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Matter |
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Meet your matter-specialist: Crownstone Labs |
matter, smart home devices, matter protocol, matter standard, matter-ready, matter-compatible |
matter.jpeg |
/matter |
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Get ready for the future of smart homes
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Crownstone makes your devices matter-compatible
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What's matter?
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More than 30 companies have already announced some of their devices to be matter-ready, which means that several smart home products must be matter-compatible by the end of 2023 to continue competing in the market.
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Those include Apple, Amazon, Google, and Samsung. If you want your products to be interoperable with the major smart home ecosystems, then matter is the way to go. While you focus on adding new features and improving the design of your product, Crownstone’s firmware experts make your devices matter-compatible.
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Our expertise
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{% include snippets/column-frame-begin img='/images/matter/protocols.png' img-alt='protocols' title="Wireless protocols"%}
Such as Matter, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, NFC, Wi-Fi, and more.
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{% include snippets/column-frame-begin img='/images/matter/embedded.png' img-alt='embedded' title="Embedded development"%}
DFU FOTA, bootloaders, embedded systems, mesh firmware, ...
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{% include snippets/global-container-begin %}
{% include snippets/column-frame-begin img='/images/matter/security.png' img-alt='security' title="Security"%}
Encryption, Cybersecurity, ...
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{% include snippets/column-frame-begin img='/images/matter/nordic.png' img-alt='microcontrollers' title="Microcontrollers"%}
Such as nRF52 series, ESP32, ...
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{% include snippets/slogan-begin background='blue' %}
Why become matter-compatible now?
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{% include snippets/centered-text-home-begin background='dark'%}
Matter is the next-gen smart home standard. It solves several smart home pain points while providing interoperability between devices and platforms. Check the statistics below to get an idea of the importance of matter for the new smart home era.
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Why Crownstone?
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We have the right expertise to work with matter. From wireless protocols to embedded development and encryption.
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We have helped with firmware challenges to companies such as Athom B.V and Gociety.
{% include snippets/two-cols-centered-text-img-end img='/images/matter/homey.png' img-alt='homey' %}
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We are specialized in smart home products since we also developed smart products ourselves.
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Getting software developers is an arduous and time-consuming task. We have a team of experts that can make your devices matter-compatible and reduce their time-to-market.
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Crownstone is based in the Netherlands which is important for Dutch and European mainland customers, especially to reduce risks concerning cybersecurity.
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Case study
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{% include snippets/two-cols-text-img-begin background="blue"%}
Crownstone collaborated with Athom B.V to help solve firmware challenges during the development of the newly released Homey Pro. Our team of embedded development experts contributed to speeding the firmware development for this smart home hub.
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Get in contact
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Be part of the new smart home era, Matter. Let us help you to make your devices matter-compatible. Connect with Anne to schedule a free meeting!
{% include snippets/two-cols-text-img-end img='/images/matter/annevanrossum.jpg' img-alt='anne van rossum' btn='true' btn-contact='anne' btn-text='Schedule a meeting'%}
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