diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 25b00be371a..76c801afeda 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ We capitalize the following terms: * Chef * Deb (content type) * Discovery (service) +* Enterprise Linux (umbrella term for RHEL-derivatives) * Hammer * Insights (Red Hat product) * Kickstart diff --git a/guides/common/modules/ref_cli-help.adoc b/guides/common/modules/ref_cli-help.adoc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..61129ba697b --- /dev/null +++ b/guides/common/modules/ref_cli-help.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +[id="cli-help_{context}"] += CLI help + +{Project} offers multiple user interfaces: {ProjectWebUI}, Hammer CLI, API, and through Ansible collection {ansible-namespace}. +If you want to administer {Project} on the command line, have a look at the following help output. + +[[Services]] +{Project} services:: A set of services that {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServers} use for operation. +You can use the `{foreman-maintain}` tool to manage these services. +To see the full list of services, enter the `{foreman-maintain} service list` command on the machine where {Project} or {SmartProxyServer} is installed. +For more information, run `{foreman-maintain} --help` on your {ProjectServer} or {SmartProxyServer}. + +[[Plugins]] +{Project} plugins:: You can extend {Project} by installing plugins. +For more information, run `{foreman-installer} --full-help` on your {ProjectServer} or {SmartProxyServer}. + +[[Hammer_CLI]] +Hammer CLI:: You can manage {Project} on the command line using `hammer`. +For more information on using Hammer CLI, +ifdef::orcharhino[] +see xref:sources/installation_and_maintenance/using_hammer_cli.adoc[Using Hammer CLI] or +endif::[] +ifdef::satellite[] +see {HammerDocURL}[{HammerDocTitle}] or +endif::[] +run `hammer --help` on your {ProjectServer} or {SmartProxyServer}. diff --git a/guides/common/modules/ref_glossary-of-terms-used-in-project.adoc b/guides/common/modules/ref_glossary-of-terms-used-in-project.adoc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..69578f28240 --- /dev/null +++ b/guides/common/modules/ref_glossary-of-terms-used-in-project.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,350 @@ +[id="glossary-of-terms-used-in-{project-context}_{context}"] += Glossary of terms used in {Project} + +[[Activation_key]] +Activation key:: A token for host registration and subscription attachment. +Activation keys define subscriptions, products, content views, and other parameters to be associated with a newly created host. + +[[Answer_file]] +Answer file:: A configuration file that defines settings for an installation scenario. +Answer files are defined in the YAML format and stored in the `/etc/foreman-installer/scenarios.d/` directory. + +[[ARF_report]] +ARF report:: The result of an OpenSCAP audit. +Summarizes the security compliance of hosts managed by {ProjectName}. + +[[Audits]] +Audits:: Provide a report on changes made by a specific user. +Audits can be viewed in the {ProjectWebUI} under *Monitor* > *Audits*. + +[[Baseboard_management_controller_BMC]] +Baseboard management controller (BMC):: Enables remote power management of bare-metal hosts. +In {Project}, you can create a BMC interface to manage selected hosts. + +[[Boot_disk]] +Boot disk:: An ISO image used for PXE-less provisioning. +This ISO enables the host to connect to {ProjectServer}, boot the installation media, and install the operating system. +There are several kinds of boot disks: *host image*, *full host image*, *generic image*, and *subnet image*. + +ifdef::satellite[] +[[SmartProxy]] +{SmartProxy}:: An additional server that can be used in a {ProjectName} deployment to facilitate content federation and distribution (act as a Pulp mirror), and to run other localized services (Puppet server, *DHCP*, *DNS*, *TFTP*, and more). +{SmartProxies} are useful for {Project} deployment across various geographical locations. +In upstream Foreman terminology, {SmartProxy} is referred to as Smart Proxy. +endif::[] + +[[Catalog]] +Catalog:: A document that describes the desired system state for one specific host managed by Puppet. +It lists all of the resources that need to be managed, as well as any dependencies between those resources. +Catalogs are compiled by a Puppet server from Puppet Manifests and data from Puppet Agents. + +[[Candlepin]] +Candlepin:: A service within Katello responsible for subscription management. + +[[Compliance_policy]] +Compliance policy:: Refers to a scheduled task executed on {ProjectServer} that checks the specified hosts for compliance against SCAP content. + +[[Compute_profile]] +Compute profile:: Specifies default attributes for new virtual machines on a compute resource. + +[[Compute_resource]] +Compute resource:: A virtual or cloud infrastructure, which {ProjectName} uses for deployment of hosts and systems. +Examples include {oVirt}, {OpenStack}, EC2, and VMWare. + +[[Container]] +Container (Docker container):: An isolated application sandbox that contains all runtime dependencies required by an application. +{Project} supports container provisioning on a dedicated compute resource. + +[[Container_image]] +Container image:: A static snapshot of the container’s configuration. +{Project} supports various methods of importing container images as well as distributing images to hosts through content views. + +[[Content]] +Content:: A general term for