- mongodb: useUnifiedTopology
- add option not to use the revisionGuardStore
- replace additional deprecated mongo methods
- remove debug forgotten console messages
- replace deprecated mongo methods ( ensureIndex, insert, remove, update )
- add optional shouldHandleEvent function, to filter events before loading saga
- add option to add custom structureLoader implementation
- remove deprecated option max_attempts from redis options
- compatibility with new mongodb version (3.x)
- optional pagination for getTimeoutedSagas and getUndispatchedCommands
- Support default exports #40 thanks to IRT-fbachmann
- optimize handling for commandRejected
- for getTimeoutedSagas handling: if the pm.onCommand handler is registered it will be automatically executed
- fix for new mongodb driver
- update deps
- edgecase in revisionGuard
- redis, mongodb: call disconnect on ping error
- Fix events getting lost at high concurrency #33 thanks to hilkeheremans
- Support mongo connection string
- redis, mongodb: call disconnect on ping error
- revisionGuard: optional startRevisionNumber
- redis: added optional heartbeat
- fix defineShouldHandle
- revisionGuard fix
- redis: fix for new redis lib
- mongodb: added optional heartbeat
- redis: fix wrong multi response handling
- optimize handling of guarding the first events
- remove trycatch dependency due to memory leaks
- give possibility to use mongodb with authSource
- updated dep
- optimization for
npm link
'ed development
- catch throwing errors when calling callback
- expose warnings during initialization
- better catch for userland errors
- fix alreadyInQueue check
- redis: replace .keys() calls with .scan() calls => scales better
- introduce possibility to define a shouldHandle function
- when using revisionGuard, always save the last event
- when using revisionGuard, added possibility to fetch the last handled event
- add retry mechanism for saga
- fix revisionGuard when handling duplicate events at the same time
- fixed mongodb indexes
- added mongodb driver 2.x support
- optimize structureParser
- added convenience information on sagaModel (actionOnCommit)
- fix usage with own db implementation
- generate command id if not set even if destroying the saga
- added getInfo function
- added commitstamp to getUndispatchedcommands
- added possibility to addCommandToSend for timeoutedSagas
- handle case of same aggregateId in different contexts or aggregates
- introduce revisionGuard
- saga: optional define a function to that returns an id that will be used as saga id
- make redis commit transactional
- first stable release