These code examples are a good place to start learning how to work with your instrument over a remote interface. Many examples are taken from the instruments' user manuals, check there first if you need help understanding the code.
See the main page for a description of this whole Repo.
TSP, Python, Visual Basic, C#, Go -
Python -
TSP, Python, Matlab, Visual Basic, LabVIEW -
TSP, Python -
TSP, Python, C# -
Model 2000 DMM
Visual Basic -
Model 2001 DMM
Visual Basic -
Model 2182A Nanovoltmeter
Visual Basic -
Model 4200A-SCS
Python -
Models 622x and 2182A
Python -
2200 Series Power Supplies
Python, C# -
2260B Series Power Supplies
Python -
2280S Series Power Supplies
TSP, Python -
2380 Series Electronic Loads
Python -
2400 Series Graphical SourceMeter™ Source Measure Units
TSP, Python -
2600B Series SourceMeter™ Source Measure Units
TSP, Python -
3706A Series System Switch/Multimeter
TSP, Python, Visual Basic, C#