everything {Project} distributes to hosts. +Includes software packages (RPM files), or Docker images. +Content is synchronized into the Library and then promoted into lifecycle environments using content views so that they can be consumed by hosts. + +[[Content_delivery_network_CDN]] +Content delivery network (CDN):: The mechanism used to deliver Red{nbsp}Hat content to {ProjectServer}. + +[[Content_host]] +Content host:: The part of a host that manages tasks related to content and subscriptions. + +[[Content_view]] +Content view:: A subset of Library content created by intelligent filtering. +Once a content view is published, it can be promoted through the lifecycle environment path, or modified using incremental upgrades. + +[[Discovered_host]] +Discovered host:: A bare-metal host detected on the provisioning network by the Discovery plugin. + +[[Discovery_image]] +Discovery image:: Refers to the minimal operating system based on {EL} that is PXE-booted on hosts to acquire initial hardware information and to communicate with {ProjectServer} before starting the provisioning process. + +[[Discovery_plugin]] +Discovery plugin:: Enables automatic bare-metal discovery of unknown hosts on the provisioning network. +The plugin consists of three components: services running on {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServer}, and the Discovery image running on host. + +[[Discovery_rule]] +Discovery rule:: A set of predefined provisioning rules which assigns a host group to discovered hosts and triggers provisioning automatically. + +[[Docker_tag]] +Docker tag:: A mark used to differentiate container images, typically by the version of the application stored in the image. +In the {ProjectWebUI}, you can filter images by tag under *Content* > *Docker Tags*. + +ifndef::satellite[] +[[Enterprise_Linux]] +Enterprise Linux:: An umbrella term for the following {RHEL}-like operating systems: + +* AlmaLinux +* CentOS Linux +* CentOS Stream +* Oracle Linux +* {RHEL} +* Rocky Linux + +ifndef::orcharhino[] +{Project} is tested on AlmaLinux and CentOS Stream. +endif::[] +endif::[] + +[[ERB]] +ERB:: Embedded Ruby (ERB) is a template syntax used in provisioning and job templates. + +[[Errata]] +Errata:: Updated RPM packages containing security fixes, bug fixes, and enhancements. +In relationship to a host, erratum is *applicable* if it updates a package installed on the host and *installable* if it is present in the host's content view (which means it is accessible for installation on the host). + +[[External_node_classifier]] +External node classifier:: A construct that provides additional data for a server to use when configuring hosts. +{ProjectName} acts as an External Node Classifier to Puppet servers in a {Project} deployment. ++ +The External Node Classifier will be removed in a future {Project} version. + +[[Facter]] +Facter:: A program that provides information (facts) about the system on which it is run; for example, Facter can report total memory, operating system version, architecture, and more. +Puppet modules enable specific configurations based on host data gathered by Facter. + +[[Facts]] +Facts:: Host parameters such as total memory, operating system version, or architecture. +Facts are reported by Facter and used by Puppet. + +[[Foreman]] +Foreman:: The component mainly responsible for provisioning and content lifecycle management. +ifdef::satellite[] +Foreman is the main upstream counterpart of {ProjectName}. +endif::[] + +[[Foreman_Hook]] +Foreman hook:: An executable that is automatically triggered when an orchestration event occurs, such as when a host is created or when provisioning of a host has completed. +ifdef::satellite,orcharhino[] ++ +Foreman hook functionality is deprecated and will be removed in a future {Project} version. +endif::[] + +[[Full_host_image]] +Full host image:: A boot disk used for PXE-less provisioning of a specific host. +The full host image contains an embedded Linux kernel and init RAM disk of the associated operating system installer. + +[[Generic_image]] +Generic image:: A boot disk for PXE-less provisioning that is not tied to a specific host. +The generic image sends the host’s MAC address to {ProjectServer}, which matches it against the host entry. + +[[Hammer]] +Hammer:: A command line tool for managing {ProjectName}. +You can execute Hammer commands from the command line or utilize them in scripts. +Hammer also provides an interactive shell. + +[[Host]] +Host:: Refers to any system, either physical or virtual, that {ProjectName} manages. + +[[Host_collection]] +Host collection:: A user defined group of one or more Hosts used for bulk actions such as errata installation. + +[[Host_group]] +Host group:: A template for building a host. +Host groups hold shared parameters, such as subnet or lifecycle environment, that are inherited by host group members. +Host groups can be nested to create a hierarchical structure. + +[[Host_image]] +Host image:: A boot disk used for PXE-less provisioning of a specific host. +The host image only contains the boot files necessary to access the installation media on {ProjectServer}. + +[[Incremental_upgrade]] +Incremental upgrade (of a content view):: The act of creating a new (minor) content view version in a lifecycle environment. +Incremental upgrades provide a way to make in-place modification of an already published content view. +Useful for rapid updates, for example when applying security