public network =;用于client访问mon和osd的网络
cluster network =;用于ceph集群内部数据reblance等所使用的网络
pid file = /var/run/ceph/$name.pid;存放进程ID
auth cluster required = cephx;以下三个表示使用cephx认证方式
auth service required = cephx
auth client required = cephx
keyring = /etc/ceph/$cluster.$name.keyring;表示keyring文件的存放路径
osd pool default size = 3;使用的副本数,默认值为3
osd pool default min size = 2;最小副本数,默认值为2,低于此值则不可写
osd pool default pg num = 128;pool的pg数,默认值为8,一般而言8这个值太小了,不利于数据分散,建议设置成相对较大的值。
osd pool default pgp num = 128;设置成与上面的pg num相同
log file = /var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log;日志文件存放路径
log to syslog = true;是否将日志写入到syslog
filestore_xattr_use_omap = true; 若使用ext4文件系统,由于XATTRs仅为4KB,所以需要设置此值来使用omap来存储ceph XATTRs 3.monitor部分:
[mon] -
mon initial members = mycephhost;初始monitor,数目需为奇数个
mon host = cephhost01;monitor的hostname
mon addr =;monitor的IP
mon data = /var/lib/ceph/mon/$name;monitor数据存放路径
mon clock drift allowed = .05;monitor之间允许的时间差最大值,默认值为0.05,如果不配置ntp服务,容易出现时间差过大的告警
mon clock drift warn backoff = 30;如果时间差过大,则30s后会重新告警
mon osd full ratio = .95;磁盘使用量超过95%,则认为该OSD已满
mon osd nearfull ratio = .85;磁盘使用量超过85%,则认为该OSD将要满了
mon osd down out interval = 300;当一个OSD被其他OSD标记为down,超过300s后仍没回应,则认为down和out, 可以设置这个选项为0, 减小硬盘损害对系统的影响.设置为0会让系统不能自动复制足够的副本
- host = alpha;monitor的hostname
- mon addr =;monitor的IP:PORT组合
- osd data = /var/lib/ceph/osd/$name;osd数据存放地址
- osd journal = /var/lib/ceph/osd/$name/journal;journal存放路径
- osd journal size = 1024;journal大小,默认为5120MB。ceph官方提供了一个计算公式:size = {2 * (expected throughput * filestore max sync interval)}
- osd op threads = 2;osd线程数,一般设置为cpu数,可通过ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.$id.asok config get/set osd_op_threads获取和动态修改此值。
- osd disk threads = 1;The number of disk threads, which are used to perform background disk intensive OSD operations such as scrubbing
- [osd.0]
- host = alpha;osd的hostname
- filestore xattr use omap = true; 若使用ext4文件系统,由于XATTRs仅为4KB,所以需要设置此值来使用omap来存储ceph XATTRs
- filestore max sync interval = 5;最多5s将journal中的数据向文件系统进行同步
- filestore op threads = 4;处理后端文件系统事务的线程数
- filestore queue max ops = 500
- filestore queue max bytes = 100M
- filestore queue committing max bytes = 100M
- filestore queue committing max ops = 500
- filestore journal writeahead xfs时为true
- osd scrub min interval = 60*60*24 默认每天一次, 并且当系统负载较低时,开始scrub
- osd scrub max interval = 7*60*60*24 无视系统负载,开始scrub, 默认一周一次
- osd deep scrub interval = 30*7*60*60*24 无视系统负载,开始scrub, 默认一月一次
- osd client op priority =63 客户端操作优先级
- osd recovery op priority =10 恢复操作优先级
- ceph osd set noscrub 关闭scrub
- ceph osd set nodeep-scrub 关闭deep scrub
- ceph pg deep-scrub <pg_id> 启动对一个pg进行deep scrub
- osd max backfills = 10 单个osd允许的最大backfill数量
- osd backfill scan min = 64 The minimum number of objects per backfill scan
- osd backfill scan max = 512 The maximum number of objects per backfill scan
- osd backfill full ratio = 0.85 Refuse to accept backfill requests when the Ceph OSD Daemon’s full ratio is above this value
- osd recovery max active = 15 单个OSD每次最多的recovery请求数量
- osd recovery max chunk = 8M 每次osd推送chunk的最大字节数
- osd recovery threads = 1 recovery线程数
- journal max write bytes = 10M journal一次写最大的字节数
- journal max write entries = 100 The maximum number of entries the journal will write at any one time
- journal queue max ops = 500 The maximum number of operations allowed in the queue at any one time
- journal queue max bytes = 10M The maximum number of bytes allowed in the queue at any one time.
- rbd cache = true;使用rbd cache
- rbd cache size = 33554432;设置cache为33554432bit
- no mscrc 客户端停用CRC,节省cpu资源
6.radosgw client部分:
- rgw data = /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/$name;数据存放路径
- host = ceph-radosgw;client的hostname
- keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
- mds max file size = 1125899906842624;设置mds支持的最大文件大小为1PB,此值也可通过ceph mds set max_file_size 1125899906842624修改