diff --git a/guides/common/modules/proc_configuring-tls-for-secure-ldap.adoc b/guides/common/modules/proc_configuring-tls-for-secure-ldap.adoc index ef940a254af..231146c9ee4 100644 --- a/guides/common/modules/proc_configuring-tls-for-secure-ldap.adoc +++ b/guides/common/modules/proc_configuring-tls-for-secure-ldap.adoc @@ -15,27 +15,22 @@ endif::[] You will remove the certificate when finished. + The filename extensions `.cer` and `.crt` are only conventions and can refer to DER binary or PEM ASCII format certificates. -. Add the LDAP certificate to your CA trust list: -.. Install the LDAP certificate in the `/etc/pki/tls/certs/` directory with the correct permissions: +. Add the LDAP server certificate to the system truststore: +.. Import the certificate: + [options="nowrap", subs="+quotes,verbatim,attributes"] ---- -# install /tmp/_example.crt_ /etc/pki/tls/certs/ +# cp /tmp/_example.crt_ /etc/pki/tls/source/anchors ---- -+ -LDAP certificates must be individual files. -.. Create a symbolic link to the LDAP certificate: -+ -[options="nowrap", subs="+quotes,verbatim,attributes"] ----- -# ln -s _example.crt_ /etc/pki/tls/certs/$(openssl \ -x509 -noout -hash -in \ -/etc/pki/tls/certs/_example.crt_).0 ----- -.. Restart the `httpd` service: +.. Update the certificate authority truststore: + [options="nowrap", subs="+quotes,verbatim,attributes"] ---- -# systemctl restart httpd +# update-ca-trust extract ---- . Delete the downloaded LDAP certificate from the temporary location on your {ProjectServer}. + +ifndef::orcharhino[] +.Additional resources +* For more information about adding certificates to the system truststore, see link:{RHELDocsBaseURL}9/html/securing_networks/using-shared-system-certificates_securing-networks[Using shared system certificates] in _{RHEL}{nbsp}9 Securing networks_. +endif::[]