errata. + +[[Job]] +Job:: A command executed remotely on a host from {ProjectServer}. +Every job is defined in a job template. + +[[Katello]] +Katello:: A Foreman plugin responsible for subscription and repository management. + +[[Lazy_sync]] +Lazy sync:: The ability to change the default download policy of a repository from *Immediate* to *On Demand*. +The *On Demand* setting saves storage space and synchronization time by only downloading the packages when requested by a host. + +[[Location]] +Location:: A collection of default settings that represent a physical place. + +[[Library]] +Library:: A container for content from all synchronized repositories on {ProjectServer}. +Libraries exist by default for each organization as the root of every lifecycle environment path and the source of content for every content view. + +[[Lifecycle_environment]] +Lifecycle environment:: A container for content view versions consumed by the content hosts. +A Lifecycle Environment represents a step in the lifecycle environment path. +Content moves through lifecycle environments by publishing and promoting content views. + +[[Lifecycle_environment_path]] +Lifecycle environment path:: A sequence of lifecycle environments through which the content views are promoted. +You can promote a content view through a typical promotion path; for example, from development to test to production. + +[[Manifest]] +Manifest (Red{nbsp}Hat subscription manifest):: A mechanism for transferring subscriptions from the Red{nbsp}Hat Customer Portal to {ProjectName}. +Do not confuse with xref:Puppet_manifest[Puppet manifest]. + +[[Migrating]] +Migrating {Project}:: The process of moving an existing {Project} installation to a new instance. + +[[OpenSCAP]] +OpenSCAP:: A project implementing security compliance auditing according to the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). +OpenSCAP is integrated in {Project} to provide compliance auditing for hosts. + +ifdef::orcharhino[] +[[SmartProxy]] +{SmartProxy}:: An additional server that can be used in a {ProjectName} deployment to facilitate content federation and distribution (act as a Pulp mirror), and to run other localized services (Puppet server, *DHCP*, *DNS*, *TFTP*, and more). +{SmartProxies} are useful for {Project} deployment across various geographical locations. +In upstream Foreman terminology, {SmartProxy} is referred to as Smart Proxy. +endif::[] + +[[Organization]] +Organization:: An isolated collection of systems, content, and other functionality within a {Project} deployment. + +[[Parameter]] +Parameter:: Defines the behavior of {ProjectName} components during provisioning. +Depending on the parameter scope, we distinguish between global, domain, host group, and host parameters. +Depending on the parameter complexity, we distinguish between simple parameters (key-value pair) and smart parameters (conditional arguments, validation, overrides). + +[[Parametrized_class]] +Parametrized class (smart class parameter):: A parameter created by importing a class from Puppet server. + +[[Permission]] +Permission:: Defines an action related to a selected part of {Project} infrastructure (resource type). +Each resource type is associated with a set of permissions, for example the *Architecture* resource type has the following permissions: *view_architectures*, *create_architectures*, *edit_architectures*, and *destroy_architectures*. +You can group permissions into roles and associate them with users or user groups. + +[[Product]] +Product:: A collection of content repositories. +Products are either provided by Red{nbsp}Hat CDN or created by the {Project} administrator to group custom repositories. + +[[Promote]] +Promote (a content view):: The act of moving a content view from one lifecycle environment to another. +For more information, see {ContentManagementDocURL}Promoting_a_Content_View_content-management[Promoting a content view] in _{ContentManagementDocTitle}_. + +[[Provisioning_template]] +Provisioning template:: Defines host provisioning settings. +Provisioning templates can be associated with host groups, lifecycle environments, or operating systems. + +[[Publish]] +Publish (a content view):: The act of making a content view version available in a lifecycle environment and usable by hosts. + +[[Pulp]] +Pulp:: A service within Katello responsible for repository and content management. + +[[Pulp_mirror]] +Pulp mirror:: A {SmartProxyServer} component that mirrors content. + +[[Puppet]] +Puppet:: The configuration management component of {Project}. + +[[Puppet_agent]] +Puppet agent:: A service running on a host that applies configuration changes to that host. + +[[Puppet_environment]] +Puppet environment:: An isolated set of Puppet Agent nodes that can be associated with a specific set of Puppet Modules. + +[[Puppet_manifest]] +Puppet manifest:: Refers to Puppet scripts, which are files with the *.pp* extension. +The files contain code to define a set of necessary resources, such as packages, services, files, users and groups, and so on, using a set of key-value pairs for their attributes. ++ +Do not confuse with xref:Manifest[Manifest (Red{nbsp}Hat subscription manifest)]. + +[[Puppet_server]] +Puppet server:: A {SmartProxyServer} component that provides Puppet Manifests to hosts for execution by the Puppet Agent. + +[[Puppet_module]] +Puppet module:: A self-contained bundle of code (Puppet Manifests) and data (facts) that you can use to manage resources such as users, files, and services. + +[[Recurring_logic]] +Recurring logic:: A job executed automatically according to a schedule. +In the {ProjectWebUI}, you can view those jobs under *Monitor* > *Recurring logics*. + +[[Registry]] +Registry:: An archive of container images. +{Project} supports importing images from local and external registries. +{Project} itself can act as an image registry for hosts. +However, hosts cannot push changes back to the registry. + +[[Repository]] +Repository:: Provides storage for a collection of content. + +[[Resource_type]] +Resource type:: Refers to a part of {Project} infrastructure, for example host, {SmartProxy}, or architecture. +Used in permission filtering. + +[[Role]] +Role:: Specifies a collection of permissions that are applied to a set of resources, such as hosts. +Roles can be assigned to users and user groups. +{Project} provides a number of predefined roles. + +[[SCAP_content]] +SCAP content:: A file containing the configuration and security baseline against which hosts are checked. +Used in compliance policies. + +ifndef::orcharhino,satellite[] +[[SmartProxy]] +{SmartProxy}:: A {SmartProxy} component that can integrate with external services, such as *DNS* or *DHCP*. +{SmartProxies} are useful for {Project} deployment across various geographical locations. +endif::[] + +[[Subnet_image]] +Subnet image:: A type of generic image for PXE-less provisioning that communicates through {SmartProxyServer}. + +[[Subscription]] +Subscription:: An entitlement for receiving content and service from Red{nbsp}Hat. + +[[Synchronization]] +Synchronization:: Refers to mirroring content from external resources into the {ProjectName} Library. + +[[Sync_plan]] +Sync plan:: Provides scheduled execution of content synchronization. + +[[Task]] +Task:: A background process executed on the {Project} or {SmartProxyServer}, such as repository synchronization or content view publishing. +You can monitor the task status in the {ProjectWebUI} under *Monitor* > *{Project} Tasks* > *Tasks*. + +ifndef::orcharhino,satellite[] +[[Trend]] +Trend:: A means of tracking changes in specific parts of {Project} infrastructure. +Configure trends in {ProjectWebUI} under *Monitor* > *Trends*. +Requires foreman_statistics plugin on your {ProjectServer}. +endif::[] + +[[Updating]] +Updating {Project}:: The process of advancing your {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServer} installations from a z-stream release to the next, for example {Project} {ProjectVersion}.0 to {Project} {ProjectVersion}.1. + +[[Upgrading]] +Upgrading {Project}:: The process of advancing your {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServer} installations from a y-stream release to the next, for example {Project} {ProjectVersionPrevious} to {Project} {ProjectVersion}. + +[[User_group]] +User group:: A collection of roles which can be assigned to a collection of users. + +[[User]] +User:: Anyone registered to use {ProjectName}. +Authentication and authorization is possible through built-in logic, through external resources (LDAP, Identity Management, or Active Directory), or with Kerberos. + +[[virt-who]] +virt-who:: An agent for retrieving IDs of virtual machines from the hypervisor. +When used with {Project}, virt-who reports those IDs to {ProjectServer} so that it can provide subscriptions for hosts provisioned on virtual machines. diff --git a/guides/common/modules/ref_supported-operating-systems.adoc b/guides/common/modules/ref_supported-operating-systems.adoc index 86e26b795b8..2716f7f7683 100644 --- a/guides/common/modules/ref_supported-operating-systems.adoc +++ b/guides/common/modules/ref_supported-operating-systems.adoc @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The following operating systems are supported by the installer, have packages, a |==== | Operating System | Architecture | Notes ifdef::foreman-el,katello,orcharhino[] -| {PlanningDocURL}varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Enterprise_Linux[{EL}] 9 | x86_64 only | EPEL is not supported. -| {PlanningDocURL}varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Enterprise_Linux[{EL}] 8 | x86_64 only | EPEL is not supported. +| {PlanningDocURL}Enterprise_Linux[{EL}] 9 | x86_64 only | EPEL is not supported. +| {PlanningDocURL}Enterprise_Linux[{EL}] 8 | x86_64 only | EPEL is not supported. endif::[] ifdef::satellite[] | {RHEL} 9 | x86_64 only | diff --git a/guides/doc-Planning_for_Project/master.adoc b/guides/doc-Planning_for_Project/master.adoc index 3784082a174..cc11f3118b3 100644 --- a/guides/doc-Planning_for_Project/master.adoc +++ b/guides/doc-Planning_for_Project/master.adoc @@ -49,5 +49,10 @@ include::topics/Provisioning_Concepts.adoc[] include::topics/Required_Technical_Users.adoc[] endif::[] -include::topics/Glossary.adoc[] +:!numbered: +[appendix] +include::common/modules/ref_glossary-of-terms-used-in-project.adoc[leveloffset=+1] + +[appendix] +include::common/modules/ref_cli-help.adoc[leveloffset=+1] diff --git a/guides/doc-Planning_for_Project/topics/Glossary.adoc b/guides/doc-Planning_for_Project/topics/Glossary.adoc deleted file mode 100644 index 9b88c042d4e..00000000000 --- a/guides/doc-Planning_for_Project/topics/Glossary.adoc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,433 +0,0 @@ -:numbered!: - -[appendix] -[[appe-Architecture_Guide-Glossary_of_Terms]] -== Glossary of terms - -This glossary documents various terms used in relation to {ProjectName}. - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Activation_Key]] -*Activation Key*:: A token for host registration and subscription attachment. -Activation keys define subscriptions, products, content views, and other parameters to be associated with a newly created host. