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75 lines (66 loc) · 3.27 KB

Updating Fonts

  1. Download the latest stable releases of the non-variable versions of Source Sans Pro and Source Code Pro.

  2. Unpack the downloads.

  3. From each package, upload the contents of the OTF directories, 12 at a time, to the FontSquirrel Webfont Generator.

  4. Check the box to confirm that the fonts can be used for web embedding, then download the fonts.

  5. Repeat steps 3-4 until all the fonts have been downloaded.

  6. Copy all the files matching *.woff* to a single fonts directory.

  7. Run this Perl script over the files:

    use v5.20;
    use warnings;
    use utf8;
    use File::Copy qw(mv);
    my %config = (
        black        => { qual => 'blk',    style => 'normal', weight => '900' },
        blackit      => { qual => 'blkit',  style => 'italic', weight => '900' },
        bold         => { qual => 'bld',    style => 'normal', weight => 'bold' },
        boldit       => { qual => 'bldit',  style => 'italic', weight => 'bold' },
        extralight   => { qual => 'xlt',    style => 'normal', weight => '100' },
        extralightit => { qual => 'xltit',  style => 'italic', weight => '100' },
        it           => { qual => 'it',     style => 'italic', weight => 'normal' },
        light        => { qual => 'lt',     style => 'normal', weight => '200' },
        lightit      => { qual => 'ltit',   style => 'italic', weight => '200' },
        medium       => { qual => 'med',    style => 'normal', weight => 'normal' },
        mediumit     => { qual => 'medit',  style => 'italic', weight => 'normal' },
        regular      => { qual => 'reg',    style => 'normal', weight => 'normal' },
        semibold     => { qual => 'sbld',   style => 'normal', weight => '600' },
        semiboldit   => { qual => 'sbldit', style => 'italic', weight => '600' },
    for my $fn (@ARGV) {
        my ($name, $type, $ext) = $fn =~ /^([^-]+)-([^-]+)-[^.]+.([^.]+)/;
        next unless $name;
        my ($sn, $ln) = $name eq 'sourcesanspro'
            ? ('srcsans', 'SourceSans')  : ('srccode', 'SourceCode');;
        my $c = $config{$type} or die "No config for $type\n";
        my $bn = "$sn-$c->{qual}";
        if ($ext eq 'woff') {
            say qq{\@font-face {
        font-family: '$ln';
        src: url('/fonts/$bn.woff2') format('woff2'),
            url('/fonts/$bn.woff') format('woff');
        font-weight: $c->{weight};
        font-style: $c->{style};
        mv $fn => "$bn.$ext";
  8. Copy the output of the script into the CSS file.

  9. Run make font-awesome to use [fontawesome-subset] to generate the [Font Awesome] fonts. Edit themes/justatheory/bin/fa-subset.js and themes/justatheory/static/css/screen.css to add new icons.

See the Mozilla Web fonts docs for additional information on web fonts, and this SO answer for reasons to just use WOFF2 and WOFF. [fontawesome-subset]: [Font Awesome]: