Just now, you have to install the gems manually.
$ git clone git://github.com/tengine/tengine.git $ cd tengine $ rake spec $ rake rebuild $ gem i tengine_support/pkg/tengine_support-1.1.0.alpha1.gem $ gem i tengine_event/pkg/tengine_event-1.1.0.alpha1.gem $ gem i tengine_core/pkg/tengine_core-1.1.0.alpha1.gem
Start MongoDB
Start RabbitMQ
- Terminal A
$ bundle exec rails s
- Terminal B
$ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile-tengined bundle exec tengined -f config/tengined.yml.erb
When you create a new Product record, the Product record fires an event for tengine. Then tengined kicks the event handlder for tengine.example.on_create in app/tenigned/product_handler.rb.
create new product
open localhost:3000/product_logs and see a log created.
open localhost:3000/tengine/batches and see a batch logs.