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Answer_File]] -*Answer File*:: A configuration file that defines settings for an installation scenario. -Answer files are defined in the YAML format and stored in the */etc/foreman-installer/scenarios.d/* directory. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-ARF_Report]] -*ARF Report*:: The result of an OpenSCAP audit. -Summarizes the security compliance of hosts managed by {ProjectName}. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Audits]] -*Audits*:: Provide a report on changes made by a specific user. -Audits can be viewed in the {ProjectWebUI} under *Monitor* > *Audits*. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-BMC]] -*Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)*:: Enables remote power management of bare-metal hosts. -In {Project}, you can create a BMC interface to manage selected hosts. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Bootdisk]] -*Boot Disk*:: An ISO image used for PXE-less provisioning. -This ISO enables the host to connect to {ProjectServer}, boot the installation media, and install the operating system. -There are several kinds of boot disks: *host image*, *full host image*, *generic image*, and *subnet image*. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Capsule]] -*{SmartProxy} ({SmartProxyServer})*:: An additional server that can be used in a {ProjectName} deployment to facilitate content federation and distribution (act as a Pulp mirror), and to run other localized services (Puppet server, *DHCP*, *DNS*, *TFTP*, and more). -{SmartProxies} are useful for {Project} deployment across various geographical locations. -ifdef::satellite[] -In upstream Foreman terminology, Capsule is referred to as Smart Proxy. -endif::[] - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Catalog]] -*Catalog*:: A document that describes the desired system state for one specific host managed by Puppet. -It lists all of the resources that need to be managed, as well as any dependencies between those resources. -Catalogs are compiled by a Puppet server from Puppet Manifests and data from Puppet Agents. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Candlepin]] -*Candlepin*:: A service within Katello responsible for subscription management. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Compliance_Policy]] -*Compliance Policy*:: Refers to a scheduled task executed on {ProjectServer} that checks the specified hosts for compliance against SCAP content. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Compute_Profile]] -*Compute Profile*:: Specifies default attributes for new virtual machines on a compute resource. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Compute_Resource]] -*Compute Resource*:: A virtual or cloud infrastructure, which {ProjectName} uses for deployment of hosts and systems. -Examples include {oVirt}, {OpenStack}, EC2, and VMWare. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Container]] -*Container (Docker Container)*:: An isolated application sandbox that contains all runtime dependencies required by an application. -{Project} supports container provisioning on a dedicated compute resource. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Container_Image]] -*Container Image*:: A static snapshot of the container’s configuration. -{Project} supports various methods of importing container images as well as distributing images to hosts through content views. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Content]] -*Content*:: A general term for everything {Project} distributes to hosts. -Includes software packages (RPM files), or Docker images. -Content is synchronized into the Library and then promoted into lifecycle environments using content views so that they can be consumed by hosts. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Content_Delivery_Network_CDN]] -*Content Delivery Network (CDN)*:: The mechanism used to deliver Red{nbsp}Hat content to {ProjectServer}. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Content_Host]] -*Content Host*:: The part of a host that manages tasks related to content and subscriptions. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Content_View]] -*Content View*:: A subset of Library content created by intelligent filtering. -Once a content view is published, it can be promoted through the lifecycle environment path, or modified using incremental upgrades. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Discovered_Host]] -*Discovered Host*:: A bare-metal host detected on the provisioning network by the Discovery plugin. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Discovery_Image]] -*Discovery Image*:: Refers to the minimal operating system based on {EL} that is PXE-booted on hosts to acquire initial hardware information and to communicate with {ProjectServer} before starting the provisioning process. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Discovery_plugin]] -*Discovery plugin*:: Enables automatic bare-metal discovery of unknown hosts on the provisioning network. -The plugin consists of three components: services running on {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServer}, and the Discovery image running on host. