_data_(1-complexity/2) FROM a_fact FULL OUTER JOIN f_fact WHERE a_key4_1 = f_key4_1 && (a_data_low_unique_1 + f_data_low_unique_1) = 2
q18 Extreme skew conditional AST left outer join. SELECT a_key4_1, a_data_(1-complexit/2), f_data_(1-complexity/2) FROM a_fact LEFT OUTER JOIN f_fact WHERE a_key4_1 = f_key4_1 && (a_data_low_unique_1 + f_data_low_unique_1) = 2
q19 Extreme skew conditional AST left anti join. SELECT a_key4_1, a_data_*, FROM a_fact LEFT ANTI JOIN f_fact WHERE a_key4_1 = f_key4_1 && (a_data_low_unique_1 + f_data_low_unique_1) != 2
q20 Extreme skew conditional AST left semi join. SELECT a_key4_1, a_data_* FROM a_fact LEFT SEMI JOIN f_fact WHERE a_key4_1 = f_key4_1 && (a_data_low_unique_1 + f_data_low_unique_1) = 2
q21 Extreme skew conditional NON-AST inner join. SELECT a_key4_1, a_data_(1-complexity/2), f_data_(1-complexity/2) FROM a_fact JOIN f_fact WHERE a_key4_1 = f_key4_1 && (length(concat(a_data_low_unique_len_1, f_data_low_unique_len_1))) = 2
q22 Group by aggregation, not a lot of combining, but lots of aggregations, and CUDF does sort agg internally. SELECT b_key3_, complexity number of aggregations that are SUMs of 2 or more numeric data columns multiplied together or MIN/MAX of any data column FROM b_data GROUP BY b_key3_.
q23 Reduction with with lots of aggregations SELECT complexity number of aggregations that are SUMs of 2 or more numeric data columns multiplied together or MIN/MAX of any data column FROM b_data.
q24 Group by aggregation with lots of combining, lots of aggs, and CUDF does hash agg internally SELECT g_key3_, complexity number of aggregations that are SUM/MIN/MAX/AVERAGE/COUNT of 2 or more byte columns cast to int and added, subtracted, multiplied together. FROM g_data GROUP BY g_key3_
q25 collect set group by agg select g_key3_, collect_set(g_data_enum_1) FROM g_data GROUP BY g_key3_
q26 collect list group by agg with some hope of succeeding. select b_foreign_a, collect_list(b_data_1) FROM b_data GROUP BY b_foreign_a
q27 Running Window with skewed partition by columns, and single order by column with small number of basic window ops (min, max, sum, count, average, row_number) select {min(g_data_1), max(g_data_1), sum(g_data_2), count(g_data_3), average(g_data_4), row_number} over (UNBOUNDED PRECEDING TO CURRENT ROW PARTITION BY g_key3_* ORDER BY g_data_row_num_1)
q28 Ranged Window with large range (lots of rows preceding and following) skewed partition by columns and single order by column with small number of basic window ops (min, max, sum, count, average) select {min(g_data_1), max(g_data_1), sum(g_data_2), count(g_data_3), average(g_data_4)} over (RANGE BETWEEN 1000 * scale_factor PRECEDING AND 5000 * scale_factor FOLLOWING PARTITION BY g_key3_* ORDER BY g_data_row_num_1)
q29 unbounded preceding and following window with skewed partition by columns, and single order by column with small number of basic window op (min, max, sum, count, average) select {min(g_data_1), max(g_data_1), sum(g_data_2), count(g_data_3), average(g_data_4)} over (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING PARTITION BY g_key3_* ORDER BY g_data_row_num_1)
q30 running window with no partition by columns and single order by column with small number of basic window ops (min, max, sum, count, average, row_number) select {min(g_data_1), max(g_data_1), sum(g_data_2), count(g_data_3), average(g_data_4)} over (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW ORDER BY g_data_row_num_1)
q31 ranged window with large range (lots of rows preceding and following) no partition by columns and single order by column with small number of basic window ops (min, max, sum, count, average) select {min(g_data_1), max(g_data_1), sum(g_data_2), count(g_data_3), average(g_data_4)} over (RANGE BETWEEN 1000 * scale_factor PRECEDING AND 5000 * scale_factor FOLLOWING ORDER BY g_data_row_num_1)
q32 unbounded preceding and following window with no partition by columns and single order by column with small number of basic window ops (min, max, sum, count, average) select {min(g_data_1), max(g_data_1), sum(g_data_2), count(g_data_3), average(g_data_4)} over (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING ORDER BY g_row_num_1)
q33 Lead/Lag window with skewed partition by columns and single order by column. select {lag(g_data_1, 10 * scale_factor, lead(g_data_2, 10 * scale_factor)} OVER (PARTITION BY g_key3_* ORDER BY g_data_row_num_1)
q34 Lead/Lag window with no partition by columns and single order by column. select {lag(g_data_1, 10 * scale_factor, lead(g_data_2, 10 * scale_factor)} OVER (ORDER BY g_data_row_num_1)
q35 Running window with complexity/2 in partition by columns and complexity/2 in order by columns. select {min(c_data_1), max(c_data_2)} over (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW PARTITION BY c_key2_(1 to complexity/2) ORDER BY c_key2_(complexity/2 to complexity)
q36 unbounded to unbounded window with complexity/2 in partition by columns and complexity/2 in order by columns. select {min(c_data_1), max(c_data_2)} over (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING PARTITION BY c_key2_(1 to complexity/2) ORDER BY c_key2_(complexity/2 to complexity)
q37 Running window with simple partition by and order by columns, but complexity window operations as combinations of a few input columns select {complexity aggregations mins/max of any column or SUM of two or more numeric columns multiplied together} over (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW PARTITION BY c_foreign_a ORDER BY c_data_row_num_1
q38 Ranged window with simple partition by and order by columns, but complexity window operations as combinations of a few input columns select {complexity aggregations mins/max of any column or SUM of two or more numeric columns multiplied together} over (RANGE BETWEEN 10 PRECEDING AND 10 FOLLOWING PARTITION BY c_foreign_a ORDER BY c_data_row_num_1
q39 unbounded window with simple partition by and order by columns, but complexity window operations as combinations of a few input columns select {complexity aggregations mins/max of any column or SUM of two or more numeric columns multiplied together} over (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING PARTITION BY c_foreign_a ORDER BY c_data_row_num_1
q40 COLLECT SET WINDOW (We may never really be able to do this well) select array_sort(collect_set(f_data_low_unique_1)) OVER (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW PARTITION BY f_key4_* order by f_data_row_num_1)
q41 COLLECT LIST WINDOW (We may never really be able to do this well) select collect_list(f_data_low_unique_1) OVER (ROWS BETWEEN complexity PRECEDING and CURRENT ROW PARTITION BY f_key4_* order by f_data_row_num_1)


