Boilerplate for Nodejs-Sequelize-Angular6
- NodeJs
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Sequelize
- Angular 7.2 with angular cli
Node.js - 8.9+ Angular-CLI - 7.2+
Go to angular directory
- $ cd src/client
To install dependencies, please run
- $ npm install
You can configure api url which needed on angular services by editing the environment.ts it can under the directory
- src/client/src/environments
To run angular in development mode
- $ ng serve then your angular app developemnt mode is exposed in http://localhost:4200
To take production build
- $ npm run build then your production files are placed in "public" folder Note: This public folder is marked as static files in express configuration to serve files.
To install dependencies
- $ npm install
Then start the node server
- $ npm start
Front End URL : http://localhost:8000/ API URL : http://localhost:8000/api/