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Discovery_Rule]] -*Discovery Rule*:: A set of predefined provisioning rules which assigns a host group to discovered hosts and triggers provisioning automatically. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Docker_Tag]] -*Docker Tag*:: A mark used to differentiate container images, typically by the version of the application stored in the image. -In the {ProjectWebUI}, you can filter images by tag under *Content* > *Docker Tags*. - -ifndef::satellite[] -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Enterprise_Linux]] -*Enterprise Linux*:: An umbrella term for the following {RHEL}-like operating systems: - -* AlmaLinux -* CentOS Linux -* CentOS Stream -* Oracle Linux -* {RHEL} -* Rocky Linux - -ifndef::orcharhino[] -{Project} is tested on AlmaLinux and CentOS Stream. -endif::[] -endif::[] - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-ERB]] -*ERB*:: Embedded Ruby (ERB) is a template syntax used in provisioning and job templates. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Errata]] -*Errata*:: Updated RPM packages containing security fixes, bug fixes, and enhancements. -In relationship to a host, erratum is *applicable* if it updates a package installed on the host and *installable* if it is present in the host's content view (which means it is accessible for installation on the host). - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-External_Node_Classifier]] -*External Node Classifier*:: A construct that provides additional data for a server to use when configuring hosts. -{ProjectName} acts as an External Node Classifier to Puppet servers in a {Project} deployment. -+ -Note that the External Node Classifier will be removed in the next {Project} version. - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Facter]] -*Facter*:: A program that provides information (facts) about the system on which it is run; for example, Facter can report total memory, operating system version, architecture, and more. -Puppet modules enable specific configurations based on host data gathered by Facter. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Facts]] -*Facts*:: Host parameters such as total memory, operating system version, or architecture. -Facts are reported by Facter and used by Puppet. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Foreman]] -*Foreman*:: The component mainly responsible for provisioning and content lifecycle management. -ifdef::satellite[] -Foreman is the main upstream counterpart of Red Hat Satellite. -endif::[] - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-satellite-maintain_Services]] -*{Project} services*:: A set of services that {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServers} use for operation. -You can use the `{foreman-maintain}` tool to manage these services. -To see the full list of services, enter the `{foreman-maintain} service list` command on the machine where {Project} or {SmartProxyServer} is installed. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Foreman_Hooks]] -*Foreman Hook*:: An executable that is automatically triggered when an orchestration event occurs, such as when a host is created or when provisioning of a host has completed. -ifdef::satellite[] -+ -Note that Foreman Hook functionality is deprecated and will be removed in the next {Project} version. -endif::[] - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Full_Host_Image]] -*Full Host Image*:: A boot disk used for PXE-less provisioning of a specific host. -The full host image contains an embedded Linux kernel and init RAM disk of the associated operating system installer. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Generic_Image]] -*Generic Image*:: A boot disk for PXE-less provisioning that is not tied to a specific host. -The generic image sends the host’s MAC address to {ProjectServer}, which matches it against the host entry. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Hammer]] -*Hammer*:: A command line tool for managing {ProjectName}. -You can execute Hammer commands from the command line or utilize them in scripts. -Hammer also provides an interactive shell. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Host]] -*Host*:: Refers to any system, either physical or virtual, that {ProjectName} manages. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Host_Collection]] -*Host Collection*:: A user defined group of one or more Hosts used for bulk actions such as errata installation. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Host_Group]] -*Host Group*:: A template for building a host. -Host groups hold shared parameters, such as subnet or lifecycle environment, that are inherited by host group members. -Host groups can be nested to create a hierarchical structure. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Host_Image]] -*Host Image*:: A boot disk used for PXE-less provisioning of a specific host. -The host image only contains the boot files necessary to access the installation media on {ProjectServer}. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Incremental_Update]] -*Incremental Upgrade (of a Content View)*:: The act of creating a new (minor) content view version in a lifecycle environment. -Incremental upgrades provide a way to make in-place modification of an already published content view. -Useful for rapid updates, for example when applying security errata. