Orthrus depends on quite a few packages from Clang/LLVM and the AFL ecosystem. To make sure you don't have to wade through into ugly error messages, it makes sense to validate these dependencies. You do it, like so
$ orthrus validate
[+] Validating Orthrus dependencies
[+] The following programs have been marked as required in ~/.orthrus/orthrus.conf
[+] clang
[+] gcc
[+] afl-fuzz
[+] afl-clang
[+] afl-clang++
[+] afl-collect
[+] afl-multicore
[+] afl-minimize
[+] gdb
[+] afl-cov
[+] lcov
[+] genhtml
[+] sancov-3.8
[+] llvm-symbolizer-3.8
[+] pysancov
[+] Checking if requirements are met... done
[+] All requirements met. Orthrus is ready for use!
- Creates the following binaries
- ASAN+AFL instrumentation (fuzzing)
- AFL+HARDEN instrumentation only (fuzzing)
- ASAN Debug (triage)
- HARDEN Debug (triage)
- Gcov (coverage)
- All binaries installed in
subdir relative to WD root
$ orthrus create -fuzz -asan -cov
[+] Create Orthrus workspace
[+] Installing binaries for afl-fuzz with AddressSanitizer
[+] Configure... done
[+] Compile and install... done
[+] Verifying instrumentation... done
[+] Installing binaries for debug with AddressSanitizer
[+] Configure... done
[+] Compile and install... done
[+] Verifying instrumentation... done
[+] Installing binaries for afl-fuzz in harden mode
[+] Configure... done
[+] Compile and install... done
[+] Verifying instrumentation... done
[+] Installing binaries for debug in harden mode
[+] Configure... done
[+] Compile and install... done
[+] Verifying instrumentation... done
[+] Installing binaries for obtaining test coverage information
[+] Configure... done
[+] Compile and install... done
[+] Verifying instrumentation... done
- Sets up config for (local) multi-core job with AFL+HARDEN (master) and ASAN+AFL (slave)
- Each job allocated an independent data directory
- Can be operated (started, stopped, managed) independently
- Fuzzer and arguments are specified in a configuration file
$ cat routine.conf
"fuzzer": "afl-fuzz",
"fuzzer_args": ""
$ orthrus add --job="main @@" --jobtype=routine --jobconf=routine.conf
[+] Adding fuzzing job to Orthrus workspace
[+] Check Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Adding job for [main]... done
[+] Configuring job for [main]... done
- To remove an existing job, you need to look up the job ID first...
$ ls .orthrus/jobs/
1167520733 jobs.conf
- ...and pass the job ID as an argument to orthrus remove
$ orthrus remove -j 1167520733
[+] Removing fuzzing job from Orthrus workspace
[+] Check Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Archiving data for job [1167520733]... done
[+] Removing job for [1167520733]... done
- You can also import an existing AFL generated corpus tarball (contents of afl-sync-dir e.g., SESSION000, SESSION001, etc.)
$ orthrus add --job="main @@" -i=./afl-out.tar.gz --jobtype=routine --jobconf=routine.conf
[+] Adding fuzzing job to Orthrus workspace
[+] Check Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Adding job for [main]... done
[+] Configuring job for [main]... done
[+] Import afl sync dir for job [1167520733]... done
[+] Minimizing corpus for job [1167520733]...
[*] Looking for fuzzing queues in '/home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Projec
[*] Found 4 fuzzers, collecting samples.
[*] Successfully indexed 5 samples.
[*] Copying 5 samples into collection directory...
[*] Executing: afl-cmin -i /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthr
us/jobs/1167520733/collect -o /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/co
llect.cmin -- /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/binaries/afl-harden/bin/main @@
[*] Testing the target binary...
[*] Obtaining traces for input files in '/home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/collect'...
[*] Sorting trace sets (this may take a while)...
[*] Finding best candidates for each tuple...
[*] Sorting candidate list (be patient)...
[*] Processing candidates and writing output files...
[*] Performing dry-run in /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/collect.cmin...
[!] Be patient! Depending on the corpus size this step can take hours...
[!] Collection directory exists and is not empty!
[!] Skipping collection step...
[*] Reseeding collect.cmin into queue /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/afl-out/SESSION003/queue
[*] Reseeding collect.cmin into queue /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/afl-out/SESSION002/queue
[*] Reseeding collect.cmin into queue /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/afl-out/SESSION000/queue
[*] Reseeding collect.cmin into queue /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/afl-out/SESSION001/queue
- You can seed a job, like so
$ orthrus add --job="main @@" -s=./seeds --jobtype=routine --jobconf=routine.conf
[+] Adding fuzzing job to Orthrus workspace
[+] Check Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Adding job for [main]... done
[+] Configuring job for [main]... done
[+] Adding initial samples for job [main]... done
[+] Adding initial samples for job [main]... done
- To start fuzzing for a pre-defined job, you do
$ orthrus start -j 1167520733
[+] Starting fuzzing jobs
[+] Check Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Start Fuzzers for Job [1167520733]... Checking core_pattern...okay
[+] Starting AFL harden fuzzer job as master...done
[*] Starting master instance...
[+] Master 000 started (PID: 15969)
[*] Starting slave instances...
[+] Slave 001 started (PID: 15970)
[+] Starting AFL ASAN fuzzer job as slave...done
[*] Starting slave instances...
