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File metadata and controls

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Name Type Description Notes
id UUID Internal test result identifier [default to null]
createdDate Date Test result creation date [default to null]
modifiedDate Date Test result last modification date [default to null]
userId UUID Internal identifier of user who stopped test run related to the test result or user who created the test result If test run was stopped, this property equals identifier of user who stopped it. Otherwise, the property equals identifier of user who created the test result [default to null]
testRunId UUID Identifier of test run related to the test result [optional] [default to null]
testRunName String Name of test run related to the test result [optional] [default to null]
createdByUserName String Username of user who created test run [optional] [default to null]
testPlanId UUID Internal identifier of test plan related to the test result's test run [optional] [default to null]
testPlanGlobalId Long Global identifier of test plan related to the test result's test run [optional] [default to null]
testPlanName String Name of test plan related to the test result's test run [optional] [default to null]
configurationName String Configuration name of test point related to the test result or from test result itself If test point related to the test result has configuration, this property will be equal to the test point configuration name. Otherwise, this property will be equal to the test result configuration name [optional] [default to null]
isAutomated Boolean Boolean flag defines if test point related to the test result is automated or not [default to null]
outcome String Outcome from test result with max modified date or from first created test result Property can contain one of these values: Passed, Failed, InProgress, Blocked, Skipped. If any test result related to the test run is linked with autotest and the run has an outcome, the outcome value equals to the worst outcome of the last modified test result. Otherwise, the outcome equals to the outcome of first created test result in the test run. [optional] [default to null]
comment String Test result comment If any test result related to the test run is linked with autotest, comment will have default value. Otherwise, the comment equals to the comment of first created test result in the test run [optional] [default to null]
links List Test result links If any test result related to the test run is linked with autotest, link will be equal to the links of last modified test result. Otherwise, the links equals to the links of first created test result in the test run. [optional] [default to null]
startedOn Date Start date time from test result or from test run (if test run new state is Running or Completed state) [optional] [default to null]
completedOn Date End date time from test result or from test run (if test run new state is In progress, Stopped or Completed) [optional] [default to null]
duration Long Duration of first created test result in the test run [optional] [default to null]
createdById UUID Unique identifier of user who created first test result in the test run [default to null]
modifiedById UUID Unique identifier of user who applied last modification of first test result in the test run [optional] [default to null]
attachments List Attachments related to the test result If any test result related to the test run is linked with autotest, attachments will be equal to the attachments of last modified test result. Otherwise, the attachments equals to the attachments of first created test result in the test run. [optional] [default to null]
workItemVersionId UUID Unique identifier of workitem version related to the first test result in the test run [optional] [default to null]
workItemVersionNumber Integer Number of workitem version related to the first test result in the test run [optional] [default to null]
launchSource String [optional] [default to null]
failureClassIds List Unique identifier of failure classes related to the first test result in the test run [default to null]
parameters Map Parameters of test result [optional] [default to null]

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