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Job]] -*Job*:: A command executed remotely on a host from {ProjectServer}. -Every job is defined in a job template. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Job_Template]] -*Job Template*:: Defines properties of a job. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Katello]] -*Katello*:: A Foreman plugin responsible for subscription and repository management. - - -*Lazy Sync*:: The ability to change the default download policy of a repository from *Immediate* to *On Demand*. -The *On Demand* setting saves storage space and synchronization time by only downloading the packages when requested by a host. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Location]] -*Location*:: A collection of default settings that represent a physical place. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Library]] -*Library*:: A container for content from all synchronized repositories on {ProjectServer}. -Libraries exist by default for each organization as the root of every lifecycle environment path and the source of content for every content view. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Life_Cycle_Environment]] -*Lifecycle Environment*:: A container for content view versions consumed by the content hosts. -A Lifecycle Environment represents a step in the lifecycle environment path. -Content moves through lifecycle environments by publishing and promoting content views. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Life_Cycle_Environment_Path]] -*Lifecycle Environment Path*:: A sequence of lifecycle environments through which the content views are promoted. -You can promote a content view through a typical promotion path; for example, from development to test to production. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Manifest]] -*Manifest (Red{nbsp}Hat Subscription Manifest)*:: A mechanism for transferring subscriptions from the Red{nbsp}Hat Customer Portal to {ProjectName}. -Do not confuse with xref:varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Puppet_Manifest[Puppet Manifest]. - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Migrating]] -*Migrating {Project}*:: The process of moving an existing {Project} installation to a new instance. - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-OpenSCAP]] -*OpenSCAP*:: A project implementing security compliance auditing according to the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). -OpenSCAP is integrated in {Project} to provide compliance auditing for hosts. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Organization]] -*Organization*:: An isolated collection of systems, content, and other functionality within a {Project} deployment. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Parameters]] -*Parameter*:: Defines the behavior of {ProjectName} components during provisioning. -Depending on the parameter scope, we distinguish between global, domain, host group, and host parameters. -Depending on the parameter complexity, we distinguish between simple parameters (key-value pair) and smart parameters (conditional arguments, validation, overrides). - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Parametrized_Class]] -*Parametrized Class (Smart Class Parameter)*:: A parameter created by importing a class from Puppet server. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Permission]] -*Permission*:: Defines an action related to a selected part of {Project} infrastructure (resource type). -Each resource type is associated with a set of permissions, for example the *Architecture* resource type has the following permissions: *view_architectures*, *create_architectures*, *edit_architectures*, and *destroy_architectures*. -You can group permissions into roles and associate them with users or user groups. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Product]] -*Product*:: A collection of content repositories. -Products are either provided by Red{nbsp}Hat CDN or created by the {Project} administrator to group custom repositories. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Promote]] -*Promote (a Content View)*:: The act of moving a content view from one lifecycle environment to another. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Provisioning_Template]] -*Provisioning Template*:: Defines host provisioning settings. -Provisioning templates can be associated with host groups, lifecycle environments, or operating systems. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Publish]] -*Publish (a Content View)*:: The act of making a content view version available in a lifecycle environment and usable by hosts. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Pulp]] -*Pulp*:: A service within Katello responsible for repository and content management. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Pulp_Mirror]] -*Pulp Mirror*:: A {SmartProxyServer} component that mirrors content. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Puppet]] -*Puppet*:: The configuration management component of {Project}. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Puppet_Agent]] -*Puppet Agent*:: A service running on a host that applies configuration changes to that host. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Puppet_Environment]] -*Puppet Environment*:: An isolated set of Puppet Agent nodes that can be associated with a specific set of Puppet Modules. