There's one more type of spawning option to consider. It's a complicated one, so it got its own section. It's called select!
. It's a macro that lets you wait for the first of several futures to complete---and then automatically cancels the other futures.
The code for this is in
Let's start with a simple example. We'll spawn two futures. One will sleep for 1 second, and the other will sleep for 2 seconds. We'll use select!
to wait for the first one to complete. Then we'll print a message and exit.
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::sleep;
async fn do_work() {
// Pretend to do some work that takes longer than expected
async fn timeout(seconds: f32) {
// Wait for the specified number of seconds
async fn main() {
tokio::select! {
_ = do_work() => println!("do_work() completed first"),
_ = timeout(1.0) => println!("timeout() completed first"),
The syntax is based on a match
statement, but with an additional step. The format is:
(value) = (function) => (what to do if it finishes first)
You can change the timeout to determine which will finish first. If you set it to 3 seconds, then do_work()
will finish first. If you set it to 0.5 seconds, then timeout()
will finish first.
Note that the other future is cancelled---but if you've done work that has side-effects (say saving to a file) the work that has already been performed will not be undone.
The code for this is in
An easy way for an async function to be subscribed to multiple channels is to obtain the receivers, and then select!
whichever one has data. Here's an example:
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, broadcast};
async fn receiver(mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<u32>, mut broadcast_rx: broadcast::Receiver<u32>) {
loop {
tokio::select! {
Some(n) = rx.recv() => println!("Received message {n} on the mpsc channel"),
Ok(n) = broadcast_rx.recv() => println!("Received message {n} on the broadcast channel"),
async fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<u32>(1);
let (broadcast_tx, broadcast_rx) = broadcast::channel::<u32>(1);
tokio::spawn(receiver(rx, broadcast_rx));
for count in 0 .. 10 {
if count % 2 == 0 {
} else {
Note that if you have a continuous stream in the MPSC channel, the broadcast channel may take a while to fire! This pattern is good for sending "quit" messages and other control data---but only if it doesn't have to be instantaneous.