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173 lines (123 loc) · 6.9 KB

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173 lines (123 loc) · 6.9 KB

How to contribute

Clone the repo

> git clone

The UI repo is a monorepo managed by Lerna. Once you clone the repo, be sure to bootstrap. In the following examples, I'm using npx. If you do this very often you may consider installing Lerna globally (npm i -g lerna).

> cd path/to/ui
> npx lerna bootstrap

Fork and Develop

When contributing, we suggest contributors make a personal fork to work with before submitting a pull-request.

Style guidelines

Class name prefixing

Since CSS modules provides the ability to scope class names to a particular module while also avoiding global classes we recommend composing class names in the most semantic and straigtforward manner possible, in particular avoiding repo- or package-prefixing.

// Good
.button { // ... }

// Bad
.crl-button { // ... }

.ui-components-button { // ... }

For more context on how we compose class names in general, see the objectToClassNames utility function which expresses how we perform our mappings between component properties that are intended to impact the rendered visual and the module class names which support those visual changes.


When work has been merged to master, use Lerna to publish. Since you are working on a fork, you most likely want to publish to the upstream remote by providing --git-remote switch to the publish command.

> cd path/to/ui
> npx lerna publish --git-remote upstream

Lerna will ask you about how you would like to increase the version. We try to stick to semantic versioning, so if you have questions about what the next version should be ask one of the code owners.

  > npx lerna publish --git-remote upstream
lerna notice cli v3.20.2
lerna info versioning independent
lerna info Assuming all packages changed
? Select a new version for @cockroachlabs/ui-components (currently 0.1.0-prerelease.3) (Use arrow keys)
❯ Patch (0.1.0)
  Minor (0.1.0)
  Major (1.0.0)
  Prepatch (0.1.1-prerelease.3)
  Preminor (0.2.0-prerelease.3)
  Premajor (1.0.0-prerelease.3)
  Custom Prerelease
  Custom Version

If you have permission to publish, Lerna will

  • publish the package to npm
  • commit the version increase to github and push the change
  • add a git tag for the published version

Prerelease publishing

If you have changes that are experimental that you would like to publish to npm, you should publish these changes using a prerelease version. You can do this with Lerna by choosing Custom Prerelease when publishing. For simplicity's sake you should use the prerelease identifier prerelease if possible. If you are publishing a prerelease version you should also use the --dist-tag next option when invoking lerna publish (see here for details).

> npx lerna publish --dist-tag next
lerna notice cli v3.20.2
lerna info versioning independent
lerna info Assuming all packages changed
? Select a new version for @cockroachlabs/ui-components (currently 0.1.0-prerelease.3) (Use arrow keys)
  Patch (0.1.0)
  Minor (0.1.0)
  Major (1.0.0)
  Prepatch (0.1.1-prerelease.3)
  Preminor (0.2.0-prerelease.3)
  Premajor (1.0.0-prerelease.3)
❯ Custom Prerelease
  Custom Version

? Enter a prerelease identifier (default: "prerelease", yielding 0.1.0-prerelease.1) [type "prerelease" or press Enter]


Trouble installing Sass

ui-components uses node-sass to preprocess our css modules. node-sass adds requirements for additional tools beyond npm and yarn. All of these tools can be installed using xcode-select.

Do I have xcode-select installed?

Trying running this command,

> gcc --version

You have xcode-select installed if you see something like this,

Configured with: --prefix=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple clang version 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.62)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

... then you have it installed!!

How do I install xcode-select?

To install, run this command and follow the prompts ...

> xcode-select --install

I have Xcode installed, but I get an error when trying to build ui-components.

If you do not have XCode installed, or if you have updated your Macbook recently, you may see an error about certain tools being missing ...

gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
gyp info spawn args ]
No receipt for '' found at '/'.

No receipt for '' found at '/'.

No receipt for '' found at '/'.

gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!
gyp ERR! configure error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onCpExit (/Users/nathanstilwell/Code/ui/packages/ui-components/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/configure.js:345:16)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:314:20)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:276:12)

This may mean you need to re-install xcode-select with the following commands,

> sudo rm -rf $(xcode-select --print-path); # this will delete xcode-select
> xcode-select --install; # this will reinstall the latest version

I get an error that Sass doesn't support my environment

If you see an error like this ...

ERROR in ./src/Avatar/Avatar.module.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js?modules=true!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/Avatar/Avatar.module.scss)
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):

Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (83)

For more information on which environments are supported please see:

that's our fault. Please file an issue with the error and label it as a bug please. In the meantime, you may need to downgrade your version of Node.