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Puppet_Manifest]] -*Puppet Manifest*:: Refers to Puppet scripts, which are files with the *.pp* extension. -The files contain code to define a set of necessary resources, such as packages, services, files, users and groups, and so on, using a set of key-value pairs for their attributes. -+ -Do not confuse with xref:varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Manifest[Manifest (Red{nbsp}Hat Subscription Manifest)]. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Puppet_Master]] -*Puppet Server*:: A {SmartProxyServer} component that provides Puppet Manifests to hosts for execution by the Puppet Agent. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Puppet_Module]] -*Puppet Module*:: A self-contained bundle of code (Puppet Manifests) and data (facts) that you can use to manage resources such as users, files, and services. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Recurring_Logic]] -*Recurring Logic*:: A job executed automatically according to a schedule. -In the {ProjectWebUI}, you can view those jobs under *Monitor* > *Recurring logics*. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Registry]] -*Registry*:: An archive of container images. -{Project} supports importing images from local and external registries. -{Project} itself can act as an image registry for hosts. -However, hosts cannot push changes back to the registry. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Repository]] -*Repository*:: Provides storage for a collection of content. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Resource_type]] -*Resource Type*:: Refers to a part of {Project} infrastructure, for example host, capsule, or architecture. -Used in permission filtering. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Role]] -*Role*:: Specifies a collection of permissions that are applied to a set of resources, such as hosts. -Roles can be assigned to users and user groups. -{Project} provides a number of predefined roles. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-SCAP_Content]] -*SCAP content*:: A file containing the configuration and security baseline against which hosts are checked. -Used in compliance policies. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Scenario]] -*Scenario*:: A set of predefined settings for the {Project} CLI installer. -Scenario defines the type of installation, for example to install {SmartProxyServer} execute `{installer-scenario-smartproxy}`. -Every scenario has its own answer file to store the scenario settings. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Smart_Proxy]] -*Smart Proxy*:: A {SmartProxyServer} component that can integrate with external services, such as *DNS* or *DHCP*. -In upstream Foreman terminology, Smart Proxy is a synonym of {SmartProxy}. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Standard_Operating_Environment_SOE]] -*Standard Operating Environment (SOE)*:: A controlled version of the operating system on which applications are deployed. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Subnet_Image]] -*Subnet Image*:: A type of generic image for PXE-less provisioning that communicates through {SmartProxyServer}. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Subscription]] -*Subscription*:: An entitlement for receiving content and service from Red{nbsp}Hat. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Synchronization]] -*Synchronization*:: Refers to mirroring content from external resources into the {ProjectName} Library. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Synchronization_Plans]] -*Synchronization Plan*:: Provides scheduled execution of content synchronization. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Task]] -*Task*:: A background process executed on the {Project} or {SmartProxyServer}, such as repository synchronization or content view publishing. -You can monitor the task status in the {ProjectWebUI} under *Monitor* > *{Project} Tasks* > *Tasks*. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Trend]] -*Trend*:: A means of tracking changes in specific parts of {Project} infrastructure. -Configure trends in {ProjectWebUI} under *Monitor* > *Trends*. - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Updating]] -*Updating {Project}*:: The process of advancing your {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServer} installations from a z-stream release to the next, for example {Project} {ProjectVersion}.0 to {Project} {ProjectVersion}.1. - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-Upgrading]] -*Upgrading {Project}*:: The process of advancing your {ProjectServer} and {SmartProxyServer} installations from a y-stream release to the next, for example {Project} {ProjectVersionPrevious} to {Project} {ProjectVersion}. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-User_Group]] -*User Group*:: A collection of roles which can be assigned to a collection of users. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-User]] -*User*:: Anyone registered to use {ProjectName}. -Authentication and authorization is possible through built-in logic, through external resources (LDAP, Identity Management, or Active Directory), or with Kerberos. - - -[[varl-Glossary_of_Terms-virt-who]] -*virt-who*:: An agent for retrieving IDs of virtual machines from the hypervisor. -When used with {Project}, virt-who reports those IDs to {ProjectServer} so that it can provide subscriptions for hosts provisioned on virtual machines.