This is a Quicklook generator for Mac OS X 10.5 or later which enables users to show the contents of a Adium Chatlog in a quickview-window. (Space key in
This repository is an indirect fork from Doug Harris with modifications by jhagman found in the Adium trac
xcodebuild -configuration Release
cp -r build/Release/AdiumChatQuickLook.qlgenerator ~/Library/QuickLook/
killall quicklookd32
If you don't want to see user-styles in the Quicklook-Window, run the following:
defaults write im.adium.quicklookImporter stripStyles -bool true
You can re-enable styles with the following command:
defaults write im.adium.quicklookImporter stripStyles -bool false
The quicklook generator shows up to 50 messages per-default. You can change the limit with the following command:
defaults write im.adium.quicklookImporter messageLimit -integer NUMBER
where NUMBER is the limit you want to set.