[+] Slave 001 started (PID: 16151)
[+] Slave 002 started (PID: 16155)
- To stop fuzzing, you do
$ orthrus stop -j 1167520733
[+] Stopping fuzzing jobs...done
- To resume an earlier session, do
$ orthrus start -j 1167520733 -m
[+] Starting fuzzing jobs
[+] Check Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Tidy fuzzer sync dir... done
[+] Minimizing corpus for job [1167520733]...
[*] Looking for fuzzing queues in '/home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Projec
[*] Found 1 fuzzers, collecting samples.
[*] Successfully indexed 3 samples.
[*] Copying 3 samples into collection directory...
[*] Executing: afl-cmin -i /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthr
us/jobs/1167520733/collect -o /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/co
llect.cmin -- /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/binaries/afl-harden/bin/main @@
[*] Testing the target binary...
[*] Obtaining traces for input files in '/home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/collect'...
[*] Sorting trace sets (this may take a while)...
[*] Finding best candidates for each tuple...
[*] Sorting candidate list (be patient)...
[*] Processing candidates and writing output files...
[*] Performing dry-run in /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/collect.cmin...
[!] Be patient! Depending on the corpus size this step can take hours...
[!] Collection directory exists and is not empty!
[!] Skipping collection step...
[*] Reseeding collect.cmin into queue /home/bhargava/work/gitlab/orthrus/testdata/Automake-Autoconf-Template-Project/.orthrus/jobs/1167520733/afl-out/SESSION000/queue
[+] Start Fuzzers for Job [1167520733]... Checking core_pattern...okay
[+] Starting AFL harden fuzzer job as master...done
[*] Starting master instance...
[+] Master 000 started (PID: 28501)
[*] Starting slave instances...
[+] Slave 001 started (PID: 28502)
[+] Starting AFL ASAN fuzzer job as slave...done
[*] Starting slave instances...
[+] Slave 001 started (PID: 28809)
[+] Slave 002 started (PID: 28813)
- The
flag minimizes the existing AFL corpus, archives the existing queue dir, reseeds it with the minimized seeds, and resumes fuzzing
You can either:
- Monitor test coverage during a live fuzzing session
$ orthrus start -j 1167520733 -c
[+] Starting fuzzing jobs
[+] Check Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Start afl-cov for Job [1167520733]... done
[+] Start Fuzzers for Job [1167520733]... Checking core_pattern...okay
[+] Starting AFL harden fuzzer job as master...done
[*] Starting master instance...
[+] Master 000 started (PID: 25378)
[*] Starting slave instances...
[+] Slave 001 started (PID: 25379)
- OR check test coverage post testing (when all instances of afl-fuzz are dead)
$ orthrus coverage -j 1167520733
[+] Checking test coverage for job [1167520733]... done
[+] Please check .orthrus/jobs/1167520733/afl-out/cov for coverage info
You may force stop a live afl-cov instance along with all fuzz sessions, like so
$ orthrus stop -j 1167520733 -c
[+] Stopping fuzzing jobs...done
[+] Stopping afl-cov for jobs...done
- To triage an existing AFL corpus, do
$ orthrus triage -j 1167520733
[+] Triaging crashes for job [1167520733]
[+] Collect and verify 'harden' mode crashes... done
[+] Tidying crash dir...done!
[+] Collect and verify 'asan' mode crashes... done
[+] Tidying crash dir...done!
[+] Collect and verify 'all' mode crashes... done
[+] Tidying crash dir...done!
[+] Triaged 15 crashes. See .orthrus/jobs/1167520733/unique/
- Crash spectrum technically means basic block coverage of crashing executions (slice) and differential basic block coverage of crashing minus non crashing input (dice)
- To obtain the spectra, do
$ orthrus spectrum -j 3138688894
[+] Starting spectrum generation for job ID [3138688894]
[+] Checking Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Retrieving job ID [3138688894]... done
[+] Generating crash spectrum routine job ID [3138688894]
*** Imported 60 new crash files from: .orthrus/jobs/routine/3138688894/afl-out/unique
[+] Processing crash file (1/60)
- Output is written to
- Run time information includes faulting addresses, crash backtrace etc.
- At the moment, only ASAN reports are parsed, in the future raw core dump parsing may be introduced
- The parsed information is JSONified in the output dir (filename corresponds to crashing input filename)
$ orthrus runtime -j 538551600
[+] Starting dynamic analysis of all crashes for job ID [538551600]
[+] Checking Orthrus workspace... done
[+] Retrieving job ID [538551600]... done
[+] Performing dynamic analysis of crashes for routine job ID [538551600]
[+] Analyzing crash 1 of 1... done
[+] JSONifying ASAN report... done
- Output is written to
- You may view configured jobs, like so
$ orthrus show -conf
Configured jobs found:
0) [1167520733] main @@
- You may view the current status of a job (via afl-whatsup)
$ orthrus show -j 1167520733
Status of jobs:
Job [1167520733] for target 'main':
Fuzzers alive : 0
Dead or remote : 2 (excluded from stats)
Total run time : 0 days, 0 hours
Total execs : 0 million
Cumulative speed : 0 execs/sec
Pending paths : 0 faves, 0 total
Crashes found : 0 locally unique
Triaged crashes : 0 available
- You may view coverage report (via afl-cov)
$ orthrus show -cov
Opening coverage html for job 1167520733 in a new browser tab
- This permanently deletes all orthrus data (under
$ orthrus destroy
[+] Destroy Orthrus workspace
[?] Delete complete workspace? [y/n]...: y
[+] Deleting all files... done