The Scale Test can be submitted to Spark just as a normal Spark application. The input arguments for the application are shown below:

Usage: ScaleTest [options] <scale factor> <complexity> <format> <input directory> <output directory> <path to save report file>

  <scale factor>           scale factor for data size
  <complexity>             complexity level for processing
  <format>                 output format for the data
  <input directory>        input directory for table data
  <output directory>       directory for query output
  <path to save report file>
                           path to save the report file that contains test results
  -d, --seed <value>       seed used to generate random data columns. default is 41 if not specified
  --overwrite              Flag argument. Whether to overwrite the existing data in the path.
  --iterations <value>     iterations to run for each query. default: 1
  --queries <value>        Specify queries to run specifically. the format must be query names with comma separated. e.g. --tables q1,q2,q3. If not specified, all queries will be run for `--iterations` rounds
  --timeout <value>        timeout for each query in milliseconds, default is 10 minutes(600000)
  --dry                    Flag argument. Only print the queries but not execute them

An example command to launch the Scale Test:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--master spark://<SPARK_MASTER>:7077 \
--conf spark.driver.memory=10G \
--conf spark.executor.memory=32G \
--conf spark.sql.parquet.int96RebaseModeInWrite=CORRECTED \
--conf spark.sql.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInWrite=CORRECTED \
--jars $SPARK_HOME/examples/jars/scopt_2.12-3.7.1.jar \
--class com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tests.scaletest.ScaleTest \
./target/rapids-4-spark-integration-tests_2.12-24.06.0-SNAPSHOT-spark332.jar \
10 \
100 \
parquet \
<path-to-data-generated-by-data-gen-tool> \
./output \
./report.json \
--overwrite \
--queries q1,q2

Test Report

Test results are recorded in the report file in JSON format. Currently only execution time is recorded. The record looks like below:

[ {
  "name" : "q1",
  "executionTime" : [ 5175 ]
}, {
  "name" : "q2",
  "executionTime" : [ 2830 ]
} ]