This READMORE includes additional information not coveredsin the README, with additional detail on variables, defaults, and the optional azcmagent and arc variables for automated agent download and Arc onboarding.
The variables are shown with their default value.
linux_count = 0
linux_prefix = "ubuntu"
Use in combination to generate an array of linux VM names. If linux_count = 2 then the array = ["ubuntu-01","ubuntu-02"].
windows_count = 0
windows_prefix = "win"
Does the same for windows VM names. Note that "windows" is not a permitted prefix as it is a trademarked word.
linux_vm_names = []
windows_vm_name = []
Use these to explicitly set the individual names. Overrides the count and prefix values.
linux_vm_names = ["red","blue"]
resource_group_name = onprem_servers
location = "UK South"
tags = {}
admin_username = onpremadmin
resource_prefix = ""
You can SSH to the VM and install the azcmagent manually.
If you to control whether this Terraform repo automatically download and install the azcmagent and then connects to Azure Arc then set:
azcmagent = {
windows = {
install = true
connect = true
linux = {
install = true
connect = true
Having connect = true for either OS type requires a defined arc object.
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.HybridCompute --subscription subscription_id
az provider show --namespace Microsoft.HybridCompute --subscription subscription_id --query registrationState
There are a number of ways of connecting:
If you want this Terraform repo to automatically connect the VM to Azure Arc then you will need a service principal with the Azure Connected Machine Onboarding role on a resource group.
Specify the following object in terraform.tfvars:
arc = {
tenant_id = "tenant"
service_principal_appid = "appId"
service_principal_secret = "password"
subscription_id = "subscriptionId"
resource_group_name = "arc"
location = "uksouth"
tags = {
platform = "vSphere"
datacentre = "Citadel"
location = "Reading"
The subscription ID, resource group name and location are for the onboarded (or connected) VMs. Do not confuse with the "on prem" Azure VMs created by this repo.
The tenant, appId and password are the values from az ad sp create-for-rbac
Example command to configure a service principal that has the onboarding role on a resource group:
rgid=$(az group create --name arc_pilot --location uksouth --query id --output tsv)
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role "Azure Connected Machine Onboarding" --scopes $rgid --output jsonc
The tags and their values are included as an example. If the tag values include any spaces then they will be converted to underscores.
Note that if you set the arc object then azcmagent will be set to true automatically.
An script is included that will automate steps for those
- Create a resource group
- Create a service principal
- Assign the Azure Connected Machine Onboarding role to the resource group
- Generates an file
The will work alongside your terraform.tfvars, so that the on prem VMs in the Terraform deployment will
- Download and install azcmagent
- Connect the VM to Azure using the service principal
If you then run the terraform workflow again then your VMs should be automatically onboarded.