- ^^Thank you for all the beautiful questions you have submitted! 🙏^^
- video:: please turn on your video so the call is more personal
- disclaimer:: PG18 adult language
- we will email you everything (webinar recording, slides, guides, code), just give attention
- questions: we answer them at the end to keep the flow and our time limit
- preface questions with all caps "QUESTION: " so we can find them
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- Roam is extremely powerful.
- It is easy to
- pour your mind into it
- adapt it to your needs
- extend
- It also has downsides, like it is intimidating at first.
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- On Twitter everyone gets value out of Roam.
- You feel left behind.
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- Losing your notes. They are not resurfacig.
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- Output: get shit done
- Mindful productivity
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- She is the most organized, and brilliant person I know.
- BASB mentor focusing on PARA and Roam.
- She is using Roam to
- track exercise
- moving home
- developing facial creams for her skin care business
- We met in [[Tiago Forte]]'s coaching program.
- Cynthia taught Viktor structure, asked questions how to do things, then boiled down to the essential.
- Viktor was teaching advanced Roam.
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- QUESTION: why and how to use Roam as a main tool to manage your life?
- Easier = less frustration, more usage
- More usage = more output
- Examples
- [[[[Recipe]]: Tiramisu]] - experiment, what my wife loves
- [[Health Tracking]] - COVID
- [[P: Greener Pasture]] - digital garden
- [[datomic]] - learning new things
- [[template]]s
- research, twitter, planning, my Mobile Plugins for better UX or this "desktop chrome app"
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- QUESTION: How is this different from the courses available?
- we focus on implementation and use
- The essential 20%
- What is essential actually useful vs nerdery?
- Fuckup proof
- Gain familiarity fast without you having to worry about fucking up your Roam.
- Share what WE do:
- A system you can copy.
- If things change, we change our tools, since we are actually using everything we share. And we only share what we use frequently.
- Limitless Roam community:
- learn from each other
- community of get shit doners
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- QUESTION: How is this different from the courses available?
- {{mermaid}}
- gantt
- dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
- axisFormat %b %d %a
- todayMarker off
- excludes 2020-11-01,2020-11-02,2020-11-03,2020-11-04,2020-11-05,2020-11-06,2020-11-07,2020-11-08
- section APPLY
- Early bird :crit, done, des5, 2020-10-30
- Application :done, des6, 2020-11-07
- section COURSE
- INSTANT WINS - PARA - Simple Zettelkasten - Template V2 by Viktor :active, des7, 2020-11-09, 7d
- GROWTH - Workflows - Digital Garden - Projects - Todos - PKM - Shortcuts - Template v2 Deepdive :active, des12, after des7, 7d
- ADVANCING – Template v2 API - Version Control - Your Own Workflows :active, after des12, 7d
- Community :done, 2020-11-09, 3w
- EXCLUSIVE Template v2 for Course Participants :done, 2020-11-09, 3w
- Open Source Release :done, 2020-12-13, 1d
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- {{mermaid}}
- QUESTION: How does this course give me an easier start?
- how does this course simplify my use?
- already know Roam, but it doesn't "click" for me
- how can using Roam become second nature for me?
- how can i reduce decision fatigue?
- Fast & fearless
- Ideal setup: desktop app, mobile home screen, essential plugins
- Gain muscle memory and confidence in Roam without fearing of fucking up
- Blocks, pages, meta data
- Templating basics
- Import into Roam
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- QUESTION: How does this course give me an easier start?
- {{[[embed]]: ((Eap9UashS))}} - {{[[embed]]: ((vJLU1HxcI))}}
- Course material
walkthroughs, demos, templates
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- Live Office Hours
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- Accountability buddy
Boost your output
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- Templating v2 + Library
steal the best templates
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- Tools Library
plugins, scripts
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- Lifetime Updates
Roam Foundation Course
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((twpgqp-kQ))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((KdQu4a1ps))}}
- Limitless Roam Community
- Course material
walkthroughs, demos, templates
- Roam Get Shit Doners
- Share templates
- Office Hours
- Prompts
- Accountability buddy 15/month - 150/yr - {{[[embed]]: ((dkOKYMT-p))}} - {{[[embed]]: ((twpgqp-kQ))}} - Investment
- discount: first cohort only
- application closes on
[[November 7th, 2020]]
- {{[[embed]]: ((4c5Jlm3KZ))}}
- {{[[embed]]: ((AQKdm85J8))}}
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- values
- values
- # Essential package
- # 1000 500
- # 600 300
- ## 450
- ## 250
- ## ✅
- ## ❌
- ## ✅
1 year incl. $150 value
- disclaimer: ^^We definitely don't want to convince anyone^^, we are just sharing our opinion and what we do and see what resonates.
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- Jeff Bezos: what will remain the same not what changes (faster, cheaper, wider selection)
- Fixed end goal - tools are indifferent, you are free to innovate (drones, AVs, teleportation)
- Obsidian
- super nice people!
- but a vision containing specific tools (markdown format) is a hindrance
- eg block level stuff is forced vs Roam / RemNote it is native
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- Jeff Bezos: what will remain the same not what changes (faster, cheaper, wider selection)
- change font to
in [[roam/css]] - customize themes like [[Azlen Elza]]'s Zenith
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- change font to
- Roam Foundation application closes on [[November 7th, 2020]]
- Genius Edition Giveaway – entry closes tonight, November 4, at 11:59pm PT:
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