Notable Changes
⭐ARM64 Support!
You can now use the :latest-arm64
tag to deploy this docker container on ARM64 devices
What's Changed
- Update kr readme by @seoseonyu in #299
- Enable yamllint on whole repo by @thijsvanloef in #303
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 by @dependabot in #304
- Update README.md to reference the new DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL by @dracco1993 in #302
- Update zh-cn read by @win5923 in #309
- Update zh-CN translation by @koalang in #307
- Add arm64 compatibility by @sonroyaalmerol in #306
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #304
- @dracco1993 made their first contribution in #302
- @koalang made their first contribution in #307
- @sonroyaalmerol made their first contribution in #306
Full Changelog: 0.22.0...0.23.0