The plugin creates the object window.plugins.webintent
with five methods:
Launches an Android intent. For example:
action: window.plugins.webintent.ACTION_VIEW,
url: 'geo:0,0?q=' + address},
function () {},
function () { alert('Failed to open URL via Android Intent'); }
Checks if this app was invoked with the specified extra. For example:
function (has) {
// `has` is true iff app invoked with specified extra
}, function () {
// `hasExtra` check failed
Gets the extra that this app was invoked with. For example:
function (url) {
// `url` is the value of EXTRA_TEXT
}, function () {
// There was no extra supplied.
Gets the URI the app was invoked with. For example:
window.plugins.webintent.getUri(function (uri) {
if (uri !== '') {
// `uri` is the uri the intent was launched with.
// If this is the first run after the app was installed via a link with an install referrer
// (e.g.
// then the Play Store will have fired an INSTALL_REFERRER intent that this plugin handles,
// and `uri` will contain the referrer value ("" in the example above).
// ref:
Gets called when onNewIntent
is called for the parent activity.
Used in only certain launchModes. For example:
window.plugins.webintent.onNewIntent(function (uri) {
if (uri !== '') {
// `uri` is the uri that was passed to onNewIntent
Sends a custom intent passing optional extras
action: 'com.dummybroadcast.action.triggerthing',
extras: { option: true }
}, function() {
}, function() {