This package currently contains some Gazebo-specific ROS message and service data structures (.msg and .srv)
- Contact: related to ignition::msgs::Contact. Contant info bewteen collisions in Gazebo Sim.
- Contacts: related to ignition::msgs::Contacts. A list of contacts.
- Entity: related to ignition::msgs::Entity. Entity of Gazebo Sim.
- EntityFactory: related to ignition::msgs::EntityFactory. Message to create a new entity.
- Light: related to ignition::msgs::Light. Light info in Gazebo Sim.
- WorldControl: related to ignition::msgs::WorldControl. Message to control world of Gazebo Sim.
- WorldReset: related to ignition::msgs::WorldReset. Reset time and model of simulation.
- ControlWorld: Control world of Gazebo Sim,for example,pasue,pasue with multiple steps,resume,etc.
- DeleteEntity: Delete Entity in Gazebo Sim
- SetEntityPose: Set pose of Entity in Gazebo Sim
- SpawnEntity: Spawn a Entity in Gazebo Sim