We would love to help you to connect your city/area! On this page you will find the basic first steps on your road to success
Read through our manifest and a small list of use cases
Having a team makes setting up your gateways much easier and more fun. Therefore I strongly recommend finding a few people that share your passion and can help setting up and managing your part of the network.
On [[GettingStarted]] you can find the details on the hardware and how to connect it to the TTN network. If your answer is not (yet) on this wiki, please consult the forum and do not hesitate to ask your questions!
Without connected nodes your gateway gets lonely. On the forum there is an extensive topic about making your presence known
As soon as you have set up your team and you have decided which gateway you want to use, contact us for a campaign page. Time to find people and companies that want to use TTN or sponsor other gateways. Presentations that you can use freely are found on the forum
A few possible platforms that might be useful:
Generic community page http://thethingsnetwork.org/start-a-community/
Start your own local Slack